Qatar University
Academic Research
If we are to believe the latest works of Alain Touraine, contemporary sociology is in a crisis. The last two decades have brought about unexpected and dynamic change to our societies; rapid shifts in the social world that a myriad of... more
The project addresses the role of civil society organizations (CSOs) in democratization processes, bridging social science approaches to social movements and democracy. The project starts by revisiting the "transitology" approach to... more
In the 2010s, Islamist activism has been on the rise across the Middle East and North Africa for decades now. In the light of the post-revolutionary elections in Egypt and Tunisia, Islamist parties are sweeping the polls supported by the... more
The Dark Side of Modernity by Jeffrey C. Alexander. Cambridge: Polity Press, 2013. 187pp., £15.99, ISBN 978 0 7456 4822 4
The article (4667 w.) analyses the term Islamism and its contemporary uses: "Islamism is one of many sociopolitical concepts that are continuously contested in scholarly literature. It is a neologism debated in both Muslim and... more
Contemporary Salafism is a multifaceted phenomenon that is increasingly receiving attention from scholars of sociology and religion in general and Islam in particular. This special issue is a part of this trend wherein we present a... more
Salafis refer to their understanding of Islam as authentic. This claim has resonated well with a substantial number of young Muslims. The article sets out to identify this assertion’s main components and its appeal among Egyptian youth... more
Malcolm sought cultural and spiritual authenticity through his struggle, both for himself and his people. He possessed that prophetic quality of caring for those who shared similar experiences with him, as well as those who were worse off.
The debate about the compatibility of modernity and (the) Islamic tra- dition is, at this point, centuries old. This article analyzes some of its most recent expressions. The guiding question here is one about the meaning(s) of modernity... more
Emin Poljarevic, "Malik al-Shabazz’s Practice of Self-Liberation" in Dustin Byrd and Sayed Javad Miri (eds.), Malcolm X: From Political Eschatology to Religious Revolutionary (Leiden: Brill 2016).
Muhammads död innebar rimligtvis en kris för den unga muslimska för- samlingen. Muhammad hade inte bara fått kontinuerliga uppenbarel- ser från Gud, utan också genom uppenbarelserna kunnat uttolka och förklara Guds vilja för sina... more
The new French documentary Les Salafistes (The Salafis) that pre-miered January 26, 2016, in a small number of French theaters offers iconographic imagery seldom seen in the public space: a string of interviews with some of the leading... more
"The idea of citizenship (muwatana) for many, if not most, activist Salafis represents an expression of belonging to a community of believers within or without the confines of state borders. This communitarian understanding ties in with... more
In the minds of the general public, Salafism is a radical reactionary movement comprised of fundamentalists motivated by a nitpicking religious zeal. Bearing this in mind, one cannot help but wonder why some young Muslims are attracted to... more