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November 18th, 2010

02:51 am - sweet
hello again! have u seen my best girlfriend live ???? well she is now live on dirtystage href=""> watch it now or try it later


November 5th, 2010

12:19 am - University Graduates' Debt Loads at Critical Level - A Solution?
Hey guys!

Now, I don't go to Queens, but I have obtained mod permission to post this, so, s'all good.

I'm here to inform you of STREP, a little group we've started at the University of Lethbridge. We're concerned about the critical levels of debt associated with obtaining a university education. Many student groups have tried rallying their universities for lower tuition, but have been unsuccessful. Our group understands the reason behind this as normal university growth and staff wage increases as a reason that tuition will not be lowered.

These critical levels of debt that graduates have not only affect the individual, but also the population as a whole. Graduates wanting to buy a house after school are unable to as they cannot get approved for a mortgage with that high of a pre-existing debt load. Because these graduates are unable to buy a home, they put off having children, contributing to the decline in our population as well as Canada's dependency on immigrant workers. If we want Canada's people to grow and prosper we need a solution or we will have even less professionals - such as nurses, doctors, engineers, designers, etc.

Our student group believes that it has a solution. When tradespeople are required to return to school they are given unemployment insurance to cover their living expenses. Why aren't university students given the same? Some argue that it's because tradespeople are forced to return to school and that they can't continue working without going back. The same can be said for university students - you can't work in your field with only your first year of university. The seemingly obvious solution here is to give university students employment insurance to cover their living expenses while in school. In the end, there will be more people able to attend university, get high paying jobs, help with the housing market, reproduce the population quicker, and pay more back into employment insurance.

We realize that this probably won't be the most popular idea with the government, but something needs to be done. Please visit our Facebook group or view or YouTube video below to help support this initiative.



Thank you!

STREP - Pass it on!
STudents Requiring Employment insurance Payments
Current Mood: hopefulhopeful

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September 24th, 2010

03:37 pm - Is anyone from London Ont going to Queen's?
I have a library book that I forgot to return before graduating and leaving Kingston this year, and was wondering if anyone in the London area going back-and-from Kingston could drop it off at Stauffer? I'd be willing to offer $5 for the favour. It'd be super super appreciated.

E-mail [email protected] for details!

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September 17th, 2010

03:05 pm - PSYC 251/241 Summer Course
 Has anyone taken the PSYC251/241 summer correspondence course? If so, how was it?
Current Mood: anxiousanxious

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02:19 pm - Course load!
I'm majoring in Linguistics in my second year. There are several PSYC courses that count towards my major. I'm taking four PSYC courses this semester (235, 241, 221, 251), two of which go towards my major (221 and 251). I was just wondering if you guys think it's a bit of an over load. Other courses I'm taking are 2 LING courses and Spanish.

Also, other courses that go towards my major: PSYC215 (experiemental:perception) and PSYC271 (brain + behaviour). Anyone have any opinions of those? I'm thinking 271 might be too scienc-y, though both parts I and II go towards my major.

And one last thing, anyone have an opinion on which pair of courses I should take first - LING310 + LING320 or LING330 + LING340.

Any feedback appreciated! Thankas.
Current Mood: distresseddistressed

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September 7th, 2010

03:23 pm - Books for Sale!!!!
1. BIOL 243: The Analysis of Biological Data by Whitlock and Schluter for $80
- Excellent condition: no writing, highlights, marks, rips, spills
- Just bought and used last Fall, so in almost-new condition!
- Included for FREE: course pack that has some useful information for the program "R" that you'll be using for this course

2. BIOL 302/303: Ecology Canadian Edition by Molles and Cahill for $90
- Excellent condition: no marks, writing, highlights, rips
- Bought last winter for BIOL 303, but it's good for both BIOL 302 (fall) and BIOL 303 (winter)

3. PSYC 235: Abnormal Psychology 2nd Canadian Edition by Barlow for $80
- Excellent condition: no writing, highlights, rips, spills
- Comes with a CD which I found very useful for multiple choice

4. BIOL 201: Biology of Plants by Raven, Evert, Eichhorn AND Photographic Atlas for the Botany Laboratory for $100
- One price for 2 books!
- Textbook is in excellent condition: no marks, writing, highlights, rips, spills
- Photo Atlas is in almost brand new condition since I put it in a binder. I highly recommend this because it was very helping when studying for lab practicals and exams.

If anyone is interested email me at: [email protected]

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August 29th, 2010

02:01 pm - Internet?

Hey everyone!

So, I'm moving out of residence this year and sharing a place with my friends. I was wondering if anyone could offer some imput/reviews on the various internet providers in Kingston? Which one is the best/most reliable?

