Vol. XIX No. 01 Edisi Juni 2014 by Ta'dib Jurnal Pendidikan Islam

The globalization era, which is started from the information and communication technolog... more Abstract
The globalization era, which is started from the information and communication technology, requires the professionalism of the workers including the teacher. Professionals are workers who have skill, ability, and realize if the profession has an responsibility in work. Therefore, the teacher should improve the professionalism. The information technology progress will be useless if the teachers feel skeptic for this progress. The teacher should have an attitude whether he/she accept or reject to information technology. Furthermore, wether the teacher accepts the role paradigm which has been shifted because of information technology progress or not.
The utilization of information technology to provide teacher professionalism could be implemented by two ways, they are: 1) the use of computer programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point program to analyze the data and teaching media; and 2)the use of internet as learning source, communication tool, and some information source through email, mailing list, facebook, and blog.
Keywords: professionalism, Islamic religion education teacher, information and communication technology

There are some problems in Islamic education either theoretically or practically. Based o... more Abstrak
There are some problems in Islamic education either theoretically or practically. Based on its theoretical problem, it have not been definite the ontological Islamic education source and there was a dichotomy in Islamic education epistemology which is caused the separation of religion science and general science. Based on its practical problem, there was some moral degradation of the students in some Islamic institutions. This article describes the Islamic education analysis based on philosophical science perspective (ontology, epistemology, and axiology) and describes the solutions from those problems.
There were some conclusions taken from the description above; 1) based on Islamic education ontological theory, there are two kinds of science as they are material substance science and non-material substance science. 2) based on Islamic education epistemological theory, there are two kinds of science as they are kasbi science and ladunni science. 3) based on Islamic education axiological theory, there are two functions of science as they are beneficial for human being in real life and after life.
Keywords: Islamic education ontology, epistemology, axiology
The methodological problem on Islamic Religion Education learning (PAI) at schools is st... more Abstract
The methodological problem on Islamic Religion Education learning (PAI) at schools is still laid on direct learning so that it is hard to build students’ critical thinking. Constructivistik approach using cooperative learning, problem solving, and inquiry model can be used on PAI learning in terms of constructing students’ thinking in order that students are openly able to act and behave to realities taking place in society. Cooperative model is effective enough to construct tolerance among students. Religion learning correlated to active learning can develop morality aspects and religion values such as honesty, care, responsibility, discipline, and interaction.
Keywords: Islamic education, active learning, constructivistik, morality.

This study is a qualitative study. The objective of this study was to find out the manag... more Abstract
This study is a qualitative study. The objective of this study was to find out the managerial activity which was done by Biah section to use school mosque as character education laboratory for students at SMP Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Purwokerto Center Java. The interview, observation, and documentation were used to collect the data. The data were analyzed by general inductive approach. Based on the result of the study it was found that there were four activities that were done by Biah section to use school mosque as character education laboratory for students. The first is to plan the school mosque activity as character education laboratory. The second is to organize the school mosque activity as character education laboratory. The third is to implement the school mosque activity as character education laboratory, and the last is to evaluate the school mosque activity as character education laboratory.
Keywords: management, mosque, character, biah

The pretest result of an experimental group in al-Qur’an-Hadits subject on Tajwid materia... more Abstrak
The pretest result of an experimental group in al-Qur’an-Hadits subject on Tajwid material before PAIKEM strategy type lecturing plus (lecturing, singing, memorizing, and bribing) was implemented at Madrash Ibtidaiyah (MI) Ma’had Islami Palembang was at fair category or there were 20 students (71%) from 28 students that were taken as a sample. Moreover, there were 23 students (82%) at fair category from 28 students that were taken as a sample. Additionally, after comparing t value (to = 2,12) and t table (tt.ts.5% = 2.05 dan tt.ts. 1% = 2,77) it was found that to is higher than tt ; it was 2,05<2,12<2,77. Finally, because of that to is higher than tt it can be concluded that null hypothesis is rejected. It means that there was a significant different between the students who were taught before implementing PAIKEM strategy type lecturing plus and after implementing it.
Keywords: PAIKEM strategy type lecturing plus, result of the study

Most of teaching and learning process that used by the teacher is lecturing method. It c... more Abstract
Most of teaching and learning process that used by the teacher is lecturing method. It could be the reason that the students feel bored and effects to their bad score. In order to solve these problems, the teacher should select the appropriate method which could stimulate students to think and active in the teaching and learning process.
The result of the study showed that inquiry method could improve students score on Aqidah Akhlak subject especially on Mukjizat dan kejadian luar biasa lainya material. Moreover, it was found that there was a significant difference in students’ achievement between the students who were taught by the application of inquiry model on those who were not. The result could be seen that mean score of the students was 17. The post-test score was 10.08, and KKM was 47.37%. Moreover perbedaan t0 is higher than t_t either at significant level of 5% or at significant level of 1%, it was 2,00 < 5,19 > 2,65.
