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The relationship between consumer"s with an intellectual disability and their service provider is a complex one. Differences between service providers and consumers in levels of knowledge, skills, power and responsibility means there is... more
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This paper uses the project evaluation of the School-Aged Therapy Service for children with disabilities in Western Australia as an example of alternative ways to gather qualitative data from participants. The purpose of the evaluation... more
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      Library and Information ScienceLibrary and Information StudiesLibrary Information SciencePersonality Trait
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      Art and Design EducationArt Design
This paper explores the potential opportunities that OpenCourseWare (OCW) offers in providing wider access to tertiary education, based on the ideal of 'the right to education'. It first discusses the wider implications of OCW, and its... more
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Based on an evaluation of one-on-one student consultations in The Learning Centre at USQ, this paper argues that there is an important place for individual consultations in a university context, but that this should be seen as part of a... more
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Evidence suggests that peer-assisted learning schemes on campus help students establish social networks which can have a positive influence on their learning achievements. At the University of Southern Queensland (USQ), the majority of... more
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This paper questions assumptions which underlie two influential concepts associated with new directions in tertiary pedagogies. One of these concepts (the 'Net Generation') is an attempt to pin down a series of characteristics of a new... more
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    • Net Generation
This paper argues that whilst equitable educational pathways are integrated into educational policy discourses in Australia, there are significant gendered barriers to educational participation among members of the Sudanese refugee... more
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    • Gender and education
This article presents the findings of a study of the interrelationships between students' individual characteristics, self-efficacy beliefs, parental involvement, university and classroom learning environments; teachers' individual... more
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      Self-directed learningMalaysian Higher Education
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    • Learning Objects (Education)
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      Learning And Teaching In Higher EducationDeep approaches to Learning
This article describes problem-based learning as a powerful pedagogical approach and an aligned teaching and learning system to explicitly and directly teach critical thinking skills in a broad range of disciplines. Problem-based learning... more
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    • Digital Futures
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    • New Zealand CInema
Students attending university for the first time come with a range of expectations, experiences and skills. For many these prior experiences are less than optimal for achieving academic success. This paper evaluates the academic outcomes... more
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      First Year ExperienceAcademic Skills
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without written permission from the publisher. Product or company names used in this set are for identification purposes only. Inclusion of the names of the products or companies... more
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    • Radical theory
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    • Innovation statistics
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