Queen Mary, University of London
Film Studies
After achieving critical success as one of Germany’s leading contemporary film makers with his Gespenster/Ghosts trilogy (2000, 2005, 2007), Christian Petzold’s subsequent film, Jerichow (2008) has continued his interest in utilizing... more
Despite growing interest in the last few years among filmmakers in tackling themes and stories related to the world of global finance, finding aesthetic means to depict the forces of contemporary capital has proven exacting. One route to... more
In this essay we propose a reframing of the Bloomberg Terminal, an interface used to track financial trades and values, by using it as a creative, critical and curatorial device to explore the relationship between the art and finance. To... more
Koerner und Weber, in cooperation with Bayrischer Rundfunk and ARTE, it opened in German cinemas on January 8, 2009. By the end of the year it hadn't quite hit one hundred thousand viewers (99,357), leaving it in 45th place among the most... more
Infeksi Saluran Pernapasan Akut (ISPA) termasuk penyakit yang banyak terjadi di Indonesia terutama pada usia anak. Pada populasi anak berisiko mendapatkan peresepan obat off-label dikarenakan terbatasanya data efikasi obat untuk anak.... more
The essay introduces the concept of "creative family" in order to identify, thorugh the analysis of specific networks of informal relationships, different styles of organizing creative work in the field of television serial production. In... more
The article discusses how television has sustained an extremely active and nuanced engagement with the construction of history and has played a crucial role in the shaping of cultural memory.
The article focuses on the professional realm of Italian television screenwriters. The author seeks to combine Bourdieu’s field theory and Becker’s interactionist approach in order to investigate the contextual specificity of such a... more
The article focuses on the professional figure of commissioning editor, assessing the relevance of the Bourdieusian idea of ‘cultural intermediary’ for the media and production studies. Commissioning editors have been playing a key part... more