Books by Will McMorran
Published in English for the first time, The Marquise de Gange is a neglected Gothic classic by o... more Published in English for the first time, The Marquise de Gange is a neglected Gothic classic by one of the most notorious authors in the literary canon. Provides an introduction situating Sade and his novel in relation to the Gothic tradition, and in relation to Sade's earlier works. Includes an appendix of Sade's source for the novel.
Abstract Legenda is the publications imprint of the European Humanities Research Centre.. Origina... more Abstract Legenda is the publications imprint of the European Humanities Research Centre.. Originally presented as a dissertation--(Ph. D.)--University of Oxford.. Includes index.. Includes bibliography:(p.[261]-273).. Contains bibliographical references at the end of ...
Articles by Will McMorran

The Cambridge History of the Novel in French, 2021
Sade was a reader, writer and critic deeply immersed in the prose fiction of his time. His own oe... more Sade was a reader, writer and critic deeply immersed in the prose fiction of his time. His own oeuvre brings together diverse traditions of storytelling ranging from anecdotes, whore dialogues and libertine novels to philosophical contes, sentimental fiction and the Gothic novel. While works such as Thérèse philosophe offered him a model for the 120 Days of Sodom and the Histoire de Juliette, Richardson’s Clarissa provided him with a template of virtue in distress which he would repeatedly exploit in novels ranging from Justine to his later historical fiction such as La Marquise de Gange. This chapter explores some of the key tropes Sade borrows from these antecedents, and the ways in which he recycles these tropes – often to very different ends – within a diverse novelistic corpus still viewed too narrowly by critics and publishers alike.
Modern Language Review, 2017
Forum for Modern Language Studies, Apr 2015
Available for download here:
Representing Violence in France 1760-1820, Oct 2013
WILL MCMORRAN que votre imagination se représente tout ce que la débauche peut en tel cas dicter ... more WILL MCMORRAN que votre imagination se représente tout ce que la débauche peut en tel cas dicter à des scélérats Sade, Justine 1
Modern Language Review 109 (4), Oct 2013
Available for download here:
Comparative Critical Studies, Nov 2012
David Mitchell: Critical Essays, Jan 1, 2011
French Cultural Studies, Jan 1, 2008
Abstract The article offers a comparative analysis of two stories of knights in anachronistic con... more Abstract The article offers a comparative analysis of two stories of knights in anachronistic conflict with the modern world: Cervantes' Don Quixote, a novel that continues to live a rich afterlife in contemporary Western culture, and Poiré's Les Visiteurs, the most successful ...

Eighteenth Century Fiction, Jan 1, 2007
Only relatively recently have all three incarnations of Sade's story of Justine become available ... more Only relatively recently have all three incarnations of Sade's story of Justine become available in print at the same time, and this availability raises a number of new issues for the prospective reader. Although Michel Delon's Pléiade edition accommodates all three within a single volume, inviting the reader to begin with Les Infortunes de la vertu, continue with Justine, ou les Malheurs de la vertu, and end with La Nouvelle Justine, ou les Malheurs de la vertu , few readers, other than those engaged in academic research or with a particular enthusiasm for Sade, will ever read more than one of the three "Justines. " No single, authoritative text subordinates the others, and a strong sense of textual instability consequently permeates each of the variations of Justine's story. Sade reverses the direction of the typical writing process: text reverts to paratext, finished article reverts to rough draft as one version is consumed by the next. Nor does La Nouvelle Justine mark the end of this evolutionary narrative. A copy of La Nouvelle Justine seized by police in 1801, and covered in authorial annotations, suggests the beginning of a process that would have led, as Delon puts it, to a "nouvelle Nouvelle Justine, comme si ce texte était infiniment voué à la réécriture. "
Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century, Jan 1, 2006
The Journal of Popular Culture, Jan 1, 2006
La diffusion de Locke en France, traduction …, Jan 1, 2001
Newspaper Articles by Will McMorran
Books by Will McMorran
Publication dates:
29 September 2016 (UK) and 27 December 2016 (USA).
Articles by Will McMorran
Based on fresh archival discoveries, this article reveals the previously untold story of the translation and circulation of Sade's works among English readers in the first half of the nineteenth century. Conventional wisdom has been that only a select few read Sade before the twentieth century, but this article traces Sade's reception among English Gothic novelists, the circulation of his works by the pornographers of Holywell Street, and previously undiscovered translations of the 1830s and 1840s. Sade was read by the Victorians in far greater numbers than ever since in France or England—and they did so without realizing it.
Newspaper Articles by Will McMorran
Publication dates:
29 September 2016 (UK) and 27 December 2016 (USA).
Based on fresh archival discoveries, this article reveals the previously untold story of the translation and circulation of Sade's works among English readers in the first half of the nineteenth century. Conventional wisdom has been that only a select few read Sade before the twentieth century, but this article traces Sade's reception among English Gothic novelists, the circulation of his works by the pornographers of Holywell Street, and previously undiscovered translations of the 1830s and 1840s. Sade was read by the Victorians in far greater numbers than ever since in France or England—and they did so without realizing it.