Keywords: inquiry learning model, result of the study, subject learning

The study was done based on the importance of relief found for quality Islamic educatio... more Abstract
The study was done based on the importance of relief found for quality Islamic education process. The problem of this study was how to get the donation from Zakat, Infak, and Sedekah (ZIS) Organization for quality Islamic education process. Based on this problem, the objective of the study was to explore Rumah Zakat donation performance for formal education process “Sekolah Juara”. The quantitative analysis technique through balanced scorecard approach was used to to analyze the education donation. The result of the study showed that Rumah Zakat performance at staffing, performance development, and network is continously influence to public education performance, donation service, and accountability. Futhrmore, these performances influence society confident and gain of ZIS which is improved day to day. Moreover, these factors also influence the utilization of donation to held “Sekolah Juara” formal education program.
Keywords: balanced scorecard, donation, education cost

The objective of this study is to find out the characteristics of teacher’s performance, spiritua... more The objective of this study is to find out the characteristics of teacher’s performance, spiritual intelligence, and self-efficacy also to find out the correlation between spiritual intelligence, self-efficacy either individually or collectively, and teacher’s performance at Madrasah Aliyah Al-Fatah. The descriptive and correlation method was used in this study. The population was teachers at MA Al-Fatah. The total number of respondents was 20. The technique for collecting the data was: psychological scale and questionnaire. The quantitative technique was used to analyze the data. The result of the study shows that: 1) most of the teachers (70) were at fair category based on the performance. 2) most of the teachers (65%) were at fair category based on the spiritual intelligence. 3) most of the teachers (70%) were at fair category based on the self-efficacy. 4) there were a positive and significant correlation between spiritual intelligence and teacher’s performance with contribution of 69.06%. 5) there was no a significant positive and correlation between self-efficacy and teacher’s performance with contribution of 17.72%. 6) there were a positive and significant correlation between spiritual intelligence and self-efficacy individually and collectively with contribution of 69.10%.
Keywords: spiritual intelligence, self-efficacy, teacher’s performance
Vol. XIX No. 02 November 2014 by Ta'dib Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
The dilemma of Malay language education at Patani, south Thai is depend on the Thai basic politic... more The dilemma of Malay language education at Patani, south Thai is depend on the Thai basic political country. Even though some of Thai government basic politics refers to decrease the role of Malay language at kingdom school or boarding school, in reality Malay language is still exist as compulsory language at boarding school. This article also describes the obligation of the students to learn for languages such as Thai, Malay, English, and Arabic. On school hours, the students usually talk with Thai than Malay. The situation happen because Malay language is margined by Thai government educational system.
The Political will determine advancement and deterioration for education. No matter wha... more Abstract
The Political will determine advancement and deterioration for education. No matter what achieved or any form of education, both positive and negative is part of the process of interest and political intrigues. Scientific movements of changes and transformation of society is always driven by political patronise. In this context, politics appears to be the main support of the achievement of triumph the education system.
Keywords: politic, education, madrasah nizhamiyah

The substance of education is knowledge transformation process. Therefore, it needs appr... more Abstract
The substance of education is knowledge transformation process. Therefore, it needs appropriate methods and media to transfer it. In Islamic education context, these methods and media seem to be education curriculum. Moreover, the objective is moral establishment. Once the education curriculum is satisfactory, it could establish ethical person. One of the important curriculum aspects is right understanding of thinking concept according to Al-Qur’an. Conceptually, thinking has a very deep meaning. It was stated in some ayahs in Al-Qur’an. Some of them stated in the terms of: tafakkur, tadzakkur, tadabbur, and ta’aqqul. Specially, those terms have their special meanings. Those meanings lead up to one concept as heart concept (Qalb). Simply, thinking concept in Al-Qur’an a thinking process that involve heart and mind in understanding knowledge. Additionally, if this concept is implemented in education, it could create good characteristic human being because heart (Islamic perspective) is the place of iman, ihsan, taqwa, ikhlas, ridha, and so on.
Keywords: thinking concept, tafakkur, ta’aqqul, moral education
Islam is a religion, based on god revelation is no doubt inside. Every Muslim realizes th... more Abstrak
Islam is a religion, based on god revelation is no doubt inside. Every Muslim realizes this truth. In the other hand, Islam is not only dichotomist religion but also science which could not be separated from the knowledge and technology improvement nowadays. The focus of Islam is on Islamic science. At the previous decades, there was sciences dichotomy between Islamic science and general science such as physics, social, humanist, and so on. That reality is happened on some Islamic institution as Islamic science learning administration and improvement practitioners. An unacceptable condition will be arise if this dichotomy problem is not solved by the stakeholders.
This study is focus on paradigm and implementation approach of integration-interconnection in Islamic religion education learning.
