Queer Space — LiveJournal
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Queer Space

All bout the Rainbows

3/6/08 02:51 pm - liz9281 - Yes, this is an advertisement, but it is worth listening to

 So my friend misskdubb and I have started a community all about something that seems so simple yet it is actually so hard. The group is called surviving sanity. Anyone is welcome to come for any reason at all-- whether they are looking for penpals, music, homework help, someone to talk to, relationships whatever. Most importantly the main focus is to survive sanity. To keep going, one day at a time, and to try to be happy. We are willing to listen as long as you are. Everyone is welcome. For anything.

3/8/06 09:17 pm - sudd3n1ystrang3

So today I decided a few things. Firstly, I decided to start a new journal. Secondly, I decided that once I had a new journal I would find myself some penpals. And here I am.

I love getting mail, something addressed to me arriving in my letterbox never fails to bring a smile to my face, and writting letters to people across the other side of the world never fails to bore me. Click on the cut for a proper intoduction and a photo.

Intro and CamwhoreismsCollapse )

Anyway, that's me. I hope to get to know some of you soon. Leave me a comment or email me at [email protected]

So now I am here, I thought I'd start a bit of a discussion topic... How many of you are Out, and what was it like for you coming out?

xx Me

10/4/05 05:18 pm - roxanne31

Age- 16
Location- Michigan
School- High School

Singers/Bands- Bob Dylan
Authors- John Grisham
Tv Shows- Nip/Tuck
Hobbies- playing soccer, reading, writing, hanging out with friends, bike riding...

Penpal Questions-
How long have you been pen palling? A few years

How many pen pals do you have? 4

How many pen pals do you want? as many as there are that want to be my pen pal

How long are your letters? Never less than a page front and back unless my pen pal never writes long letters

Do you type or handwrite? handwrite

Do you like sending gifts with your letters? No, not usually

How long does it usually take you to reply to a letter? Less than a week

What age would you like your pen pal(s) to be? older than 16

Would you like them to be male or female? both

Where would you like them to be from? anywhere

What are you looking for in a pen pal? somebody who will write long letters, and somebody who is interesting.

What orientation do you want them to be? It doesn't matter to me

3/14/05 09:25 pm - davie_layne





10/17/04 05:19 pm - a_bad_charlotte - you asked for it...

i am charlotte, the bad one which is not to be confused with any of the good ones, or the bad ones who claim to be good ones but make crappy music.  *smile*  i'm 25, single, femme, living in Texas but without the accent, no one believes i was born here.  i am a submissive, pain slut. i enjoy anything hard and harder.  i have 4 tattoos and one piercing, soon to be more..
i get tired of people crap; i get tired of head games and i love you, i'm sorry, what i meant to say is i DON'T love you; drama and trendy people.  i like what i like because i like it, not because someone else told me to like it, with the exception of my roomie got me hooked on Kools and said i was too much of a puss to get my septum pierced so i did to prove him wrong, and now i'm loving it.
i believe those who do not vote do not have the right to bitch about the state of the union.  if you don't do jack to change it, shut the hell up!  i am a part of the cure and a part of the disease.  and i'm not a pretty girl, because i am more than just a pretty girl.  lol... hopefully someone knows where that came from.  and for those who don't mind my throwing random lyrics into paragraphs..  i am not beautiful like you.. i am beautiful like me!!
i am exactly who i am, i can't or won't change for anyone else.  i've done that, bought the t shirt, then burned it.  i love butches and FTMs. i am an accent whore, if you've got an accent don't tell me unless you are prepared to allow me to hear it and drool.  Oooooh and deepish voices on females... dayum!  i write a lot and read as much as i can.  i'm not a geek but i'm not a cool kid either.  (not that there's anything wrong with being one or both.. i just am not.) i've been told i flirt far too much for my own good and that's probably true.  Off the wall fact i used to be a phone sex operator.. but i don't think my voice is the slightest bit sexy.
hmmm.. ok, ok i'll stop for now..  i'll post a pic to go with the randomness that i call my intro..

just meCollapse )

9/14/04 11:14 pm - jay_dawg - Intros anyone?

Less lurking, more talking!

Anyone into BDSM?

9/3/04 12:06 am - jay_dawg - Vote!

Are you an undecided or an unregistered voter? Do you know someone who is? This election is pivotal for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, and queer Americans and our allies. The Human Rights Campaign ( endorses Senator John F. Kerry for President of the United States, citing his "stellar record on gay civil rights." This isn't just about equal marriage rights; this is about partner benefits, hate crime legislation, military policy, access to adoption, equal protection under local and federal law, and respect from our country's elected officials.

Please take the time to read the following, consider it, and post it in your own journals and in your LiveJournal communities. We have an obligation to be informed citizens, and it's time that the voices of GLBTQ Americans and our allies are heard. In November, cast your vote for equality.

This Needs To Be Said, This Needs to Be HeardCollapse )

This entry is x-posted everywhere. Please pass it on.

8/29/04 04:50 pm - smittenkitten84

Hiya there my name is Jodie, I am 20 years old and currently live in Oxfordshire, UK. I have a lovely girlfriend called Emily and we are embarking on a move to Brighton to further our education.

I just thought would introduce myself I am into computers, anime, metal music, PC Gaming particularly warcraft and other games along those lines. I really want some more pen pals. I have one in the netherlands though he has just moved to england who I have been writing to since I was 13 so about 7 years!

I love sending snail mail to people and not many people I know bother anymore which is a shame. Its a nice thing to see in the morning when ya just woke up a nice letter from somebody. I like sending sparkly letters usually with other little bits and bobs with it.

So if anyone wants to be my penpal just give me an email its [email protected] im not particularly fussy whether they are male/female. Will be looking forward to hearing from someone

Jodie xxxx

8/27/04 11:14 am - jay_dawg - I see you!

Hey you lurkers, I see you guys over there. Why not post some intros or questions,maybe promote queer space around some of the other comms you're a part of?


8/17/04 02:43 am - warm_safe_place - Intro

Greetings. My name is Jess, and I'm familiar with the mod here, so I guess I'll start this party.

A little about me? I'll let the pic speak for itself.

me, circa 2002Collapse )

Indeed. That's me my senior year. I look pretty much the same sans the hair and the glasses (hair's different and I have black-rimmed glasses instead of the hideous gold >>;) and yes, I still work at Arby's. And that wadjet charm is still pretty much the only piece of jewelery I wear. Oh yes, and I still have that delightfully dour look about me. I'm a ray of sunshine, just need to uh, get to know me?

Anyway, I have this question. Lets say hypothetically some unnamed person is not quite out, and they need to break the news gently it to a friend. A friend who happens to want them the wrong way. What should I -cough-...they say?
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