The older I become the more pathetic my life looks |
[Jun. 21st, 2008|11:47 pm]
Quarterlife Crisis and 20-something Life
Age: 24 Job: waitress Location: Florida In/Been Through/Survived a QLC: I think I am in one right now
Where are you at in Your Life Now: I am turning 24 in 2 days. I have never been so depressed to turn a year older as I am right now. After college (I graduated in Dec '06) I worked for Enterprise Rent a Car for almost a year. I quit over the holiday season without another job lined up. A month later, still unemployed, I went back to waiting tables. I knew I would end up doing that, but I didn't expect to still be waiting tables 6 months later. I have looked for another job and been on a few interviews, but nothing. Nobody wants to pay worth shit around here. And every day the job market is getting smaller and smaller. When I see pics of college friends or ex boyfriends or if I hear from either,I get very sad and jealous. I feel like everyone is doing so much better than me. People I know that have just graduated college a month ago already have a job and will probably be making more money than me. I feel so pathetic! Not to mention the fact that I have been living at home for a year and half now!
What do you hope to Get out of this Community: I want to know that I am not the only one going through this. I would like to talk to someone who feels the same way I do. I want to hear their stories and share some of my own. I am hoping that all of our knowledge and wisdon together will make us feel better. |
Comments: |
Boy Howdy I feel ya! I'm in the same boat, but I'm 27 and have been here for quite the while. o.O I think you're far from alone. At least you can say you finished college! Thats an accomplishment in itself!
I know how you feel. I just turned 24 last week and I feel completely lost. Congratulations on finishing college!
![[User Picture]]( | From: briloree 2008-08-22 08:45 pm (UTC)
Right there with ya | (Link)
I'm going to be 24 soon, I graduated last summer, I'm a waitress in Fort Myers, and pretty much every other description you mentioned fits me. Though I feel lost quite often and I go back and forth with guys, happiness, career ideas, graduate school, traveling, etc.....(list goes on)I've realized it's all happening for a reason. My inability to make decisions about life right now isn't a bad thing, actually it's quite the opposite. After spending the last year on my own trying to figure out me, I realized that right now I'm not supposed to have answers. Even though it's scary sometimes because it's so unfamiliar, it's really the best position to be in at our age. Don't you think? I mean really, we don't have huge commitments, we could really move/travel wherever we wanted, go back to school, decide to settle down, date around, get married.......We can do anything we want. That want word is what messes me up. I don't know what I want, but I think that's the whole point. I'm supposed to try new things and see the world and then decisions will start falling in to place. Anyway, knowing you're in the same boat I am makes me feel better. I hope it does the same for you. Have a great day and do write back if you'd like. Cheers!!! | |