Keywords: integrative-connective, paradigmatic, implementation

The use of some different methods, techniques, media, could cover students’ characterist... more Abstract
The use of some different methods, techniques, media, could cover students’ characteristics and students’ final result. One of those techniques is mind mapping. Mind mapping is brain approach technique that allows us to make some notes in a page. By using visual and graphic stimulation, mind mapping provides deeper images.
The result of the study showed that: 1) there were 15 (56%) of 27 students from an experimental group/class V.1 were at fair category. 2) there were 16 (59%) of 27 students from control group/class V.3 were at fair category. 3) the comparing test after comparing t value was (to = 4, 8) and t table is (tt.ts.5% = 2, 01 dan tt.ts. 1% = 2, 68). It can be concluded that to is higher than tt; or 2, 01<4, 8<2, 68. It means that there were a significant difference before implementing mind mapping technique and after implementing it (Ha accepted).
Keywords: mind mapping technique, result of the study, Islamic Cultural History

School as one of education unit that be able optimize all of learning environment to con... more Abstract
School as one of education unit that be able optimize all of learning environment to construct, to strength, or repair continually the process of educational character, including the character of care about surrounding. SDN Tunjungsekar I Malang and SDN Tulungrejo 4 Batu are some of elementary school in Malang that can achieve the predicate as Adiwiyata Mandiri school that have vision and mission as care and cultured surrounding/environment school. The purposes of this research are to know what strategies that uses to construct the character care about environment and students care environment behavior at both of two schools.
The result of this research are; (1) the strategy of constructing care about environment character classified into four are through learning and teaching process, the culture of school, extrakulikuler activities, and reinforcement from parents. (2) the behavior of care about environment in both of school such as threw the rubbish on dustbin, take a like and take a dumb in toilet, daily shift program, care attitude with all plants around the school by take care of it all and unbroken it all, and there is effort to reminded people around them to keep environment clean. Also using water sufficiently by turn off water taps after use it is the kind of save water attitude.
Keywords: strategy of character figuration, character of care about environment, adiwiyata mandiri.

Indonesia nowadays faces some moral issues in teenagers scope or adult scope such as the... more Abstract
Indonesia nowadays faces some moral issues in teenagers scope or adult scope such as the use of drugs, violence, rascality, abortion, persecution, gambling, prostitution, and so on. Those problems are very danger for the country. Therefore, moral education is very important in this situation. The study was done at SMA Taruna Indonesia Palembang by the tittle: “the Implementation of boarding School Program for Students Moral education at SMA Taruna Indonesia Palembang”.
Based on the result of the stuy, it was found that the implementation of boarding school program to educate students’moral at SMA Taruna Indonesia Palembang was applied throug dicipline implementation program and religion education program. Those two programs were applied by preventive and currative treatment.
Moreover, there were some factors which support students’ moral education at SMA Taruna Indonesia Palembang such as students motivation, advisors dedication, 24 hours education and guidance, good coordination between advisors, teachers, securities, and other staff, and far location of boarding school from city center.
As long as the teenager is an unstable period, there weremany difficulties in educate them. Finally,it is hoped that school stakeholders could improve the school management so that those difficulties could be solved and moral education could be applied.
Keywords: boarding school, morality building

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 3 Palembang is unique enough to be studied because since in... more Abstract
Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 3 Palembang is unique enough to be studied because since inception of Islamic religion teacher education institutions. The results of this study found that type of leadership visoner is owned by head of Man 3 Palembang oriented management of change and continues over time. Visionary leadership is the key. Head of MAN 3 Palembang has been able to create, formulate, communicate, socialize, transform, and implement the ideal thoughts coming from him and the result of social interaction between members of organization and stakeholders that are believed to achieve ideals of organization in the future. In addition, management of change has been initiated through an internal analysis of the organization by identifying four areas, namely services, finance, human resources and facilities in order to discover the strengths and weaknesses internal to the organization. All of this has been the commitment of all personnel MAN 3 Palembang to achieve my goals and success. Lastly, head of MAN 3 Palembang has been able to implement management changes, so that the organization built quality improvement-oriented leadership, teacher quality, school programs, students' final exam results, student achievement and strong school culture.
Keywords: implementation, management of change, MAN 3 Palembang
Vol XVIII No. 01 Juni 2013 by Ta'dib Jurnal Pendidikan Islam

The quality of madrasah and professionalism of teachers are an important element that continues ... more The quality of madrasah and professionalism of teachers are an important element that continues under the spotlight of various circles. It is considered reasonable for the development of madrasas in quantity does not accompanied by an increase in the quality / grade. In this era of globalization, in order to remain in existence, the school must pay attention to the quality. To that end, realize the quality of madrasah, as the essential prerequisite is the professionalism of teachers. Teachers are professionals who have the four competencies that pedagogic competence, personal, professional and social. Teachers are professional and qualified madrassas demands that must be realized in the era of globalization. This is reinforced by the emergence of the Law No. 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers. The existence of this law meant that teachers have sufficient competence to the intellectual life of the nation.

