This is a place to post Queer as Folk icons. Anyone can join and post, this is not an elite community. Please be courteous and follow the rules.
Post directly in this community, or link to your own journal. All links must lead to public posts or they will be deleted. Only post icons related to Queer as Folk. Each post must have at least three (3) Queer as Folk icons. Do not post more than three (3) icons outside a cut. Do not disable comments on your posts in the community. Do not post headers/banners or wallpapers in the community. [--] Post other graphics to qaf_graphics and qafwallpapers. [--] If you're linking to an outside post, it may contain headers or wallpapers. Use tags. It makes searching easier. Do not advertise other communities.
Respect other icon makers’ rules and work. Credit the icon maker. Do not hotlink. No bashing inside the community.