Qatar University
Education Sciences
In an attempt to enhance teacher and student performance in school, a learning management system (LMS) known as Knowledge-Net (K-Net) was introduced in Qatari independent schools. (All public schools in Qatar have transformed to... more
This study describes the implications of the massive Qatari educational reform, Education For a New Era (EFNE), from the perspectives of teachers, principals, and parents provides insight into these stakeholders perceptions regarding how... more
In 2012, the Supreme Education Council of the State of Qatar decreed a change from English to Arabic as a medium of instruction in four of the colleges of Qatar University. This surprise move created much controversy, especially among the... more
Educational institutions in the Arab Gulf are requiring rapid changes to enhance English language learning to keep up with globalization and economic growth. This urges the need for investigating policy changes such as effectiveness in... more
The paper reports the results of a qualitative research study that explores principal, teacher, and parent perceptions with regard to Qatar’s education reform, Education for a New Era (EFNE) launched in 2004. The study focuses on the... more
As worldwide educational reforms link educational outcomes with teacher performance, teachers are increasingly pressured to adopt several roles that reflect these new demands. Thus, the purpose of the study was to investigate student... more
This article aims to examine how language policy affects the reconstruction of academic identities in a time of rapid and significant changes in contemporary higher education. Through a narrative approach, we explore how a top-down... more
Research shows that literature in translation has a tremendous impact on students' learning in an increasingly interdependent world. The purposes of this study were to explore the usefulness of Arabic young adult literature in English in... more
The United Arab Emirates is devoted to inclusive education, which respects the right for all learners, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses in any area, to become part of the mainstream school. This study describes the current... more
The United Arab Emirates has always been keen to integrate students with special needs in mainstream classrooms. This study explores teachers' attitudes toward the inclusion of children with disabilities in the UAE mainstream schools. It... more
Storybook reading at the kindergarten level is not given adequate attention by Arab parents and caregivers due to the perspective that children do not understand formal Arabic/FusHa and those children do not enjoy being read to from... more
s The Genius of Islam: How Muslims Made the Modern World is a timely book and highly needed, especially during the current Arab Spring. It reminds Muslims and non-Muslims of the Muslim culture during the Middle Ages, which was a period of... more
This research paper explores the trends of presenting political and social realities in Arabic children's literature through a content analysis of 26 awardwinning Arabic children's books published between 2011 and 2018after the Arab... more
لعل هذه الدراسة هي الأولى من نوعها لأنها تعلن ظهور الأدب العربي الخاص بالمراهقين العرب (باللغة الانجليزية ) – نصوص أدبية موجه الى الاطفال الذين تتراوح أعمارهم 12 -20 سنة. ألاهم من ذلك , تحدد هذه الدراسة ولأول مرة معايير و خصائص النصوص... more
Research shows that literature in translation has a tremendous impact on students’ learning in an increasingly interdependent world. The purposes of this study were to explore the usefulness of Arabic young adult literature in English in... more