So far, the methods used by teachers in the learning process tend to conventional teaching method... more So far, the methods used by teachers in the learning process tend to conventional teaching methods which only includes students come , sit , write material that has been written by the teacher on the board , listening to the teacher explaining the material and do the work , using the lecture method . The impact, learning tends to be passive and bored quickly. This kind of learning situation is almost no opportunity for students to express their creativity, so the quality of the quality of learning also becomes low. Constructivism learning model seems to be one of the answers to these problems. Therefore, in this learning model students are preferred. Teaching and learning process in constructivism model student centered more colored than teacher centered. Constructivism model is more empowering for the class as a learning centered not for teaching; not teaching process but learning process. This is in accordance with the curriculum 2013, is autenthic assessment; assessment process and results.
Management of educational quality improvement is the integration of all function and processes wi... more Management of educational quality improvement is the integration of all function and processes within an educational organization in order to achieve continuous improvement of the quality of school outputs and services. The main objective is the satisfactions of the clients or customers. In the educational or school organization, there are three basic definitions of quality assurance, contract conformance, and customer driven. The application of TQM in the context of educational organizations is based on a framework that educational managers are able to make the process of improvement.
Human being has a potential capacity to determine themselves with their own efforts to make educa... more Human being has a potential capacity to determine themselves with their own efforts to make education became their alternative choice to actualize themselves. In education process, human being position are always put as a starting point and ultimate goal becuase it is as their main goal of education. Islamic education phyloshopy clearly discusses human in Islamic concept. Human in islamic education is a unity of physical components, and the third components in every human lives as their potential support to retain their lives better. So, it must be supported with a such kind of media which is called education. With education, many kinds of potention can make a true Islamic human as the follower and messeger of Allah.
Vol. XIX No. 01 Edisi Juni 2014 by Ta'dib Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
The globalization era, which is started from the information and communication technology, requires the professionalism of the workers including the teacher. Professionals are workers who have skill, ability, and realize if the profession has an responsibility in work. Therefore, the teacher should improve the professionalism. The information technology progress will be useless if the teachers feel skeptic for this progress. The teacher should have an attitude whether he/she accept or reject to information technology. Furthermore, wether the teacher accepts the role paradigm which has been shifted because of information technology progress or not.
The utilization of information technology to provide teacher professionalism could be implemented by two ways, they are: 1) the use of computer programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point program to analyze the data and teaching media; and 2)the use of internet as learning source, communication tool, and some information source through email, mailing list, facebook, and blog.
Keywords: professionalism, Islamic religion education teacher, information and communication technology
There are some problems in Islamic education either theoretically or practically. Based on its theoretical problem, it have not been definite the ontological Islamic education source and there was a dichotomy in Islamic education epistemology which is caused the separation of religion science and general science. Based on its practical problem, there was some moral degradation of the students in some Islamic institutions. This article describes the Islamic education analysis based on philosophical science perspective (ontology, epistemology, and axiology) and describes the solutions from those problems.
There were some conclusions taken from the description above; 1) based on Islamic education ontological theory, there are two kinds of science as they are material substance science and non-material substance science. 2) based on Islamic education epistemological theory, there are two kinds of science as they are kasbi science and ladunni science. 3) based on Islamic education axiological theory, there are two functions of science as they are beneficial for human being in real life and after life.
Keywords: Islamic education ontology, epistemology, axiology
The methodological problem on Islamic Religion Education learning (PAI) at schools is still laid on direct learning so that it is hard to build students’ critical thinking. Constructivistik approach using cooperative learning, problem solving, and inquiry model can be used on PAI learning in terms of constructing students’ thinking in order that students are openly able to act and behave to realities taking place in society. Cooperative model is effective enough to construct tolerance among students. Religion learning correlated to active learning can develop morality aspects and religion values such as honesty, care, responsibility, discipline, and interaction.
Keywords: Islamic education, active learning, constructivistik, morality.
This study is a qualitative study. The objective of this study was to find out the managerial activity which was done by Biah section to use school mosque as character education laboratory for students at SMP Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Purwokerto Center Java. The interview, observation, and documentation were used to collect the data. The data were analyzed by general inductive approach. Based on the result of the study it was found that there were four activities that were done by Biah section to use school mosque as character education laboratory for students. The first is to plan the school mosque activity as character education laboratory. The second is to organize the school mosque activity as character education laboratory. The third is to implement the school mosque activity as character education laboratory, and the last is to evaluate the school mosque activity as character education laboratory.
