Papers by Carolus Grütters
Overview of judgments and pending cases of the Court of Justice of the European Union of March 20... more Overview of judgments and pending cases of the Court of Justice of the European Union of March 2023/1 on: 1. Regular Migration ▪ 2. Asylum ▪ 3. Borders and Visa ▪ 4. Irregular Migration ▪ 5. EEC-Turkey Association Agreement ▪ 6. Free Movement ▪ 7. Miscellaneous Quarterly update

Background and research design The PIVA programme [Programme for the introduction of the Improved... more Background and research design The PIVA programme [Programme for the introduction of the Improved Asylum Procedure: Programma Invoering Verbeterde Asielprocedure] was implemented on 1 July 2010. It introduced a large number of measures to improve the asylum procedure, the intention being to speed up and simultaneously improving the quality of the procedure. Supplementary goals were that rejection of an application would lead to the unsuccessful applicant's departure from the Netherlands, rather than yet further proceedings or the applicant ending up on the street. The research reported here was undertaken to evaluate the revised procedure. The data were collected between November 2013 and June 2014. The principal research question is: To what degree have the goals of the revised asylum procedure been achieved, and how and to what degree have the various measures contributed to the outcome? The most important method for collecting information was the collection and analysis of statistical data, interviews, and a questionnaire. A total of 44 interviews were held with 58 respondents, working for the Ministry of Security and Justice [ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie] (4 respondents), the Immigration and Naturalisation Service [IND] and other executive agencies (18), attorneys (6), the judiciary (5), the Dutch Council for Refugees [VluchtelingenWerk] (7), the Legal Aid Board [Raad voor Rechtsbijstand] (4), local authorities (3) and other organisations involved with the asylum procedure, or the housing or repatriation of (ex-) asylum seekers (11). The respondents were selected for their involvement in the preparation or implementation of the PIVA programme, or else their involvement with and knowledge of its practical implementation. An on-line inquiry was also held among asylum attorneys, asking them about their experience with the revised asylum procedure. The questionnaire was completed by 84 attorneys. Research outcomes Six research questions were formulated to help answer the principal question. The research outcomes for each question are summarised below.
The Institute for Sociology of Law is part of the Law Faculty of the Radboud University Nijmegen.... more The Institute for Sociology of Law is part of the Law Faculty of the Radboud University Nijmegen. It has a long tradition of empirical research in the area of law and society. Special focuses are the legal professions, food safety regulation, migration law and antidiscrimination law. The researchers at the Institute have different disciplinary backgrounds (including law, sociology, anthropology, development studies, Middle Eastern studies) and much of their research is interdisciplinary. The Nijmegen Sociology of Law Working Paper Series provides a vehicle for staff members, PhD students and fellows to rapidly disseminate their research results.
Information & Communications Technology Law, 1995
Page 1. law, Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1995 117 CONFERENCE REVIEW V... more Page 1. law, Computers & Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1995 117 CONFERENCE REVIEW Visions on IT in Law CAROLUS AFM GRÜTTERS Law and Information Technology, Faculty of Law, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands 1. Introduction ...
Legal Knowledge and Information Systems 157 M.-F. Moens und P Spyns (Eds.) IOS Press. 2005 © 2005... more Legal Knowledge and Information Systems 157 M.-F. Moens und P Spyns (Eds.) IOS Press. 2005 © 2005 The authors. All rights reserved Previous Publications by JURIX Conference Proceedings • Legal Knowledge and Information Systems: The Seventeenth Annual Conference JURIX 2004 (Berlin1 T. Gordon (ed.) ISBN 1 58603 492 8 (IOS Press) • Legal Knowledge and Information Systems: The Sixteenth Annual Conference JURIX 2003 (Utrecht) D. Bourcier (ed.) ISBN 1 58603 398 0 (IOS Press) • Legal Knowledge and Information Systems: The Fifteenth Annual ...
At the request of the European Parliament, the Centre for Migration Law has done research on the ... more At the request of the European Parliament, the Centre for Migration Law has done research on the future relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU in the field of migration (excluding asylum), including future movement of EU citizens and UK nationals between the EU and UK. It also investigates the role of the Court of Justice of the EU.
The report was commissioned by the EP's Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, at the request of the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE Committee).
European Journal of Migration and …, 2011
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Spiritus-a Journal of Christian Spirituality, 2008
Research in the field of Law and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is aimed at the development of lega... more Research in the field of Law and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is aimed at the development of legal knowledge-based systems (LKBSs) that solve legal problems. The direction of this research has been greatly influenced by two presuppositions. The first is that the legal problems to be solved relate to individual cases. The second one is the focus on output. However, if we start from a different point of view, changing the interpretation of legal problems, and focus on legal systems instead of individual cases and throughput instead of output, AI-and-Law research reveals new promising applications. This paper presents such a different view and describes its opportunities illustrated by a prototype of a simulation model of the Dutch asylum procedure.
Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 2006
Eskinasi and Fokkema (2006) report on lessons learned from unsuccessful modelling interventions a... more Eskinasi and Fokkema (2006) report on lessons learned from unsuccessful modelling interventions and their public confession is remarkable in several ways. First, in general authors will be inclined to draw their readers' attention to their successes. Reporting on ...
One of the areas barely investigated by system dynamicists is the law. Although this may seem und... more One of the areas barely investigated by system dynamicists is the law. Although this may seem understandable, there are intriguing dynamic aspects in legal systems and particularly in the field of the administration of justice. In order to investigate whether a legal procedure could be modelled from a system dynamics perspective and to see whether this could lead to deeper insights into the mechanisms beyond the existing method of 'trial and error', the Dutch asylum procedure over the period 1980-2002 was modelled. This paper describes the results of this study revealing unprecedented feedback loops implying the need for further research of the internal effects of legal procedures i.e. the need for a system dynamic approach of the law, or stated otherwise, the existence of a new approach: legal dynamics.
Een analyse van mogelijke verbanden tussen de …, Jan 1, 2006
Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Jan 1, 2006
Eskinasi and Fokkema (2006) report on lessons learned from unsuccessful modelling interventions a... more Eskinasi and Fokkema (2006) report on lessons learned from unsuccessful modelling interventions and their public confession is remarkable in several ways. First, in general authors will be inclined to draw their readers' attention to their successes. Reporting on ...
year: 2007, Jan 1, 2007
The legal domain is very much dominated by storytellers and their narratives are a basic ingredie... more The legal domain is very much dominated by storytellers and their narratives are a basic ingredient of policies. As long as stories are judged by their persuasiveness rather than their correctness, policy makers will continue to use and abuse the means of stories to 'sell' their policy proposals irrespective of their effects. On the other hand, a perceived usefulness of a narrative will increase the belief of a policy maker in its usage and its value.
Papers by Carolus Grütters
The report was commissioned by the EP's Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, at the request of the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE Committee).
The report was commissioned by the EP's Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, at the request of the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE Committee).