Thesis Chapters by Jarad Alaa
The Effect of Multiple Intelligences Based Teaching on Developing Seventh Graders' Achievement in... more The Effect of Multiple Intelligences Based Teaching on Developing Seventh Graders' Achievement in English Tests in Palestine
Papers by Jarad Alaa

ICEVI World Conference (12th, Kuala Lumpur, …, 2006
Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences has provided educators with a new view of intel... more Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences has provided educators with a new view of intelligence. It emphasizes that science, math and language are not the only ways to exhibit intelligence. People exhibit intelligence in many different ways. Each type of intelligence is as valuable as the others. Gardner classifies these intelligences into eight different areas: bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial and natural intelligence. This paper reviews studies done for enhancing multiple intelligences in children who are blind. It also presents findings from brain research that supports the Theory of Multiple Intelligences and their implications in the field of teaching and learning. In addition, this paper provides a guide to modify curricular activities in the glance of the Theory of Multiple Intelligences. These activities are designed to improve different talents in children who are blind such as imagination, creativity, cooperation, social skills, self reflection, linguistic abilities, critical thinking, scientific thinking and attitudes towards nature. Examples of the teaching methods that are used to enhance these talents are: cooperation learning, guided imagery, brainstorming, questioning, scientific inquiry, projects-based learning, learning cycle, and some others. Sample lesson plans are provided in this paper.
A paper for practical education .. English language
- Objectives domains and characteristics
- ... more A paper for practical education .. English language
- Objectives domains and characteristics
- Lesson planning
- Behavioral objectives
- Affective objectives
- Psychomotor objectives
Classroom Visit Evaluation Sheet
Personal aims are what the teacher intends to improve in his/er performance, which reflects posit... more Personal aims are what the teacher intends to improve in his/er performance, which reflects positively on his/er students' performance in the classroom. They are long term objectives i.e. the teacher can achieve each one of them in one session, two sessions, three sessions or even in the whole term or a year. That means they can be repeated in different lessons or periods.
Thesis Chapters by Jarad Alaa
Papers by Jarad Alaa
- Objectives domains and characteristics
- Lesson planning
- Behavioral objectives
- Affective objectives
- Psychomotor objectives
- Objectives domains and characteristics
- Lesson planning
- Behavioral objectives
- Affective objectives
- Psychomotor objectives