Books by Joop van Waarden

The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris, 2020
A multidisciplinary survey of Sidonius Apollinaris and his works
- First ever comprehensive ... more A multidisciplinary survey of Sidonius Apollinaris and his works
- First ever comprehensive research tool for Sidonius Apollinaris
- Assembles leading international specialists on Sidonius and his age
- Offers an assessment of past and currernt research in the field
- Comprehensive bibliography includes all the scholarly literature on Sidonius
- Supplemented by the regularly updated Sidonius website
Sidonius Apollinaris, c.430 – c.485, poet and letter-writer, aristocrat, administrator and bishop, is one of the most distinct voices to survive from Late Antiquity and an eyewitness of the end of Roman power in the west.
The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris is the first work of its kind, giving a full account of all aspects of his life and works and surveying past and current scholarship as well as new developments in research. This substantial and significant work of scholarship is divided into six thematic sections covering his social, political, linguistic, literary and prosopographical context as well as extensive new scholarship on the manuscript tradition and history of reception.
This interdisciplinary book combines the utility of a key research tool for the study of Sidonius with a significant offering of wholly new scholarly research.

Asceticism, and the antidote it offers to contemporary secular disappointments in fifth-century G... more Asceticism, and the antidote it offers to contemporary secular disappointments in fifth-century Gaul, is the central theme in the second part of Book 7 of Sidonius Apollinaris' correspondence. Addressing a state of ferment in which the closely-knit Gallo-Roman elite is shifting its moral and religious parameters along with its political certainties, these letters only reveal their full significance - this commentary claims - when read as ascetic documents mirroring the mentality of the monks of Lérins.
This second volume of Writing to Survive follows the first (LAHR 2) in scope and method, providing detailed philological underpinning as well as a wealth of thematic research. Together, these two volumes constitute an important contribution towards the comprehensive range of commentaries on Sidonius' work planned by the 'Sidonius Apollinaris for the Twenty-First Century' project for publication in the LAHR series.
Like its companion volume, this work will be of interest to classicists and medievalists, to literary scholars and church historians, to those concerned with philological and historical intricacies and those interested in the broader development of literature and mentalities in Late Antiquity.

A landmark in the SAxxi project, this integrated and international collection of essays explores ... more A landmark in the SAxxi project, this integrated and international collection of essays explores the potential for a complete commentary on Sidonius' works, starting with a retrospective on Sidonius scholarship up to the present, and then focusing in turn on his verse and his prose. The strangeness of his poetry triggers a critical contemporary assessment and a proposal for better understanding through the theory of Cultural Memory; there follow case studies of the panegyrics and of poems within the letters, and examinations of his intertextuality with Horace and Claudian. Research into Sidonius’ prose is represented by two contrasting essays on the composition of the letter collection, by a demonstration of how Sidonius constructs history to create contemporary identity, and by a groundbreaking chapter applying text linguistics to the letters. An appendix fills a significant scholarly lacuna with Helga Köhler’s indices to her commentary on Letters, Book 1 (Heidelberg, 1995). This book will be important for both literary and historical scholars of the late Roman world, for both Classicists and Medievalists.
Mnemosyne Supplements 319, 2010
In this collection of essays Roman historical and biographical texts are studied from a literary ... more In this collection of essays Roman historical and biographical texts are studied from a literary point of view. The main interest of the author, Daniël den Hengst, professor emeritus of Latin at the University of Amsterdam, concerns the development of Roman historiography, the ways in which Roman historians present their work and the intertextual relations between these works and other literary genres. Special attention is given to the Historia Augusta and Ammianus Marcellinus, but also authors from the classical period, such as Cicero, Livy and Suetonius and their ideas about historiography are discussed. The articles demonstrate that a detailed interpretation of these texts in the original language is indispensable to understanding the aims and methods of ancient historians and biographers.
