I'm now going to Ypsi/A2 tomorrow morning. Because my friend was worried about the weather and exhausted from her practice. This is fine by me, it means more West Wing episodes. The only downside is that I'll have to get up before 9 tomorrow. Which, for me, is early. But it's worth it. Cause it'll be fun times.
Okay. so for Christmas I got a sound system for my ipod for my dorm room. Also the Office Season 4 and some money, which so far I've used to buy The West Wing season 1. I have money left over, but I'm not sure what I'll get. So I'm going to wait until I find something I really really want. Or use it on food at Northern so I don't have to eat in the cafeteria that often.
I've happily spent most of my break hanging out with my friends and family. I spent New Years at home with my parents, sister, and friend Erin (who I'm staying with tomorrow). We watched Wall-E (OMG SO CUTE), Wanted (which I'd already seen, but it's awesome), and we started Kung Fu Panda around 2 in the morning, but Erin and I fell asleep. The next day we went to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, which was really good. There were a few odd things I noticed about the way he ages/youngs(?) but I think it was very well done.
I started and finished The X Files season 1. I loved it. Now, the special effects aren't the best, but let me tell you, some of those episodes really creeped me out. Eugene and Tooms. Both of those (seeing as how it's the same character, Eugene Victor Tooms) are really creepy to think about. Then there's the episode where there's the guy with extra base pairs, who lets out some awful gas if he's wounded. Ugh. Not pleasant. The best thing though is Mulder and Scully. I mean, I know they're the basis of Bones & Booth's relationship, but in some ways the original them is so much better than B&B are. Don't get me wrong, they're both amazing, but the relationship between M&S grows gradually, and from what I've seen at a slower rate than B&B, which makes it even better. David Duchovny is very very very very sexy. Even today. But especially in the 90s. I should go back and watch them and write my thoughts on each episode. I remember thinking really insightful things about Scully just about every time she was at her computer or writing notes. But I've forgotten what it was I was thinking.
West Wing. OMG. I love it. I mean. I started it last year around this time, borrowing Season 1 & 2 from Jeffrey. I'm so glad I bought the first season. I love it. All of it. And Josh & Donna. alkjwefiewkl. and CJ & Danny jfwoekfje. Loveeeeee. I'm on season 3 right now, but it's taking forever to get the 13th episode to load. I wish I'd borrowed the third season. I might just borrow it during my spring break at the end of February/beginning of March.

I cannot wait for the 7th season. I know what's coming. I couldn't hold back from spoilers