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July 10th, 2010

09:37 am - Birdy!!
I am working full time and taking my last ENGL pre-req (226).. I have .5 to go.. I am looking at doing it in the fall semester so I can relax in the new year lolll... this will be done by distance studies..
I want something a bit more birdy since my sched will be pretty packed...
any recommendations/tips/birdiness on:

WRIT195 modular writing
ANAT100 anatomy
PHIL158 critical thinking

Thanks, guys!! :)

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June 30th, 2010

03:24 pm


Hi everyone! I’m going into my second year, majoring in English and minoring in French, and I’m looking for feedback on a couple courses and professors. I’m also trying to decide if I should take six courses next year, or if I should stick to five, so if you can tell me a little about the workload in second-year English and the difficulty of an increased course load, I’d really appreciate it because I’d much rather take a fifth year (if necessary) than kill myself. Next year, I plan to take:

Introduction to Literary Criticism (ENGL292) with Michael Snediker: the course is recommended and I’ve heard fantastic about Michael Snediker, so I’m not at all concerned about this course.

Contemporary Canadian Literature (ENGL283) with Sam McKegney: This course conflicts with the Jacobean Shakespeare (ENGL228*), but it sounds interesting and everyone had very positive comments about Sam McKegney on Rate My Prof, so I have to choose between the two, as there’s only one section of each.

Obviously, I can take one or the other in third year, so it’s not a huge problem, but do you think one is more relevant to my third year courses than the other? What do you think of Asha Varadharajan (instructor for the first half of the course, ENGL227*)? Is she really as incomprehensible (because of diction and volume) and prone to tangents as everyone on Rate My Prof seems to think and are her lectures as superficial as some people have said?

Fantasy (ENGL203*) with Ruth Wehlau: What did you think of the course and/or professor?

The Short Story in English (ENGL204*) with Tim McIntyre: I don’t know if Tim McIntyre is a PhD student or a new professor, but there are no reviews for him on Rate My Prof and he doesn’t have a bio on the English department website. Has anyone had him, either as a TA or an instructor/professor, and what were your opinions?

I didn’t take any Gender (formerly Women’s) Studies courses last year; do you think that will hurt me if/when I take a 200-level GNDS course this year? I’m thinking of Introduction to Sexual and Gender Diversity (GNDS215*), but Margaret Little has a number of poor reviews on Rate My Prof. I’m not sure if that’s because people weren’t prepared to have their opinions challenged or if she’s genuinely that bad, so opinions are appreciated.

Any thoughts on Racism, Colonialism, and Resistance (GNDS212*), Feminist Histories (GNDS211*), and/or Scott Morgensen? How’s the department as a whole?

I can’t decide on French courses; I’m thinking of Introduction à la littérature française (FREN212) and Le cinéma et la civilisation française (FREN227*) and La civilisation canadienne-française (FREN232*) or Le théâtre canadien-français (FREN266*), but I’d welcome any suggestions and opinions.  I’m interested in the conversation courses, as my spoken French is no longer as fluent, so if you have any thoughts on those, that would be great, too!

ETA: Apparently, most French and Gender Studies classes conflict with my English classes, so I'll have to save them for third year =/. 

Lastly, is there anything I should keep in mind about the English or French department going forward?

Thanks in advance for your time!  I really appreciate it =).

Current Mood: hopefulhopeful

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June 24th, 2010

10:03 pm - Graduate Development Studies program
Hello all!

I am really interested in doing a Masters at Queen's in their Development Studies program so I just have a few questions about it! If anyone could help me out, it would be greatly appreciated!

1) According to this document (DEVS students respond to budget cuts), what is the situation right now? Has cuts already been made? Are there less resources for both Development Studies undergrad AND grad students?

2) One of THE biggest reasons why I want to come to Queen's for Development Studies is because of their Work-Study Programme that allows students to do an exchange in another country while gaining work experience AND relevant school credits. HOWEVER, I am aware the work-study programme is primarily aimed at undergraduates and NOT grad students. As a grad student, would this mean that I won't be able to take part in this awesome work-study programme? Because that is the biggest attraction to me and it's why I would choose Queen's and living out of town and borrowing OSAP over going to a university in my city and living at home where I don't have to pay rent (yet). :P

3) For those who have studied/current studying/know anyone who did/just have general info, what is the Development Studies program like for a grad student? Do you love/hate it and why? What are the professors like, in terms of approaching them for assistance, etc.? Are the courses informative, do they really prepare you for your future career, is it practical, etc.?

4) If you happen to be a graduate/know anyone who is, what are the chances of gaining a career through this program afterward? (Another reason why I think so highly of Queen's Development Studies is because I heard their graduates end up doing amazing things.)

5) Finally, I'm actually from York University so my thinking is quite liberal - I aim for progressiveness when arguing in my essays and I also have a feminist background with a bit of social justice thrown in. Would these values fit in this program?

Thanks for all your help!!

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