BREAKING THE RULES (Troubleshooters #16; four stars)
Izzy Zanella wasn’t looking for another reason to butt heads with his Navy SEAL teammate, and nemesis, Danny Gillman. But then he met Danny’s beautiful younger sister, Eden. When she needed it most, he offered her a place to stay, a shoulder to cry on—and more. And when she got pregnant with another man’s child, he offered her marriage. But Eden’s devastating miscarriage shattered their life together—and made the intense bad blood between Izzy and Danny even worse.
Now Eden’s back, and she’s on a mission to rescue her teen brother, Ben, from their abusive stepfather. Even if she and Izzy can prove that their broken marriage is still in one piece, winning legal custody of Ben is a long shot. But they’re not alone: Danny and his girlfriend, Jenn, offer to help, and he and Izzy agree to bury the past and fight for Ben’s future.
As they plan their strategy, Izzy and Eden grapple with the raw passion that still crackles between them—while Danny and Jenn confront new depths in their own rocky relationship. But events take a terrifying turn after Ben befriends a girl fleeing a child prostitution ring. When the young runaway seeks refuge with Eden and Izzy, her pursuers kidnap Ben—and a deadly standoff begins. Now they must all pull together like never before and strike back, swift and hard, to protect their unconventional little family and everything they hold most precious.
YOU GUYSSSS. I love this book. The fact that I read it way out of chronological order -- it was either the first or second non-Jules centric book I read -- is why, despite the fact that he is often super skeezy, I still ultimately really like Izzy. This was a much better first impression than his actual first appearance. Or second appearance. Or… you get the idea, though he suffers upon discovering the full context. But more importantly: the romances in this book take a back seat to the fact that it’s about family. AND I LOVE STORIES ABOUT FAMILY.
I: Izzy and Eden
II: Jenn and Dan
III: And all the other stuff
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Now Eden’s back, and she’s on a mission to rescue her teen brother, Ben, from their abusive stepfather. Even if she and Izzy can prove that their broken marriage is still in one piece, winning legal custody of Ben is a long shot. But they’re not alone: Danny and his girlfriend, Jenn, offer to help, and he and Izzy agree to bury the past and fight for Ben’s future.
As they plan their strategy, Izzy and Eden grapple with the raw passion that still crackles between them—while Danny and Jenn confront new depths in their own rocky relationship. But events take a terrifying turn after Ben befriends a girl fleeing a child prostitution ring. When the young runaway seeks refuge with Eden and Izzy, her pursuers kidnap Ben—and a deadly standoff begins. Now they must all pull together like never before and strike back, swift and hard, to protect their unconventional little family and everything they hold most precious.
YOU GUYSSSS. I love this book. The fact that I read it way out of chronological order -- it was either the first or second non-Jules centric book I read -- is why, despite the fact that he is often super skeezy, I still ultimately really like Izzy. This was a much better first impression than his actual first appearance. Or second appearance. Or… you get the idea, though he suffers upon discovering the full context. But more importantly: the romances in this book take a back seat to the fact that it’s about family. AND I LOVE STORIES ABOUT FAMILY.
I: Izzy and Eden
II: Jenn and Dan
III: And all the other stuff
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- USES OF THE PHRASE “SOUL-KISS”: Only once, and that’s actual when Izzy gets knocked off his feet by an explosion and ends up “soul-kissing the pavement.”
- COUPLE WHO KNEW EACH OTHER IN HIGH SCHOOL AND/OR SHE’S HIS FRIEND’S SISTER: Izzy and Eden, still, assuming you can count Izzy and Dan as friends...
- PREGNANCY SCARE HE SECRETLY THINKS IS HOT: Hahaha YEAH, Dan and Jenn sort of forget to use a condom on their wedding night and then decide not to and Dan is SO TURNED ON by the idea of her getting pregnant.
- SEX AT AN INOPPORTUNE TIME AND HE CAN’T PULL OUT BECAUSE REASONS: Izzy and Eden get all gropey in his car at one point and his watch gets stuck on her skirt when they try to jerk away from each other because Dan has walked up.
- SOMEONE HAS THE FLU/FOOD POISONING/OTHERWISE VOMITS FOR NO REASON: No flu or food poisoning, but vomit galore. Dan throws up after he accidentally hits Jenn; Ben throws up due to some diabetes/kidnapping complications; Greg throws up because he’s super wasted and gross.
- JAY LOPEZ SHOWS UP, EXPLAINS THAT HE’S A MEDIC, AND VANISHES AGAIN: Yep! He is conveniently on hand for the first scene when there’s that explosion, then vanishes for the entire rest of the book.
- JULES: Phones it in, helpfully leaking FBI info he knows Izzy and Dan will abuse. I mean, why not? That’s nothing compared to helping Nash fake his own death and whatever other nonsense he got up to before this.
- SOUL-KISSES: 18, or at least, 18 kisses (or non-kisses) that are variants on it - soul-kisses, soul-sucking kisses, soul-shattering kisses...
- COUPLE WHO KNEW EACH OTHER IN HIGH SCHOOL AND/OR SHE’S HIS FRIEND’S SISTER: Eden and Izzy, Ric and Annie, Ken and Savannah (college, close enough), and Tom and Kelly. With bonus shout outs to Jenk and Tracy (though they never actually happened), and Hannah and Murph, who a had similar vibe. (And I know this one comes up in at least one of the short stories, too.)
- PREGNANCY SCARE HE SECRETLY THINKS IS HOT: Jenn and Dan (actually get pregnant), Sophia and Dave (actually get pregnant), Izzy and Eden (CLOSE ENOUGH considering how sexy he finds her pregnancy), Ric and Annie, Max and Giina (actually get pregnant), Molly and Jones (actually get pregnant), Robin and Patty (have a scare), Nash and Tess, Sam and Alyssa, Stan and Teri, Nils and Meg, Sam and Alyssa again.
- SEX AT AN INOPPORTUNE TIME AND HE CAN’T PULL OUT BECAUSE REASONS: Reconfiguring this slightly to inopportune or otherwise embarrassing, you get Izzy and Eden, Jenn and Dan, Decker and Tracy, Sam and Alyssa, Ric and Annie, Max and Gina, Sam and Alyssa again, and Tom and Kelly
- SOMEONE HAS THE FLU/FOOD POISONING/OTHERWISE VOMITS FOR NO REASON: There are only two books without some form of vomiting.
- JAY LOPEZ SHOWS UP, EXPLAINS THAT HE’S A MEDIC, AND VANISHES AGAIN: The only books where Jay does not get to show up and be a medic are FORCE OF NATURE and BREAKING POINT, it turns out.
- JULES: After his introduction in book two, Jules is only absent from FLASHPOINT.
- SAM AND ALYSSA: Are only absent from this final book - in every other book they are at the very least referenced in passing.