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Plugin Update

Similar to the installation process, you can also update the QuadMenu Plugin, with the automatic WordPress installer or through the FTP folder upload.

  1. Download the quadmenu-pro.zip file from your account.
  2. Open your website’s WordPress admin panel at mysite.com/wp-admin/.
  3. In the WP dashboard go to Plugins > Add New.
  4. Click on the Upload Plugin button, at the top of the screen.
  5. Click the Choose File button and use the popup window to browse for the quadmenu-pro.zip file and select it.
  6. Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins and click the Activate button, under the QuadMenu name, in the plugins list.

WordPress Update

  1. To install via FTP you need a FTP client, like FileZilla, installed on your PC and the access data to connect to your server.
  2. Download the quadmenu-pro.zip file from your account.
  3. Unzip the quadmenu-pro.zip file which contains the folder quadmenu-pro.
  4. Upload the folder through the FTP client in the folder wp-content/plugins/ and replace all existing files.
  5. Open your WP dashboard and go to Plugins > Installed Plugins and click the Activate button, under the QuadMenu name, in the plugins list.

Test Quadmenu for Free Right Away

Experience the ultimate WordPress menu solution. Customize, organize, and enhance your site’s navigation effortlessly.

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