Keywords: management, mosque, character, biah
The pretest result of an experimental group in al-Qur’an-Hadits subject on Tajwid material before PAIKEM strategy type lecturing plus (lecturing, singing, memorizing, and bribing) was implemented at Madrash Ibtidaiyah (MI) Ma’had Islami Palembang was at fair category or there were 20 students (71%) from 28 students that were taken as a sample. Moreover, there were 23 students (82%) at fair category from 28 students that were taken as a sample. Additionally, after comparing t value (to = 2,12) and t table (tt.ts.5% = 2.05 dan tt.ts. 1% = 2,77) it was found that to is higher than tt ; it was 2,05<2,12<2,77. Finally, because of that to is higher than tt it can be concluded that null hypothesis is rejected. It means that there was a significant different between the students who were taught before implementing PAIKEM strategy type lecturing plus and after implementing it.
Keywords: PAIKEM strategy type lecturing plus, result of the study
Most of teaching and learning process that used by the teacher is lecturing method. It could be the reason that the students feel bored and effects to their bad score. In order to solve these problems, the teacher should select the appropriate method which could stimulate students to think and active in the teaching and learning process.
The result of the study showed that inquiry method could improve students score on Aqidah Akhlak subject especially on Mukjizat dan kejadian luar biasa lainya material. Moreover, it was found that there was a significant difference in students’ achievement between the students who were taught by the application of inquiry model on those who were not. The result could be seen that mean score of the students was 17. The post-test score was 10.08, and KKM was 47.37%. Moreover perbedaan t0 is higher than t_t either at significant level of 5% or at significant level of 1%, it was 2,00 < 5,19 > 2,65.
Keywords: inquiry learning model, result of the study, subject learning
The study was done based on the importance of relief found for quality Islamic education process. The problem of this study was how to get the donation from Zakat, Infak, and Sedekah (ZIS) Organization for quality Islamic education process. Based on this problem, the objective of the study was to explore Rumah Zakat donation performance for formal education process “Sekolah Juara”. The quantitative analysis technique through balanced scorecard approach was used to to analyze the education donation. The result of the study showed that Rumah Zakat performance at staffing, performance development, and network is continously influence to public education performance, donation service, and accountability. Futhrmore, these performances influence society confident and gain of ZIS which is improved day to day. Moreover, these factors also influence the utilization of donation to held “Sekolah Juara” formal education program.
Keywords: balanced scorecard, donation, education cost
Keywords: spiritual intelligence, self-efficacy, teacher’s performance
Vol. XIX No. 02 November 2014 by Ta'dib Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
The Political will determine advancement and deterioration for education. No matter what achieved or any form of education, both positive and negative is part of the process of interest and political intrigues. Scientific movements of changes and transformation of society is always driven by political patronise. In this context, politics appears to be the main support of the achievement of triumph the education system.
Keywords: politic, education, madrasah nizhamiyah
The substance of education is knowledge transformation process. Therefore, it needs appropriate methods and media to transfer it. In Islamic education context, these methods and media seem to be education curriculum. Moreover, the objective is moral establishment. Once the education curriculum is satisfactory, it could establish ethical person. One of the important curriculum aspects is right understanding of thinking concept according to Al-Qur’an. Conceptually, thinking has a very deep meaning. It was stated in some ayahs in Al-Qur’an. Some of them stated in the terms of: tafakkur, tadzakkur, tadabbur, and ta’aqqul. Specially, those terms have their special meanings. Those meanings lead up to one concept as heart concept (Qalb). Simply, thinking concept in Al-Qur’an a thinking process that involve heart and mind in understanding knowledge. Additionally, if this concept is implemented in education, it could create good characteristic human being because heart (Islamic perspective) is the place of iman, ihsan, taqwa, ikhlas, ridha, and so on.
Keywords: thinking concept, tafakkur, ta’aqqul, moral education
Islam is a religion, based on god revelation is no doubt inside. Every Muslim realizes this truth. In the other hand, Islam is not only dichotomist religion but also science which could not be separated from the knowledge and technology improvement nowadays. The focus of Islam is on Islamic science. At the previous decades, there was sciences dichotomy between Islamic science and general science such as physics, social, humanist, and so on. That reality is happened on some Islamic institution as Islamic science learning administration and improvement practitioners. An unacceptable condition will be arise if this dichotomy problem is not solved by the stakeholders.
This study is focus on paradigm and implementation approach of integration-interconnection in Islamic religion education learning.
Keywords: integrative-connective, paradigmatic, implementation
The use of some different methods, techniques, media, could cover students’ characteristics and students’ final result. One of those techniques is mind mapping. Mind mapping is brain approach technique that allows us to make some notes in a page. By using visual and graphic stimulation, mind mapping provides deeper images.
The result of the study showed that: 1) there were 15 (56%) of 27 students from an experimental group/class V.1 were at fair category. 2) there were 16 (59%) of 27 students from control group/class V.3 were at fair category. 3) the comparing test after comparing t value was (to = 4, 8) and t table is (tt.ts.5% = 2, 01 dan tt.ts. 1% = 2, 68). It can be concluded that to is higher than tt; or 2, 01<4, 8<2, 68. It means that there were a significant difference before implementing mind mapping technique and after implementing it (Ha accepted).
