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conocer mas de cerca las areas protegidas a nivel nacional
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    • Teoria Del Comic - Para Hacer Historietas
 Organización del cuerpo de las plantas  Los tejidos vegetales  Raíces y nutrición mineral  Tallo y soporte en las plantas  Hojas, los colectores solares  Obtención de los nutrimentos  Obtención y transporte de agua y minerales ... more
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 Patrón respiratorio ineficaz r/c obstrucción de vías aéreas s/a atresia esofágica con fistula traqueo esofágica distal m/p sialorrea abundante, espumosa, signos de esfuerzo respiratorio que van en aumento  Temor r/c percepción de una... more
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Resumen Geometría Vectorial y Analítica. Una introducción al Algebra Lineal
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The physical arrangement of closely related individuals is expected to significantly influence the pattern of population genetic structure. For example, if related individuals are non-randomly distributed and included in samples, this may... more
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      MultidisciplinaryBrown troutSalmo truttaFamily Structure
The phylogeography of Atlantic brown trout (Salmo trutta) was analysed using mitochondrial DNA control region complete sequences of 774 individuals from 57 locations. Additionally, the available haplotype information from 100 published... more
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      PhylogeographyMitochondriaPleistoceneBiological Sciences
Detection of hybridization and introgression in wild populations that have been supplemented by hatchery fish is necessary during development of conservation and management strategies. Initially, allozyme data and more recently highly... more
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      ConservationPolymorphismConservation GeneticsBiological Sciences
The Iberian Peninsula contains diverse populations of freshwater fish, with major river basins comprising differentiated biogeographic units. The Duero River flows through the North-Western Iberian Peninsula and is one of the most... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyZoologyBrown troutSelection
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      ChiropteraClinical MicrobiologyBiological SciencesBrain
Brain analysis cannot be used for the investigation of active lyssavirus infection in healthy bats because most bat species are protected by conservation directives. Consequently, serology remains the only tool for performing virological... more
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      ChiropteraClinical MicrobiologyBiological SciencesBrain
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    • Dinamica
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El camino a intervenirse se encuentra dentro del departamento de Lambayeque, provincia de Lambayeque y distrito de mochumi.
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Acciones de control extraordinario.-Aquellas que la autoridad aduanera puede disponer de manera adicional a las ordinarias, para la verificación del cumplimiento de las obligaciones y la prevención de los delitos aduaneros o infracciones... more
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Introduction Postradiation proctopathy (PP) is a major complication in patients who receive radiotherapy for cancer. Medical treatments of this entity are unsatisfactory. Argon plasma coagulation (APC) had been shown to be successful with... more
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      RadiotherapyHepatologyEndoscopyPortal hypertension
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      ProductivityJust in TimeKanban