i am charlotte, the bad one which is not to be confused with any of the good ones, or the bad ones who claim to be good ones but make crappy music. *smile* i'm 25, single, femme, living in Texas but without the accent, no one believes i was born here. i am a submissive, pain slut. i enjoy anything hard and harder. i have 4 tattoos and one piercing, soon to be more..
i get tired of people crap; i get tired of head games and i love you, i'm sorry, what i meant to say is i DON'T love you; drama and trendy people. i like what i like because i like it, not because someone else told me to like it, with the exception of my roomie got me hooked on Kools and said i was too much of a puss to get my septum pierced so i did to prove him wrong, and now i'm loving it.
i believe those who do not vote do not have the right to bitch about the state of the union. if you don't do jack to change it, shut the hell up! i am a part of the cure and a part of the disease. and i'm not a pretty girl, because i am more than just a pretty girl. lol... hopefully someone knows where that came from. and for those who don't mind my throwing random lyrics into paragraphs.. i am not beautiful like you.. i am beautiful like me!!
i am exactly who i am, i can't or won't change for anyone else. i've done that, bought the t shirt, then burned it. i love butches and FTMs. i am an accent whore, if you've got an accent don't tell me unless you are prepared to allow me to hear it and drool. Oooooh and deepish voices on females... dayum! i write a lot and read as much as i can. i'm not a geek but i'm not a cool kid either. (not that there's anything wrong with being one or both.. i just am not.) i've been told i flirt far too much for my own good and that's probably true. Off the wall fact i used to be a phone sex operator.. but i don't think my voice is the slightest bit sexy.
hmmm.. ok, ok i'll stop for now.. i'll post a pic to go with the randomness that i call my intro..
( just meCollapse )