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Hope you all vote so I can get stamped. If so I can pimp this community to all my QaF loving friends. ;)
These two entries still need more votes before they can be stamped. Please help out.

Entry 1 (Needs at least 2 more votes) and Entry 2 (Needs at least 4 more votes).

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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Comment here if you want to affiliate. All comments are screened.
Anyone want to have this community? Just let me know by commenting here with your email address. Also, make sure you're a member of the community. Then, you'll get an email from LiveJournal saying you've been added as the maintainer and an email from me with some information you may or may not find helpful. If no one answers this within five days, the comm will be deleted.

Please welcome your new mod, daphne121.
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