Papers by Rasoul Hosseinpur

هديكچ هرهب اب هك هعلاطم نيا ةيضرف زا يريگ » ينهذ يريگرد راب « رفول و نياتسلاه يوس زا و (2001) حرط... more هديكچ هرهب اب هك هعلاطم نيا ةيضرف زا يريگ » ينهذ يريگرد راب « رفول و نياتسلاه يوس زا و (2001) حرطم هدش يم شلات ،تسا تارابع يراپسداي نازيم رد ار نيرمت اب هتخيگنارب يريگرد راب ريثأت ات دنك ،روظنم نيا يارب .دنك يسررب ،يسيلگنا نابز ناريگارف يوس زا ،يحلاطصا 60 زا رفن نابز نز ناريگارف قيرط زا حلاطصا هدزناپ .دندرك تكرش هعلاطم نيا رد ،نارهت رهش رد ينابز هاگشزومآ زا يسيلگنا يم بلط ار ينهذ راب يريگرد زا يفلتخم حوطس هك يتانيرمت هداد شزومآ ناريگارف زا هورگ هس هب ،درك اخ ياج ندرك رپ نيرمت ،بلطم كرد نيرمت لماش تانيرمت نيا .دش نازيم ،سپس .دوب شراگن و يل سپ ود قيرط زا يحلاطصا تارابع نيا يراپسداي ةطبار ،جياتن .دش هديجنس رخأتم و هيلوا نومزآ ،نينچمه .داد ناشن اضعا يوس زا تاحلاطصا يراپسداي و نيرمت اب هتخيگنارب يريگداي نيب ار يميقتسم هتفاي لااب شراگن تانيرمت رد يراپسداي هك داد ناشن اه و طسوتم يلاخ ياج ندرك رپ تانيرمت رد ،نيرت مك بلطم كرد تانيرمت رد يحارط و شزومآ ،ليلحت يارب يدياوف هعلاطم نيا .تشاد ار نازيم نيرت .دراد تانيرمت

Journal of Modern Research in English Language Studies, 2023
The upsurge of interest in the employment of instructional technologies in learning English has c... more The upsurge of interest in the employment of instructional technologies in learning English has coincided with a growing interest in Online Informal Learning of English (OILE). Considering the under-explored area of speaking skill, the present study investigated the participants' microgenetic development of speaking ability in terms of accuracy and fluency through informal participation in online activities. Through a stratified purposive sample selection, three adult male and female intermediate-level participants were selected and agreed to engage in some informal online activities such as emailing, watching online videos like TED (Technology, Entertainment, and Design) Talks (i.e., videos from different expert speakers from different areas of inquiry), participating in webinars, reading online news, etc. The participants' microgenetic developments were tested throughout the study in twoweek-time intervals. The results of the audio recorded data highlighted the positive impact of the OILE activities on the development of spoken accuracy and fluency. The results also suggested that each individual participant was on their unique developmental trajectory and that accuracy and fluency development was not a linear process, and there was a trade-off between accuracy and fluency.

Journal of Intercultural Communication
The paucity of studies on plagiarism in some under-explored contexts, such as Afghanistan and Taj... more The paucity of studies on plagiarism in some under-explored contexts, such as Afghanistan and Tajikistan, highlight the necessity of conducting this study. To this end, 200 Iranian, 185 Afghan, and 170 Tajik EFL students, who share certain commonalities regarding culture and language, participated in the study. The iThenticate (2013) questionnaire and two essay-type questions on the main reasons for committing plagiarism and possible ways to cope with it were employed to examine the participants’ perceptions toward it. Findings revealed that the participants from these three countries shared the same ideas regarding the most common and serious forms of plagiarism. It was also found that overalllack of knowledge about plagiarism, absence of severe punishment, and ease of plagiarizing was among the most important reason for committing plagiarism. The study proposed “raising students’ awareness of plagiarism and its consequences” and “establishment of severe punishment” as the best pos...
Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language--TESL-EJ, May 1, 2022

Most of the studies on semantic prosody have mainly focused on the recognition of positive, negat... more Most of the studies on semantic prosody have mainly focused on the recognition of positive, negative, or neutral load of the meaning inferred from the node and its co-occurrences from corpus-based perspectives. However, this study aimed at delving into the teaching and learning aspect of semantic prosodies within the classroom setting. To this end, 76 Iranian undergraduate university students majoring in English translation were randomly selected. Receptive Semantic Prosody Test (RSPT) was administered as a pre-test to assess the students’ initial knowledge of the semantic prosodies. Then, the students were assigned to three groups: two experimental (L1-based and L2-based) and one control group. The experimental groups went through a seven-week instructional 1 DOI: 10.22051/lghor.2019.25455.1107 2 Assistant professor of TEFL, English Language and Literature Department, University of Qom, (Corresponding Author); [email protected], [email protected] 3 Assistant professor of...

