? ?
14 July 2009 @ 12:48 am
And we're going to the theater extra early so we have good seats. Yes!

And, I saw Brüno this past Saturday, which was hilarious and sad at the same time. A group of young teenage boys actually walked out of the theater at one point. They clearly weren't mature enough for the movie, and the film certainly hit its goal of exposing ridiculous people like them. Anyway, it was good.

I started reading Wuthering Heights, which is amazing. I love it. And I think I'm actually going to go read it now. 

I'll make a real update soon, but right now I'm just too excited and all over the place.
08 July 2009 @ 12:21 am
 It turns out we were going up north for the weekend, so I haven't been online in like, 5 days. Not too much has happened. We saw fireworks on the 4th and then the day before we went to our friends' cabin and saw some there. 

I started reading Wuthering Heights for a class in the fall. I love it! I once tried reading Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre but couldn't do it. Maybe I just prefer Emily as a writer? but I doubt there's a big difference between them. I'll have to go back and try and read it again.
19 June 2009 @ 12:30 am
 Well, summer's been off to a pretty good start, minus getting a cold a few weeks ago and then getting my wisdom teeth out as soon as I was better. 

I had orientation at the University of Michigan and scheduled my classes for the fall semester. I'll be living in East Quad in the Global Scholars Program, which is a new program they're trying out. Basically, I live with other students who I'll be attending monthly lectures with and doing a year long group project with. Today I bought my football season ticket! I also bought my books for my revenge in literature class, but that's not as exciting.

I started watching The X-Files. I'm on season 3 right now, and I love it (although sometimes Scully annoys me). 

There hasn't been too much happening. I've just been hanging out with friends and I watched the Red Wings lose the Stanley Cup. But I won't get into the games (especially 6) because they were incredibly frustrating to watch. :(

How's everyone? 
23 March 2009 @ 11:18 pm
 I haven't been up to much lately. I got a job a few weeks ago. I call university alumni and ask them to donate, most don't. It's not very exciting. at all. but at least I'm able to get a lot of reading done. 

I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. I have all my classes and then work almost immediately afterwards. My day won't end until at least 9. boo. I don't think I'd mind it as much if I went from 8 to 8 instead of 9 to 9. 

And now I'm going to go back to studying for a mini quiz on Machiavelli tomorrow. Hopefully I'll remember what I need to.

10 March 2009 @ 12:59 am

Good news though: it's been due to midterms and papers and whatnot, all of which will be done this Thursday. So then I'll be back!!
I'm also slowly catching myself up on past posts and also tv shows. I fell behind about two weeks ago. 

Ok. back to studying and reading. 
29 January 2009 @ 01:47 am
Umm. I guess i have a lunch date on Friday?
But it's not with ginger boy. It's with someone I met Saturday. Which I'll go into tomorrow, because I should glance over my econ notes once more for my quiz tomorrow. also I need to at least attempt to finish the last 8 pages of my reading for History of Political Theory. It's just hard, because Plato is boring me to death.

Um. Yes. I do love him quite a bit.
If the Damian can't do this, he needs to learn how.

fo real.

26 January 2009 @ 07:12 pm
I made these the other night when I couldn't sleep :)

West Wing Icons and banners over here!! 

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

25 January 2009 @ 03:40 pm
Empire Magazine has revealed its list of the 50 Greatest TV Shows ever, so LJ has a TV meme
1. Bold the shows you watch/used to watch.
2. Italic the shows you've seen at least one episode of.
3. Post your answers. 

