Welcome by Vincent Hunink
Books in English by Vincent Hunink
Heureux, ce lieu! Pompéi en 1 000 graffitis, 2023
French edition of my 2-14 gaffiti edition, brought up-to-date.
Acta martyrum Scillitanorum, a literary commentary, 2021
Full commentary on this brief, but important text from early Christianity
Apuleius Online (Brill Scholarly editions), 2020
Electronic version of my 2001 edition with commentary
Apuleius Online (Brill Scholarly Editions), 2020
Electronic version of my 1997 printed edition with commentary
Digital republication of book (Oxford 2001) at Oxford Scholarly Editions Online (OSEO), july, 201... more Digital republication of book (Oxford 2001) at Oxford Scholarly Editions Online (OSEO), july, 2016 (co-editors Stephen Harrison & John Hilton)
DOI: 10.1093/actrade/9780198152927.book.1
Papers in English by Vincent Hunink

Biblical fun, 2022
In this chapter I discuss the Cena Cypriani, a 4th century curiosum in early Christian literature... more In this chapter I discuss the Cena Cypriani, a 4th century curiosum in early Christian literature, describing a special wedding attended by a great number of biblical characters. First I run through the text as a whole and discuss the few known facts about the background of the text. Next I concentrate on the four final sections, which show some surprising features. These in turn bring me to concluding observations on the type of fun aimed at in this text. I argue that the Cena Cypriani consistently aims at playful irreverence and seems intended for a learned Christian readership. Some final remarks about the later reception of the text conclude the paper.
Roald Dijkstra, Paul van der Velde (eds.) Humour in the beginning. Religion, humour and laughter in formative stages of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam 2022, 127-141;
Female bodies:Perpetua and Felicitas, 2022
In the Passio Perpetuae et Felicitatis, there are numerous allusions and references to the female... more In the Passio Perpetuae et Felicitatis, there are numerous allusions and references to the female body. In the first part of this papier I examine the most important ones among them. This leads up to a second part, in which I discuss the authorship of the PPF as a whole. Contrary to what I argued some years ago, I suggest that Perpetua's 'diary' (as well as the entire document) has been written by a man.
in: N. Vos and P. van Geest (eds), Early Christian Mystagogy and the Body, (Peeters) Leuven/Pris/Bristil CT, 77-96, ISBN 978-90-429-4850-1
-- If you wish to see the text as a pdf, please contact me ([email protected])
Psalmus c.p. D., lemma in: Augustinus-Lexikon, 2018
lemma on Augustine's Psalmus contra partem Donati, as a contribution to the internationally accla... more lemma on Augustine's Psalmus contra partem Donati, as a contribution to the internationally acclaimed Augustinus-Lexikon.
'Psalmus contra partem Donati', [lemma] in: Robert Dodaro, Cornelius Mayer, Christoph Müller (edd.), Augustinus-Lexikon, 'vol. 4, Fasc. 7/9=8 Prouerbium, Prouerbia (Prv)-Sacrificium, Schwabe Verlag, Basel 2018; ISBN 978-3-7965-3710-3; kol. 985-990;
[ please note: if you wish to see a PDF, please contact me ]
Short contribution to catalogue of modern art exhibition by Susan Kooi (Amsterdam)
Article for Oxford Bibliographies on Classics (online publication)
Following Paul:'The Acts of Xanthippe, Polyxena, and Rebecca as an Ancient Novel' in: Early Christian and Jewish Narrative The Role of Religion in Shaping Narrative Forms, edited by Ilaria Ramelli and Judith Perkins <ISBN 978-3-16-152033-4>
'Apuleius and the Epinomis', in: Francesca Alesse e Franco Ferrari (edd.), Epinomides, studi sull' opera e la sua ricezione, ediz. multilingue, (Elenchos, Collana di testi e studi sul pensiero antico, LX-I),(Bibliopolis), [Napoli] 2012, 283-293 <ISBN 978-88-7088-619-1>
With the Taste of Something Sweet Still in my Mouth': Perpetua's Visions', in: Bart J. Koet (ed.) Dreams as Divine Communication in Christianity: from Hermas to Aquinas (Studies in the History and Antropology of Religion 3: Peeters, Leuven, 2012, 77-91; <ISBN 978-90-429-2757-5>;
'Singing together in church. Augustine's Psalm against the Donatists', in: A.P.M.H. Lardinois, J.H. Blok, M.G.M. van der Poel, (eds.), Sacred Words: Orality, Literacy and Religion. Orality and Literacy in the Ancient World, vol. 8, Leiden: Brill 2011, p. 389-403
The present paper may seem something of a paradox. It focuses on one of the most prolific writers... more The present paper may seem something of a paradox. It focuses on one of the most prolific writers of antiquity, St. Augustine. The sheer quantity of his works, the mass of books he wrote, inspires awe or even disbelief. The bulk of his writings comprises no less than sixteen massive volumes of the Patrologia Latina. 1 It seems nearly impossible for a single reader to read them completely in his or her lifetime. If anyone can be called an early Christian writer, it is surely Augustine.