Keywords: mind mapping technique, result of the study, Islamic Cultural History
School as one of education unit that be able optimize all of learning environment to construct, to strength, or repair continually the process of educational character, including the character of care about surrounding. SDN Tunjungsekar I Malang and SDN Tulungrejo 4 Batu are some of elementary school in Malang that can achieve the predicate as Adiwiyata Mandiri school that have vision and mission as care and cultured surrounding/environment school. The purposes of this research are to know what strategies that uses to construct the character care about environment and students care environment behavior at both of two schools.
The result of this research are; (1) the strategy of constructing care about environment character classified into four are through learning and teaching process, the culture of school, extrakulikuler activities, and reinforcement from parents. (2) the behavior of care about environment in both of school such as threw the rubbish on dustbin, take a like and take a dumb in toilet, daily shift program, care attitude with all plants around the school by take care of it all and unbroken it all, and there is effort to reminded people around them to keep environment clean. Also using water sufficiently by turn off water taps after use it is the kind of save water attitude.
Keywords: strategy of character figuration, character of care about environment, adiwiyata mandiri.
Indonesia nowadays faces some moral issues in teenagers scope or adult scope such as the use of drugs, violence, rascality, abortion, persecution, gambling, prostitution, and so on. Those problems are very danger for the country. Therefore, moral education is very important in this situation. The study was done at SMA Taruna Indonesia Palembang by the tittle: “the Implementation of boarding School Program for Students Moral education at SMA Taruna Indonesia Palembang”.
Based on the result of the stuy, it was found that the implementation of boarding school program to educate students’moral at SMA Taruna Indonesia Palembang was applied throug dicipline implementation program and religion education program. Those two programs were applied by preventive and currative treatment.
Moreover, there were some factors which support students’ moral education at SMA Taruna Indonesia Palembang such as students motivation, advisors dedication, 24 hours education and guidance, good coordination between advisors, teachers, securities, and other staff, and far location of boarding school from city center.
As long as the teenager is an unstable period, there weremany difficulties in educate them. Finally,it is hoped that school stakeholders could improve the school management so that those difficulties could be solved and moral education could be applied.
Keywords: boarding school, morality building
Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 3 Palembang is unique enough to be studied because since inception of Islamic religion teacher education institutions. The results of this study found that type of leadership visoner is owned by head of Man 3 Palembang oriented management of change and continues over time. Visionary leadership is the key. Head of MAN 3 Palembang has been able to create, formulate, communicate, socialize, transform, and implement the ideal thoughts coming from him and the result of social interaction between members of organization and stakeholders that are believed to achieve ideals of organization in the future. In addition, management of change has been initiated through an internal analysis of the organization by identifying four areas, namely services, finance, human resources and facilities in order to discover the strengths and weaknesses internal to the organization. All of this has been the commitment of all personnel MAN 3 Palembang to achieve my goals and success. Lastly, head of MAN 3 Palembang has been able to implement management changes, so that the organization built quality improvement-oriented leadership, teacher quality, school programs, students' final exam results, student achievement and strong school culture.
Keywords: implementation, management of change, MAN 3 Palembang
Vol XVIII No. 01 Juni 2013 by Ta'dib Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
The globalization era, which is started from the information and communication technology, requires the professionalism of the workers including the teacher. Professionals are workers who have skill, ability, and realize if the profession has an responsibility in work. Therefore, the teacher should improve the professionalism. The information technology progress will be useless if the teachers feel skeptic for this progress. The teacher should have an attitude whether he/she accept or reject to information technology. Furthermore, wether the teacher accepts the role paradigm which has been shifted because of information technology progress or not.
The utilization of information technology to provide teacher professionalism could be implemented by two ways, they are: 1) the use of computer programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point program to analyze the data and teaching media; and 2)the use of internet as learning source, communication tool, and some information source through email, mailing list, facebook, and blog.
Keywords: professionalism, Islamic religion education teacher, information and communication technology
There are some problems in Islamic education either theoretically or practically. Based on its theoretical problem, it have not been definite the ontological Islamic education source and there was a dichotomy in Islamic education epistemology which is caused the separation of religion science and general science. Based on its practical problem, there was some moral degradation of the students in some Islamic institutions. This article describes the Islamic education analysis based on philosophical science perspective (ontology, epistemology, and axiology) and describes the solutions from those problems.
There were some conclusions taken from the description above; 1) based on Islamic education ontological theory, there are two kinds of science as they are material substance science and non-material substance science. 2) based on Islamic education epistemological theory, there are two kinds of science as they are kasbi science and ladunni science. 3) based on Islamic education axiological theory, there are two functions of science as they are beneficial for human being in real life and after life.