Articles/Chapters by Joop van Waarden

Classical Quarterly, 2024
Sidonius Apollinaris’ Epist. 3.12 tells how one day, while leaving Lyons, he caught a couple of g... more Sidonius Apollinaris’ Epist. 3.12 tells how one day, while leaving Lyons, he caught a couple of gravediggers about to violate his grandfather Apollinaris’ grave, which had become unrecognizable over time. He instructs the addressee, his nephew Secundus, to restore the tomb mound and provide it with a stone for which he attaches the text. Whereas this letter is usually interpreted as a piece of self-promotion by the author for his filial piety and expert storytelling, this article suggests that there is a significant subtext to be found in Lucan's Pharsalia which makes the letter first and foremost a rehabilitation of Apollinaris while strongly suggesting that the latter was executed. There follow some rather more tentative thoughts trying to grasp the precise critical moment in time for this rehabilitation. It is argued that this could be Sidonius’ departure for Clermont, in 469/470 to take on the episcopate, after his term as City Prefect of Rome and a stay in Lyons with Bishop Patiens. The letter is aimed at bolstering family cohesion in the conflict of interests between Auvergne and Provence and at securing Sidonius’ position as incumbent bishop.
Tabea L. Meurer and Veronika Egetenmeyr (eds), Gallia docta? Education and In-/Exclusion in Late Antique Gaul, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 91-115, 2023
Sara Fascione (ed.), Concatenantur sibi epistulae nostrae. Reading Ancient Latin Letter Collections (23-24 September 2021), Echo 38, Foggia: Il Castello Edizioni, 2022, pp. 57-70, 2022
Features Cicero, Seneca, Pliny, Symmachus, Sidonius, Ruricius, Avitus, and, for comparison, Vergi... more Features Cicero, Seneca, Pliny, Symmachus, Sidonius, Ruricius, Avitus, and, for comparison, Vergil, Horace, Propertius, Ovid and Statius. This is a sequel to Gibson & Morrison's chapter 'Patterns of Arrangement in Greco-Roman Letter Collections' in the same volume.
Comes with a full digital set of calculations and charts, freely downloadable at
Metamorfosi del Classico in età romanobarbarica, 2021
Epistolary politeness is paramount in the long fifth century in Italy and Gaul. An important mean... more Epistolary politeness is paramount in the long fifth century in Italy and Gaul. An important means is the proper wielding of 'You and I': ego/nos, tu/vos. To this end, the classical paradigm, found in Cicero’s letters, is restructured to enable shaping foreground and background, nearness and distance. Symmachus is among the first representatives of this metamorphosis.
M. Becher and H. Hess (eds), Kontingenzerfahrungen und ihre Bewältigung zwischen imperium und regna. Beispiele aus Gallien und angrenzenden Gebieten vom 5. bis zum 8. Jahrhundert, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2021, 29-49. , 2021
Nienke M. Vos and Albert C. Geljon (eds), Rituals in Early Christianity: New Perspectives on Tradition and Transformation, 2020
In Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 164, Leiden: Brill, 2020, 201-20
Rutilius Namatianus, aristocrate païen en voyage et poète, 2020
In: Rutilius Namatianus, aristocrate païen en voyage et poète, textes réunis et édités par Étienn... more In: Rutilius Namatianus, aristocrate païen en voyage et poète, textes réunis et édités par Étienne Wolff, Scripta Antiqua 131, Bordeaux: Ausonius Éditions, 2020, 215-228
Lo specchio del modello, 2020
In: Anita Di Stefano and Marco Onorato (eds), Lo specchio del modello: Orizzonti intertestuali e ... more In: Anita Di Stefano and Marco Onorato (eds), Lo specchio del modello: Orizzonti intertestuali e Fortleben di Sidonio Apollinare, Studi Latini 94, Naples: Paolo Loffredo, 2020, 461-480
Journal of Late Antiquity, 2020
In Harich-Schwarzbauer, Henriette, and Judith Hindermann (eds), ʻLeisure and the Muses in Sidoniu... more In Harich-Schwarzbauer, Henriette, and Judith Hindermann (eds), ʻLeisure and the Muses in Sidonius Apollinarisʼ, special issue of Journal of Late Antiquity 13, 1 (2020) 149-72
The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris, 2020
Pages 462-475
The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris, 2020
Pages 686-704
The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris, 2020
Pages 418-439
The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris, 2020
Pages 13-28
Books by Joop van Waarden
- First ever comprehensive research tool for Sidonius Apollinaris
- Assembles leading international specialists on Sidonius and his age
- Offers an assessment of past and currernt research in the field
- Comprehensive bibliography includes all the scholarly literature on Sidonius
- Supplemented by the regularly updated Sidonius website
Sidonius Apollinaris, c.430 – c.485, poet and letter-writer, aristocrat, administrator and bishop, is one of the most distinct voices to survive from Late Antiquity and an eyewitness of the end of Roman power in the west.
