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[Jun. 18th, 2008|03:17 pm]
Quarterlife Crisis and 20-something Life
Name: Allison Age: 24 Job: Unemployed as of a week and a half ago Location: Boca Raton, Fl In/Been Through/Survived a QLC: I feel as though I am in one
Where are you at in Your Life Now: I am 24 and have so many interests, so many different paths I can see myself in, that I'm driving myself to failure. I have a BA in Art History, got accepted to grad school last month with grants and everything, but decided to turn it all down because although I love art, I don't want to job that comes with it (i.e. working in a museum or simply teaching). I volunteered at a museum in West Palm Beach and decided it wasn't for me. (Maybe I am not the office job type?) I have always wanted my own business, but don't know what kind I'd want or how to even begin depending on the business. I live at home with my parents, which doesn't bother me, and I have a wonderful girlfriend of three years who has one year left in law school. I was working in an aftercare, part time for 9 months, and got certified to teach only for there to be a hiring freeze due to the shitty economy. I think teaching would be an ok job, but I feel like I would be settling. I just really don't know where to go from here.
What do you hope to Get out of this Community: Reading everyone's posts made me think maybe we all shouldn't define ourselves by our careers. Although I feel the same looking at my peers with babies, and marriages and they're all accountants or pharmacists or in law school and I get really down on myself. But I hope we can lift each others spirits and help each other navigate through our lives. |