The first step in the optimization of research is to analyze and review the conducted research to... more The first step in the optimization of research is to analyze and review the conducted research to gain a comprehensive overview. Therefore, this study was set to delve into the contributions made to Iranian Applied Linguistics Journals approved by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology from 2008 to 2019. To analyze the data, frequency analyses were run on 1419 publications. The findings indicated that TEFL-related topics received the most coverage (88%) compared to the other prevalent majors: Linguistics, Translation, and Literature. The study revealed that male contributions (63.7%) far outweighed those of females (34.4%). Furthermore, it came to light that co-authorship (59.95%) was more appreciated among contributors to Iranian applied linguistics journals. Moreover, Islamic Azad University collectively (25.34%) followed by University of Shiraz (11.3%) and University of Isfahan (10.25%) had the highest number of publications. Assistant (32.12%) and associate professors...

Journal of Modern Research in English Language Studies, 2017
In spite of the crucial function of the politeness markers in the appropriate communication of th... more In spite of the crucial function of the politeness markers in the appropriate communication of the language learners, teachability of these markers has not received due attention in the pragmatic studies. Drawing upon House and Kasper's (1981) influential taxonomy of politeness markers, the present study addressed teachability as well as the underlying process or microgenetic development of these markers in an EFL context. A population of 56 undergraduate participants underwent instruction through consciousness-raising (C-R) tasks for nine sessions. The data were obtained through repeated measurements during the first, third, fifth, seventh, and ninth sessions. The findings highlighted the effectiveness of the politeness markers instruction and suggested that the learners' heavy reliance on some structures like "please" and consultative devices such as "willingness" and "ability" structures at early stages of data collection was mostly due to th...

Journal of Teaching Language Skills, 2014
The necessity and importance of teaching pragmatics has come to light by many researchers (e.g. R... more The necessity and importance of teaching pragmatics has come to light by many researchers (e.g. Rose & Kasper, 2001). Due to the consensus over the need to teach pragmatic competence, the main issue now centers on the question of how we should teach this competence in the most effective way. Consistent with this line of research, the present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of deductive, inductive, and L1-based consciousness-raising instructional tasks on EFL learners' acquisition of the request speech act during a seven-week instruction period. The results obtained through a written DCT administered to 140 EFL learners indicated that instruction had a significantly positive effect on learners' acquisition of the request speech act. The comparison of the task types demonstrated that, all in all, the deductive task was the most effective one. Furthermore, the results showed that the learners were generally receptive to L1-based awareness-raising tasks and that the...

Pragmatic assessment has recently opened up a new line of inquiry for many interested researchers... more Pragmatic assessment has recently opened up a new line of inquiry for many interested researchers within the realm of L2 pragmatics. Accordingly, different methods have been proposed to assess pragmatic competence. Drawing on request speech act, this study aimed at comparing and contrasting Written Discourse Completion Task (WDCT), Oral Discourse Completion Task (ODCT), and Role-play with the natural method in terms of five dependent variables: length, repetitions, omissions, inversions, and exclamation particles. To this end, 27 intermediate level EFL learners were asked to make two requests with contextual features of low-status, low-imposition, and two requests with contextual features of high-status, low-imposition using each of the three elicitation techniques. Having recorded the natural talk-in interactions of all students and teachers over 15 weeks, the researchers transcribed the gathered data for further in-depth pragmatic analysis. To analyze the data, Chi-Square and bino...

In spite of the crucial function of the politeness markers in the appropriate communication of th... more In spite of the crucial function of the politeness markers in the appropriate communication of the language learners, teachability of these markers has not received due attention in the pragmatic studies. Drawing upon House and Kasper’s (1981) influential taxonomy of politeness markers, the present study addressed teachability as well as the underlying process or microgenetic development of these markers in an EFL context. A population of 56 undergraduate participants underwent instruction through consciousness-raising (C-R) tasks for nine sessions. The data were obtained through repeated measurements during the first, third, fifth, seventh, and ninth sessions. The findings highlighted the effectiveness of the politeness markers instruction and suggested that the learners’ heavy reliance on some structures like “please” and consultative devices such as “willingness” and “ability” structures at early stages of data collection was mostly due to their unawareness of other politeness st...

Human beings are defined as an embodiment of social and cultural understanding which can develop ... more Human beings are defined as an embodiment of social and cultural understanding which can develop by engaging in various social contexts. Cultural intelligence and cultural identity are thus accounted noteworthy in learning particular aspects of language which are culture-specific. The present study intended to investigate the interaction effect of cultural intelligence and cultural identity on Iranian EFL learners’ use of politeness strategies. To this end, the participants were divided into two groups of high and low cultural intelligence and cultural identity. Moreover, regardless of their membership in the two groups, the participants were included in the assessment of the relationship between cultural intelligence and politeness strategies. Fifty two intermediate language learners whose proficiency level was determined through Oxford Quick Proficiency Test were required to fill out the questionnaires of Cultural Intelligence, L1 Cultural identity and Discourse Completion Tasks. ...