The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris is the first work of its kind, giving a full account of all aspects of his life and works and surveying past and current scholarship as well as new developments in research. This substantial and significant work of scholarship is divided into six thematic sections covering his social, political, linguistic, literary and prosopographical context as well as extensive new scholarship on the manuscript tradition and history of reception.
This interdisciplinary book combines the utility of a key research tool for the study of Sidonius with a significant offering of wholly new scholarly research.
This second volume of Writing to Survive follows the first (LAHR 2) in scope and method, providing detailed philological underpinning as well as a wealth of thematic research. Together, these two volumes constitute an important contribution towards the comprehensive range of commentaries on Sidonius' work planned by the 'Sidonius Apollinaris for the Twenty-First Century' project for publication in the LAHR series.
Like its companion volume, this work will be of interest to classicists and medievalists, to literary scholars and church historians, to those concerned with philological and historical intricacies and those interested in the broader development of literature and mentalities in Late Antiquity.
Articles/Chapters by Joop van Waarden
Comes with a full digital set of calculations and charts, freely downloadable at
- First ever comprehensive research tool for Sidonius Apollinaris
- Assembles leading international specialists on Sidonius and his age
- Offers an assessment of past and currernt research in the field
- Comprehensive bibliography includes all the scholarly literature on Sidonius
- Supplemented by the regularly updated Sidonius website
Sidonius Apollinaris, c.430 – c.485, poet and letter-writer, aristocrat, administrator and bishop, is one of the most distinct voices to survive from Late Antiquity and an eyewitness of the end of Roman power in the west.
The Edinburgh Companion to Sidonius Apollinaris is the first work of its kind, giving a full account of all aspects of his life and works and surveying past and current scholarship as well as new developments in research. This substantial and significant work of scholarship is divided into six thematic sections covering his social, political, linguistic, literary and prosopographical context as well as extensive new scholarship on the manuscript tradition and history of reception.
This interdisciplinary book combines the utility of a key research tool for the study of Sidonius with a significant offering of wholly new scholarly research.
This second volume of Writing to Survive follows the first (LAHR 2) in scope and method, providing detailed philological underpinning as well as a wealth of thematic research. Together, these two volumes constitute an important contribution towards the comprehensive range of commentaries on Sidonius' work planned by the 'Sidonius Apollinaris for the Twenty-First Century' project for publication in the LAHR series.
Like its companion volume, this work will be of interest to classicists and medievalists, to literary scholars and church historians, to those concerned with philological and historical intricacies and those interested in the broader development of literature and mentalities in Late Antiquity.
Comes with a full digital set of calculations and charts, freely downloadable at
Graziana Brescia
Oleno e Letea. Destini di pietra nella fabula ovidiana di Orfeo
Clotilde Craca
Clitennestra. Clitennestre
Sara Fascione
Retorica e realtà: i barbari di Sidonio Apollinare
Andrea Favuzzi
Dionigi di Alicarnasso nel Lessico Suda: nuovi frammenti
Boris Kayachev
Ciris 478: an emendation
Mario Lentano
Adottare un antenato. Genealogie iconografiche da Roma antica alla prima età moderna
Ana Maria Lóio
Who’s that girl? A matter of gender in Statius’ Silvae 4,8
Grazia Maria Masselli
Leopardi vs Virgilio: il ‘caso’ Enea
Maria Stefania Montecalvo
Percorsi e fortuna della scienza greca nella Roma repubblicana
Alessia Maria Scalera
Il racconto ovidiano e la sua cornice: strategie diegetiche nell’episodio di Filemone e Bauci
Marisa Squillante
Vanescentium litterarum vestigia…
Annick Stoehr-Monjou
Le rôle du poète dans la Gaule du Ve siècle: Sidoine Apollinaire et son public
Luciano Traversa
Nec solum civis sed etiam amici officio revocor. Il dilemma di Brindisi nelle lettere ad Attico del 49
Joop Van Waarden
«Il tempo invecchia in fretta»: la biografia di Sidonio Apollinare nella sua corrispondenza
Étienne Wolff
Martial et les guerres civiles
Étienne Wolff
Qui était André Loyen, l’éditeur français de Sidoine Apollinaire?