50. Quantum Leap
49. Prison Break
48. Veronica Mars

47. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
46. Sex & The City
45. Farscape
44. Cracker
43. Star Treck
42. Only Fools and Horses
41. Band of Brothers
40. Life on Mars UK & US
39. Monty Python's Flying Circus
38. Curb Your Enthusiasm
37. Star Trek: The Next Generation
36. Father Ted
35. Alias
34. Frasier

33. CSI: Las Vegas
32. Babylon 5
31. Deadwood
30. Dexter
29. ER
28. Fawlty Towers
27. Six Feet Under
26. Red Dwarf
25. Futurama
24. Twin Peaks
23. The Office US version (♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥)
22. The Shield
21. Angel
20. Blackladder
19. Scrubs
18. Arrested Development (I loved Michael Cera before it was cool. and jason bateman. and the rest of them)
17. Doctor Who
16. Somehow the list is missing 16 =/
15. Heroes
14. Firefly
13. Battlestar Galactica
12. Family Guy
11. Seinfeld
10. Spaced
9. The X-Files
8. The Wire
7. Friends
6. 24
5. Lost  (first 2 seasons)
4. The West Wing (love of my life ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥)
3. The Sopranos
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
1. The Simpsons

08 January 2009 @ 12:38 am
 I'm now going to Ypsi/A2 tomorrow morning. Because my friend was worried about the weather and exhausted from her practice. This is fine by me, it means more West Wing episodes. The only downside is that I'll have to get up before 9 tomorrow. Which, for me, is early. But it's worth it. Cause it'll be fun times. 

Okay. so for Christmas I got a sound system for my ipod for my dorm room. Also the Office Season 4 and some money, which so far I've used to buy The West Wing season 1. I have money left over, but I'm not sure what I'll get. So I'm going to wait until I find something I really really want. Or use it on food at Northern so I don't have to eat in the cafeteria that often.

I've happily spent most of my break hanging out with my friends and family. I spent New Years at home with my parents, sister, and friend Erin (who I'm staying with tomorrow). We watched Wall-E (OMG SO CUTE), Wanted (which I'd already seen, but it's awesome), and we started Kung Fu Panda around 2 in the morning, but Erin and I fell asleep. The next day we went to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, which was really good. There were a few odd things I noticed about the way he ages/youngs(?) but I think it was very well done.

I started and finished The X Files season 1. I loved it. Now, the special effects aren't the best, but let me tell you, some of those episodes really creeped me out. Eugene and Tooms. Both of those (seeing as how it's the same character, Eugene Victor Tooms) are really creepy to think about. Then there's the episode where there's the guy with extra base pairs, who lets out some awful gas if he's wounded. Ugh. Not pleasant. The best thing though is Mulder and Scully. I mean, I know they're the basis of Bones & Booth's relationship, but in some ways the original them is so much better than B&B are. Don't get me wrong, they're both amazing, but the relationship between M&S grows gradually, and from what I've seen at a slower rate than B&B, which makes it even better. David Duchovny is very very very very sexy. Even today. But especially in the 90s. I should go back and watch them and write my thoughts on each episode. I remember thinking really insightful things about Scully just about every time she was at her computer or writing notes. But I've forgotten what it was I was thinking.

West Wing. OMG. I love it. I mean. I started it last year around this time, borrowing Season 1 & 2 from Jeffrey. I'm so glad I bought the first season. I love it. All of  it. And Josh & Donna. alkjwefiewkl. and CJ & Danny jfwoekfje. Loveeeeee. I'm on season 3 right now, but it's taking forever to get the 13th episode to load. I wish I'd borrowed the third season. I might just borrow it during my spring break at the end of February/beginning of March.

I cannot wait for the 7th season. I know what's coming. I couldn't hold back from spoilers
Current Mood: tiredtired
07 January 2009 @ 01:06 am
 Thank you to those of you who commented on my last entry! And hugs back to citosol !

While I've been sick I've finished the first season of The X Files, bought Season 1 of The West Wing, started season 3 of The West Wing, and read The Quickie. I also lived on my sofa for three days and then finally slept in my own bed the other night. 

Either tomorrow night or Thursday morning I'm going to stay with a friend in Ypsilanti/Ann Arbor, and I doubt I'll be posting for the days I'm there. 

Tomorrow during the day though I'll make a real post. Because right now I'm gonna go to bed.</lj>