Keywords: Islamic education ontology, epistemology, axiology
The methodological problem on Islamic Religion Education learning (PAI) at schools is still laid on direct learning so that it is hard to build students’ critical thinking. Constructivistik approach using cooperative learning, problem solving, and inquiry model can be used on PAI learning in terms of constructing students’ thinking in order that students are openly able to act and behave to realities taking place in society. Cooperative model is effective enough to construct tolerance among students. Religion learning correlated to active learning can develop morality aspects and religion values such as honesty, care, responsibility, discipline, and interaction.
Keywords: Islamic education, active learning, constructivistik, morality.
This study is a qualitative study. The objective of this study was to find out the managerial activity which was done by Biah section to use school mosque as character education laboratory for students at SMP Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Purwokerto Center Java. The interview, observation, and documentation were used to collect the data. The data were analyzed by general inductive approach. Based on the result of the study it was found that there were four activities that were done by Biah section to use school mosque as character education laboratory for students. The first is to plan the school mosque activity as character education laboratory. The second is to organize the school mosque activity as character education laboratory. The third is to implement the school mosque activity as character education laboratory, and the last is to evaluate the school mosque activity as character education laboratory.
Keywords: management, mosque, character, biah
The pretest result of an experimental group in al-Qur’an-Hadits subject on Tajwid material before PAIKEM strategy type lecturing plus (lecturing, singing, memorizing, and bribing) was implemented at Madrash Ibtidaiyah (MI) Ma’had Islami Palembang was at fair category or there were 20 students (71%) from 28 students that were taken as a sample. Moreover, there were 23 students (82%) at fair category from 28 students that were taken as a sample. Additionally, after comparing t value (to = 2,12) and t table (tt.ts.5% = 2.05 dan tt.ts. 1% = 2,77) it was found that to is higher than tt ; it was 2,05<2,12<2,77. Finally, because of that to is higher than tt it can be concluded that null hypothesis is rejected. It means that there was a significant different between the students who were taught before implementing PAIKEM strategy type lecturing plus and after implementing it.
Keywords: PAIKEM strategy type lecturing plus, result of the study
Most of teaching and learning process that used by the teacher is lecturing method. It could be the reason that the students feel bored and effects to their bad score. In order to solve these problems, the teacher should select the appropriate method which could stimulate students to think and active in the teaching and learning process.
The result of the study showed that inquiry method could improve students score on Aqidah Akhlak subject especially on Mukjizat dan kejadian luar biasa lainya material. Moreover, it was found that there was a significant difference in students’ achievement between the students who were taught by the application of inquiry model on those who were not. The result could be seen that mean score of the students was 17. The post-test score was 10.08, and KKM was 47.37%. Moreover perbedaan t0 is higher than t_t either at significant level of 5% or at significant level of 1%, it was 2,00 < 5,19 > 2,65.
Keywords: inquiry learning model, result of the study, subject learning
The study was done based on the importance of relief found for quality Islamic education process. The problem of this study was how to get the donation from Zakat, Infak, and Sedekah (ZIS) Organization for quality Islamic education process. Based on this problem, the objective of the study was to explore Rumah Zakat donation performance for formal education process “Sekolah Juara”. The quantitative analysis technique through balanced scorecard approach was used to to analyze the education donation. The result of the study showed that Rumah Zakat performance at staffing, performance development, and network is continously influence to public education performance, donation service, and accountability. Futhrmore, these performances influence society confident and gain of ZIS which is improved day to day. Moreover, these factors also influence the utilization of donation to held “Sekolah Juara” formal education program.
Keywords: balanced scorecard, donation, education cost
Keywords: spiritual intelligence, self-efficacy, teacher’s performance
The Political will determine advancement and deterioration for education. No matter what achieved or any form of education, both positive and negative is part of the process of interest and political intrigues. Scientific movements of changes and transformation of society is always driven by political patronise. In this context, politics appears to be the main support of the achievement of triumph the education system.
Keywords: politic, education, madrasah nizhamiyah
The substance of education is knowledge transformation process. Therefore, it needs appropriate methods and media to transfer it. In Islamic education context, these methods and media seem to be education curriculum. Moreover, the objective is moral establishment. Once the education curriculum is satisfactory, it could establish ethical person. One of the important curriculum aspects is right understanding of thinking concept according to Al-Qur’an. Conceptually, thinking has a very deep meaning. It was stated in some ayahs in Al-Qur’an. Some of them stated in the terms of: tafakkur, tadzakkur, tadabbur, and ta’aqqul. Specially, those terms have their special meanings. Those meanings lead up to one concept as heart concept (Qalb). Simply, thinking concept in Al-Qur’an a thinking process that involve heart and mind in understanding knowledge. Additionally, if this concept is implemented in education, it could create good characteristic human being because heart (Islamic perspective) is the place of iman, ihsan, taqwa, ikhlas, ridha, and so on.
