Welcome to Quit2Heal
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The Quit2Heal study is closed to new participants, but if you would like to quit smoking, we can offer you free access to our other app for quitting smoking, available at QuitBot.net. QuitBot is not designed for a cancer patient specifically, but should still be useful in helping to stop smoking.

Have you been diagnosed with cancer in the past two years? Are you currently receiving or planning to receive cancer treatment? Are you getting ready to quit smoking?

Join Quit2Heal, a study comparing two smartphone apps for cancer patients quitting smoking. Begin with just a click.

Quit2Heal is a research study conducted by scientists at Seattle's Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in collaboration with the American Cancer Society and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

Join now to:

  • Get expert guidance and support to help you quit smoking, including:
    • A step-by-step guide to quitting
    • Tools to help deal with urges to smoke
    • Help staying motivated while you're quitting
  • Be paid up to $105 for filling out 3 follow-up surveys, at 3, 6, and 12 months
  • Be paid an additional $35 at each of the 3 time points if you are randomly selected to verify your smoking status using the saliva testing device mailed to you by the study (an additional $105 total).
  • Help not only yourself, but other cancer patients by contributing to important research

Quit2Heal gives you easy 24/7 access right in the palm of your hand. Use it when you need it.

Any questions?
Want more information?

Email us: [email protected]
Visit us: research.fhcrc.org/behavioral-health/en.html

American Cancer Society Logo Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Logo

Want to help other cancer patients quit smoking?

"This program is the first thing I feel confident in to help me quit smoking. It makes sense to me."


"Very useful to those of us with cancer and wanting to quit smoking!"


American Cancer Society Logo Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Logo

Want to help other cancer patients quit smoking?

"This program is the first thing I feel confident in to help me quit smoking. It makes sense to me."


"Very useful to those of us with cancer and wanting to quit smoking!"
