? ?
Journal created:
on 25 January 2006 (#9354507)
on 19 November 2014
Rachel's fanfic
Posting Access:
Select Members

Abarat. Angel. Buffy. Firefly. Game of Thrones. Labyrinth. Sherlock.

Current GoT journal header made for me by devymel12.

Click here to see my journal tags - search by fandom, pairing or rating.


Back in my Buffy writing days, I was lucky enough to get some prizes...

I am always very flattered to be nominated. Thank you so much for putting my fics up for awards. Whether I win or not, it means a lot to know that people like them enough to nominate them.

July 2006:

October 06:

for Save Tonight.

November 06:

This resulted in:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting for my Spuffy fic When In Rome.

February 2007:

for my fic You Know You Want To Dance.

for this fic.

for this fic.

March 2007:

For the category "Not Forgotten".


I have also earned this award from tamingthemuse for successfully answering three prompt challenges.

I am proud to be...

You can listen to the wonderful recording of my little fic here.
