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A critically reflective account by two teachers seeking evidence of learning and the influence of technology in a web-supported approach, this paper examines rationale, student feedback and outcomes. A case is also sought for employing a... more
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      Teaching and LearningCritical ReflectionStudent feedback
This paper produces the first mapping of the ostensibly 'lesbian' spaces in Brisbane, focusing on lesbian bars and/or clubs. While cultural geographers have long noted the increased presence of 'queerness' within urban built environments,... more
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      PublishingBuilt EnvironmentQueenslandAcademic research
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This paper discusses and develops several findings out of a small action research project conducted in the context of a first year design studio. The basis for the project arose out of feedback that design critique is ambiguous,... more
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    • IDEA
ISSN: 0155 6223 ISBN: 0 908557 78 7 This research paper was reviewed using a double blind peer review process that meets DEEWR requirements. Two reviewers were appointed on the basis of their independence, expertise and experience and... more
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Product Ecosystem Theory is an emerging approach to help understand the value networks that exist between products within a system. As products become increasingly interconnected, understanding the value that is gained from those... more
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      Innovation Ecosystems and Their DynamicsIndustrial DesignProduct DesignAutomotive design
The development of a new consumer product and its release to market is typically an expensive and risky process. It is estimated that up to 80% of all new products fail in the marketplace (Savoia, 2014). The consequences of failure can be... more
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      Industrial DesignSustainable Urban Environments
Product Ecosystem theory is an emerging theory that shows that disruptive " game changing " innovation is only possible when the entire ecosystem is considered. When environmental variables change faster than products or services can... more
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      Transportation EngineeringIndustrial DesignUrban Design
This research aims to explore research directions in interior architecture in the higher education in Thailand within the past two decades (1997-2016). This research is a part of the quinquennial curriculum renewal process of the master... more
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    • Multidisciplinary
Positive user experience (UX) has become a key factor in designing interactive products. It acts as a differentiator which can determine a product's success on the mature market. However, current UX frameworks and methods do not fully... more
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This paper describes observational research and verbal protocols methods, how these methods are applied and integrated within different contexts, and how they complement each other. The first case study focuses on nurses' interaction... more
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The landside environment of an airport terminal is an important area for both passengers and the airport as it is the first area passengers enter and experience, influencing passengers' overall airport experiences. This paper focuses on... more
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Abstract In this paper, we describe the methods we have used to investigate expertise in interaction with physical interfaces. This paper covers the background of the interfaces (compression bandages), describes the methods used and... more
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In recent years, de-regulation in the airline industry and the introduction of low-cost carriers have conspired to produce significant changes in the airport landscape. From an airport operator's perspective, one of the most notable has... more
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Talking to a computer is hard. Large vocabulary automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems are difficult to use and yet they are used by many people in their daily work. This thesis addresses the question: How is ASR used and made usable... more
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Abstract Exploring the introduction of speech recognition, an intelligent software system, in the Magistrates Court of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) promted questioning of the notion of agency. In this paper we look to sociology... more
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Airports are vital sources of income to a country and city. Airports are often understood from a management perspective, rather than a passenger perspective. As passengers are a vital customer of airports, a passenger perspective can... more
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Providing a positive user experience (UX) has become the key differentiator for products to win a competition in mature markets. To ensure that a product will support enjoyable experiences for its users, assessment of UX should be... more
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Intuitive interaction is based on past experience and is fast and often non conscious. We have conducted ten studies into this issue over the past ten years, involving more than 400 participants. Data collection methods have included... more
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The research is based on studying the early stage of the design process. It aims to identify differences in design approaches across two design domains. The research is based on the analysis of the observational data from the conceptual... more
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