Keywords: thinking concept, tafakkur, ta’aqqul, moral education
Islam is a religion, based on god revelation is no doubt inside. Every Muslim realizes this truth. In the other hand, Islam is not only dichotomist religion but also science which could not be separated from the knowledge and technology improvement nowadays. The focus of Islam is on Islamic science. At the previous decades, there was sciences dichotomy between Islamic science and general science such as physics, social, humanist, and so on. That reality is happened on some Islamic institution as Islamic science learning administration and improvement practitioners. An unacceptable condition will be arise if this dichotomy problem is not solved by the stakeholders.
This study is focus on paradigm and implementation approach of integration-interconnection in Islamic religion education learning.
Keywords: integrative-connective, paradigmatic, implementation
The use of some different methods, techniques, media, could cover students’ characteristics and students’ final result. One of those techniques is mind mapping. Mind mapping is brain approach technique that allows us to make some notes in a page. By using visual and graphic stimulation, mind mapping provides deeper images.
The result of the study showed that: 1) there were 15 (56%) of 27 students from an experimental group/class V.1 were at fair category. 2) there were 16 (59%) of 27 students from control group/class V.3 were at fair category. 3) the comparing test after comparing t value was (to = 4, 8) and t table is (tt.ts.5% = 2, 01 dan tt.ts. 1% = 2, 68). It can be concluded that to is higher than tt; or 2, 01<4, 8<2, 68. It means that there were a significant difference before implementing mind mapping technique and after implementing it (Ha accepted).
Keywords: mind mapping technique, result of the study, Islamic Cultural History
School as one of education unit that be able optimize all of learning environment to construct, to strength, or repair continually the process of educational character, including the character of care about surrounding. SDN Tunjungsekar I Malang and SDN Tulungrejo 4 Batu are some of elementary school in Malang that can achieve the predicate as Adiwiyata Mandiri school that have vision and mission as care and cultured surrounding/environment school. The purposes of this research are to know what strategies that uses to construct the character care about environment and students care environment behavior at both of two schools.
The result of this research are; (1) the strategy of constructing care about environment character classified into four are through learning and teaching process, the culture of school, extrakulikuler activities, and reinforcement from parents. (2) the behavior of care about environment in both of school such as threw the rubbish on dustbin, take a like and take a dumb in toilet, daily shift program, care attitude with all plants around the school by take care of it all and unbroken it all, and there is effort to reminded people around them to keep environment clean. Also using water sufficiently by turn off water taps after use it is the kind of save water attitude.
Keywords: strategy of character figuration, character of care about environment, adiwiyata mandiri.
Indonesia nowadays faces some moral issues in teenagers scope or adult scope such as the use of drugs, violence, rascality, abortion, persecution, gambling, prostitution, and so on. Those problems are very danger for the country. Therefore, moral education is very important in this situation. The study was done at SMA Taruna Indonesia Palembang by the tittle: “the Implementation of boarding School Program for Students Moral education at SMA Taruna Indonesia Palembang”.
Based on the result of the stuy, it was found that the implementation of boarding school program to educate students’moral at SMA Taruna Indonesia Palembang was applied throug dicipline implementation program and religion education program. Those two programs were applied by preventive and currative treatment.
Moreover, there were some factors which support students’ moral education at SMA Taruna Indonesia Palembang such as students motivation, advisors dedication, 24 hours education and guidance, good coordination between advisors, teachers, securities, and other staff, and far location of boarding school from city center.
As long as the teenager is an unstable period, there weremany difficulties in educate them. Finally,it is hoped that school stakeholders could improve the school management so that those difficulties could be solved and moral education could be applied.
Keywords: boarding school, morality building
Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 3 Palembang is unique enough to be studied because since inception of Islamic religion teacher education institutions. The results of this study found that type of leadership visoner is owned by head of Man 3 Palembang oriented management of change and continues over time. Visionary leadership is the key. Head of MAN 3 Palembang has been able to create, formulate, communicate, socialize, transform, and implement the ideal thoughts coming from him and the result of social interaction between members of organization and stakeholders that are believed to achieve ideals of organization in the future. In addition, management of change has been initiated through an internal analysis of the organization by identifying four areas, namely services, finance, human resources and facilities in order to discover the strengths and weaknesses internal to the organization. All of this has been the commitment of all personnel MAN 3 Palembang to achieve my goals and success. Lastly, head of MAN 3 Palembang has been able to implement management changes, so that the organization built quality improvement-oriented leadership, teacher quality, school programs, students' final exam results, student achievement and strong school culture.
Keywords: implementation, management of change, MAN 3 Palembang
Of course, the whole matter cannot be separated from the Total Quality Management (TQM), which is the chief of the concept of quality. Eventhough at the beginning TQM itself was used by the company or business sector but today has grown up and spread to the world of education. It is because basically, the management system between the company and the management of the education system is relatively the same, especially related to the primary goal of TQM that is to give priority to customer satisfaction and quality compared to other things. Thus, the quality of education is a key sector for TQM concepts to develop an institution variously, creatively and innovatively.