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Question of the Day
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Questions of the Day's LiveJournal:

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Friday, November 18th, 2005
9:18 am
Friday Five =)
1. Favorite brand of jeans:

2. Magazine you read regularly:

3. If a button came off your clothing, could you sew it back on?

4. Have you ever had a curfew?

5. Most dangerous thing you've done:
Tuesday, November 8th, 2005
11:13 pm

This is just an update of the points given so far. Let's keep the points rolling



tourniquetvixen ------> 5 points



wutwut02 ------>2 points


let's go people $10 gift card to anywhere ya want for the person with the most points by 11/30/05

11:11 pm
Congradulations to tourniquetvixen for answering the question correctly you earned 2 points.
10:46 pm
For 2 points name 6 books written by Stephen King that were turned into movies? No novella's (short stories) example The Langoliers is a novella and no screenplays like Maximum Overdrive
Friday, November 4th, 2005
12:23 am
Congradulations to tourniquetvixen for the first correct answer. You will recieve 1 point for the correct answer. Keep looking i'll have many more questions this month.
Thursday, November 3rd, 2005
6:44 pm
In video games what year did the very first gameboy come out? First person to answer gets 1 point.
Wednesday, November 2nd, 2005
10:26 pm
Congradulations to wutwut02 for answering the question she will be awarded 2 points. Keep looking for more point questions
10:02 pm
In wrestling who is the current WWE Champion (Raw) and the current World Heavyweight champion (smackdown)? The first person to post the answer will be awarded 2 points.
10:00 pm
Sorry for the delay. Congradulations to tourniquetvixen for answeing the question correctly. You are awarded 2 points. Octobers prize will extend and be awarded at the enf of November. Keep looking for the point question.
9:57 pm
I'd would like everyone give a warm welcome to the new owner of this community wutwut02. Any suggestions or comments is to be directed to her. I know she will do this community well. She is really sweet and responsible. I'll stop by every so often. Later all</span>
Friday, October 21st, 2005
2:00 pm
Friday's question
Anyone see any good movies lately .... ?

Current Mood: bored
Thursday, October 13th, 2005
4:38 pm
In the movie My Cousin Vinny. Joe Pesci played the charactrer Vincent Gambini. What was Vincent's middle name? First correct answer gets 2 points

Current Mood: tired
Tuesday, October 11th, 2005
2:36 am
I would like to thank my MODS for keeping this community going in my absence. I appreciate all your work. I am still in need of 2 more MODS so refer :)
2:31 am
Who do you think will be the teams representing the American League and National League in the 2005 World Series?

Current Mood: depressed
2:26 am
Well it's been a crazt month for me. Getting laid off, new job, visits to hospitals, baffled doctors. It never ends. I am now going to start the Point Questions again. I will post a random question and the first person to answer it gets whatever points is offered for that day. Prizes will vary. I was doing LJ paid accounts but was thinking of doing gift cards. So you will recieve a $10 gift card to any place you want (of course I need to be able to purchase them here in MA lol). So look for the subject POINT QUESTION and answer. I also do Monday's question of the day so dont get that mixed up with the POINT QUESTION. Good luck to all.

Current Mood: depressed
Thursday, September 15th, 2005
10:20 pm
Thursday Question
A little late...okay, a few days late...sorry. :/

Who was the first country to issue postage stamps in 1840?

Current Mood: bored
Monday, September 12th, 2005
9:46 pm
Late Monday Question
What is the lifespan of a dragonfly?

Current Mood: bored
Tuesday, September 6th, 2005
5:04 pm
Tuesday Question # 2
What product did Edwin Perkins invent in 1927?
12:28 pm
Tuesday Question
Who was in the Darth Vader suit in the first Star Wars trilogy?
Sunday, September 4th, 2005
7:21 pm
I was really trying to come up with good ideas for this community but the members aren't participating. A few are but the same few. So unless I get some input, reliable mods my very first community will be shut down this Tuesday. Thank you to the members who did participate and I apologize. Thanks for a short span in the livejournal community
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