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The 9q34.3 subtelomeric deletion syndrome is a newly defined mental retardation syndrome, caused by haplo-insufficiency of the euchromatin histone methyltransferase 1 (EHMT1) gene. Patients also have childhood hypotonia, facial... more
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      AutismSocial InteractionAnxietyMental Retardation
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      Confidence intervalsHealth StatusAgedLongitudinal Studies
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      PsychometricsEvaluationTreatment OutcomeActivities of Daily Living
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      PainDepressionKidney transplantationAdolescent
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      Kidney transplantationProspective studiesHealth StatusClinical Sciences
van Koppenhagen CF, Post MW, van der Woude LH, de Groot S, de Witte LP, van Asbeck FW, van den Heuvel W, Lindeman E: Recovery of life satisfaction in persons with spinal cord injury during inpatient rehabilitation. Am J Phys Med Rehabil... more
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      PainQuality of lifeAdolescentProspective studies
The education and activation program (EAP) is a newly developed intervention to prevent the development of chronic shoulder complaints (SCs). Trained general practitioners (GPs) administer the EAP. The EAP addresses inadequate cognitions... more
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      Quality of Mental Health CareTreatment OutcomeFamily PracticeProbability
Background: There is an interest for intervention studies aiming at the prevention of disability in community-dwelling physically frail older persons, though an overview on their content, methodological quality and effectiveness is lacking.
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      Clinical TrialExercise therapyActivities of Daily LivingLibrary and Information Studies
The education and activation programme (EAP) aims at coping with psychosocial determinants to prevent the development of chronic shoulder complaints (SCs). The effect of the EAP on functional limitations and patient-perceived recovery... more
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      Program EvaluationPsychologyRehabilitationChronic Disease
Little is known about the way people with aphasia perceive their social participation and its influencing factors. Aims: To explore how people with aphasia perceive participation in society and to investigate influencing factors.
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      Cognitive ScienceCommunicationSpeech-Language Pathology/ Communication DisordersFocus Groups
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      NursingDiscriminant AnalysisNeeds AssessmentNursing Homes
About half of all newly presented episodes of shoulder complaints (SC) in general practice are reported to last for at least six months. Early interventions aimed at the psychological and social determinants of SC are not common in... more
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      Program EvaluationGeneral PracticeHealth BehaviorEarly Intervention
Background: Accreditation of healthcare organizations is a widely used method to assess and improve quality of healthcare. Our aim was to determine the effectiveness of improvement plans in practice accreditation of primary care... more
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      BioinformaticsPrimary Health CareLife SciencesQuality Improvement
Background: In many countries, quality indicators are used to assess the quality of care of family practice. Such assessments need to have an adequate precision, so that the results can be interpreted correctly. However, a small sample... more
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      Quality of Mental Health CareFamily PracticeApplied EconomicsDiabetes mellitus
Objective . Randomized trials showed that changes in healthcare organization improved diabetes care. This study aimed to identify which organizational determinants were associated with patient outcomes in routine diabetes care. Design .... more
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      NursingPrimary Health CareQuality of Mental Health CareQuality Improvement
Klinisch neurologisch redeneren is de huisarts aan te leren Van Gijn J, Van Dijk GW. Probleemgeoriënteerd denken in de neurologie. Een praktijkboek voor de opleiding en de kliniek. Utrecht: de Tijdstroom, 2009. 297 pagina's, € 47,-. ISBN... more
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Practice accreditation is widely used to assess and improve quality of healthcare providers. Little is known about its effectiveness, particularly in primary care. In this study we examined the effect of accreditation on quality of care... more
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      Primary Health CareQuality of Mental Health CareQuality ImprovementAccreditation
Non-modifiable patient characteristics, including age, gender, ethnicity as well as the occurrence of multi-morbidities, are associated with processes and outcomes of diabetes care. Information on these factors can be used in case mix... more
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      Primary Health CareMultidisciplinaryDiabetes mellitusNetherlands