Till recently, text difficulty has commonly been determined by employing readability formulas, ho... more Till recently, text difficulty has commonly been determined by employing readability formulas, however, major criticisms have been leveled against readability formulas (Graves & Graves, 2003).This research project aimed at determining text difficulty through readability formulas and Coh-Metrix. In other words, the study investigated the role of text difficulty in EFL learners’ pedagogic task performances. Since both males and females took part in the study, firstly the researchers aimed at finding out whether a different pattern of task performance existed for each. Secondly, all participants were provided with two different reading passages whose difficulty levels were determined by Coh-Metrix and readability formulas. Finally, a self-efficacy questionnaire was administered to delve into learners’ self-perceptions about their own performances on the pedagogic tasks. Descriptive statistics, paired samples t-test and repeated measures ANOVA were utilized to analyze the data. The resu...
Language Assessment Quarterly, 2019

RELC Journal, 2017 is sponsored by a team led by Dr. Jeff McQuillan and Dr. Lucy Tse at the Center for Ed... more is sponsored by a team led by Dr. Jeff McQuillan and Dr. Lucy Tse at the Center for Educational Development in Los Angeles, California. The website offers a comprehensive collection of podcasts specifically designed for intermediate and advanced learners of English. According to the website, which has been designed mainly for commercial purposes, 1.27 million students from 189 countries around the globe have gained access to more than 1,800 audio files to practise and learn English. The audio lessons contain learning guides and are presented mainly as ‘Daily English’ and ‘Cultural English’ categories. Each is 20 to 30 minutes long. Dr. McQuillan has published widely in ELT-related journals including Bilingual Research Journal, Foreign Language Annals, Language, Learning and Technology, Reading Psychology, and Language and Education. His books include: The Literacy Crisis: False Claims, Real Solutions and The Case for Late Intervention: Once a Good Reader, Always a Good Reader. Language expert, Dr. Lucy Tse, is the author of the book Why Don’t They Learn English? Separating Fact from Fallacy in the U.S. Language Debate. She has contributed to journals which include Bilingual Research Journal and Language and Education. The website’s layout appears simple and it is clear and effective in general. There is minimum text on the page which makes it easy to work with and user-friendly. The loading speed is acceptable and the website has no distracting advertising. No specialized knowledge is required to use it. It is a good idea to place a number of free podcasts right in the middle of the website to serve as a starting point for many of its users. All the links are clearly visible so they can be easily navigated by laymen users. However,

Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2011
The cognitive styles of Field Independence/Dependence (FI/D) and the scores obtained from the Gro... more The cognitive styles of Field Independence/Dependence (FI/D) and the scores obtained from the Group Embedded Figure Test (GEFT) have been theoretically and empirically studied and analyzed mostly descriptively rather than critically. It has been claimed, among other things, that FIs are better at learning and using rules and prefer deductive learning. FDs, on the other hand, tend to look at the whole of a learning task and prefer inductive learning. At a personal level, it has been asserted that FI learners are mainly introvert and their FD counterparts are extrovert. This study was conducted to investigate the validity of these claims. A total of 60 adult students served as the subjects for the study. GEFT was employed to measure each student's FI/D cognitive style. An Introversion/Extroversion questionnaire was used to determine whether the subjects of the study were introvert or extrovert. Finally, a deductive and an inductive grammar Consciousness-Raising (C-R) task were utilized to determine the subjects' attitudes towards the tasks. Pearson Chi-Square test was conducted to examine the above-mentioned claims. The results showed no relationship between the learners' FI/D cognitive style and their Introvert/Extrovert variable as well as their inductive and deductive learning preference. It seems that scores on the GEFT are indicators of ability, especially in the visuo-spatial domain, rather than style measures.

Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Apr 3, 2014
An overview of pedagogical interventions in the field of interlanguage pragmatics reveals the und... more An overview of pedagogical interventions in the field of interlanguage pragmatics reveals the under-exploration of the processes in which changes in learners' second language (L2) pragmatic competence are established and that most of these investigations have focused on the product or final outcome of the learners' pragmatic development Vyatkina & Belz, 2006). This study aimed to provide a qualitative analysis of the microgenetic development of English as a foreign language (EFL) learners' pragmatic knowledge of request speech act. A total of 140 male and female participants received instruction on request strategy types and internal and external modification devices for seven sessions (weeks) through consciousness-raising (C-R) tasks. The data were collected after instructional sessions during the first, third, fifth, and seventh weeks through discourse completion tests (DCTs). The results indicated that, in the course of time, the participants stopped using direct request
Papers by Rasoul Hosseinpur