'Practicing what he had taught': Augustine's sermons on Cyprian', in: Jacob Albert van den Berg, Annemaré Kotzé, Tobias Nicklas, Madeleine Scopello (edd.), 'In search of truth'. Augustine, Manichaeism and other Gnosticism. Studies for Johannes van Oort at Sixty, (Brill) Leiden/Boston 2011; 97-108
'Did Perpetua write her prison account?' in: Listy Filologické 133, 2010, 1-2, 147-55;
Welcome by Vincent Hunink
Books in English by Vincent Hunink
DOI: 10.1093/actrade/9780198152927.book.1
Papers in English by Vincent Hunink
Roald Dijkstra, Paul van der Velde (eds.) Humour in the beginning. Religion, humour and laughter in formative stages of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam 2022, 127-141;
in: N. Vos and P. van Geest (eds), Early Christian Mystagogy and the Body, (Peeters) Leuven/Pris/Bristil CT, 77-96, ISBN 978-90-429-4850-1
-- If you wish to see the text as a pdf, please contact me ([email protected])
'Psalmus contra partem Donati', [lemma] in: Robert Dodaro, Cornelius Mayer, Christoph Müller (edd.), Augustinus-Lexikon, 'vol. 4, Fasc. 7/9=8 Prouerbium, Prouerbia (Prv)-Sacrificium, Schwabe Verlag, Basel 2018; ISBN 978-3-7965-3710-3; kol. 985-990;
[ please note: if you wish to see a PDF, please contact me ]
DOI: 10.1093/actrade/9780198152927.book.1
Roald Dijkstra, Paul van der Velde (eds.) Humour in the beginning. Religion, humour and laughter in formative stages of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam 2022, 127-141;
in: N. Vos and P. van Geest (eds), Early Christian Mystagogy and the Body, (Peeters) Leuven/Pris/Bristil CT, 77-96, ISBN 978-90-429-4850-1
-- If you wish to see the text as a pdf, please contact me ([email protected])
'Psalmus contra partem Donati', [lemma] in: Robert Dodaro, Cornelius Mayer, Christoph Müller (edd.), Augustinus-Lexikon, 'vol. 4, Fasc. 7/9=8 Prouerbium, Prouerbia (Prv)-Sacrificium, Schwabe Verlag, Basel 2018; ISBN 978-3-7965-3710-3; kol. 985-990;
[ please note: if you wish to see a PDF, please contact me ]
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2016. XI, 719 pp. £ 126.00.
ISBN: 978-1-107-03977-3.
'Sedulius Scottus, Mijn leven & Carmina Burana, Vooruit', in: Jan Papy (red.), In vestigiis magistri, verjaardagsdagboek ter ere van professor Andries Welkenhuysen, Uitgeverij P, Leuven 2019, 30-31 [ISBN 978 94 9233 9867];
A new translation in Dutch (with long explanatory postface) of Seneca's infamous satire Apocolocyntosis (which, by the way, has nothing to do with pumpkins)
vier preken over christelijke geloofsbelijdenissen
(Sermones 212-215)
vertaald door Joke Gehlen-Springorum, Vincent Hunink
Hans van Reisen en Annemarie Six-Wienen
Damon, Eindhoven 2022
New Dutch translation of four sermones on the creed
New translation of six letters from Augustine and two letters to Augustine.
Translated by Arie Akkermans and Hans van Reisen, assisted by Vincent Hunink
(Athenaeum, Amsterdam 2020; ISBN 9789025312411
Bidden met je handen
preken over verschillende thema's
[sermones de diversis 358A-396]
Vertaald, ingeleid en van aantekeningen voorzien door
Joke Gehlen - Springorum, Vincent Hunink, Hans van Reisen en Annemarie Six-Wienen
Damon, Eindhoven 2020
First Dutch translation of sermons 356a-396. Final volume of large translation project by Augustijns Instituut Eindhoven/Utrecht NL of all A's sermones ad populum. (1996-2020)