Papers by Waldemar Rebizant
대한전기학회 학술대회 논문집, Nov 1, 2002
11th IET International Conference on Developments in Power Systems Protection (DPSP 2012), 2012
ABSTRACT Application of local data at receiving node of the system to estimate and control its pa... more ABSTRACT Application of local data at receiving node of the system to estimate and control its parameters were considered in the paper. Using Thevenin model some methods were developed, analysed and simulated allowing to estimate and control stability margin and voltage level. The results can be used to construct voltage controller on basis of power electronics.
Die Erfindung bezieht sich u. a. auf ein Verfahren zum Erzeugen eines Fehlersignals (ST, STneu), ... more Die Erfindung bezieht sich u. a. auf ein Verfahren zum Erzeugen eines Fehlersignals (ST, STneu), das anzeigt, ob ein interner Transformatorfehler vorliegt, wobei bei dem Verfahren ein Differenzstromsignal (i d ), das die Differenz zwischen dem Primarstrom und - unter Berucksichtigung des Ubersetzungsverhaltnisses des Transformators - dem Sekundarstrom des Transformators angibt, ermittelt wird, mit dem Differenzstromsignal eine Mehrzahl an unterschiedlichen Kriteriensignalen (K d1h (n), K d2h (n), K DCoff (n), D 1d (n), K DCon (n), D 2d (n)) erzeugt wird, jedem Kriteriensignal jeweils mindestens zwei individuelle Fuzzy-Zugehorigkeitsfunktionen (μ L , μ Η , μ M ) zugeordnet werden und die Fuzzy-Zugehorigkeitsfunktionen unter Bildung des Fehlersignals (STneu) ausgewertet werden.
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 1999
Signals and Communication Technology, 2011

2008 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, 2008
ABSTRACT In the paper the application of nonlinear and non-recursive Newton Type estimation numer... more ABSTRACT In the paper the application of nonlinear and non-recursive Newton Type estimation numerical algorithm for voltage and current spectra estimation during off-nominal frequency condition and severe signal distortions is presented. The algorithm is not sensitive to power system frequency changes and voltage and current amplitude distortions. It is an important improvement with regard to the commonly utilized approaches based on e.g. Discrete Fourier transform, or other approaches derived in spectral domain. The unknown frequency is simultaneously measured (estimated) with the spectrum of the input signal. The algorithm is tested using voltages and currents obtained from the ATP-EMTP simulation program, using Simulink model and in laboratory conditions. In the first test, a typical MV network example is used. By this, a motor start and a short circuit followed with the current transformers saturation transients are particularly analyzed. The purpose of Simulink test is to compare the NTA algorithm with FFT. Laboratory test consists of connecting a synchronous generator to the network, when synchronization is not ideal and severe disturbance of generator currents and voltages occur.
2011 International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection, 2011
ABSTRACT High Impedance Faults (HIFs) can differ one from another enormously starting from single... more ABSTRACT High Impedance Faults (HIFs) can differ one from another enormously starting from single flashes through arcing faults to permanent ones. New approach to HIF detection is presented in this paper allowing for identification of two latter ones. The novel protection methodology - 3D power protection scheme (3DPPS) was developed to do the job. The proposed solution is fully adaptive and does not require the knowledge of system parameters. The identification of a fault is based on monitoring voltage or current signals and their three phase symmetry deviations which carry all necessary information on the actual state of the protected system.
Eighth IEE International Conference on Developments in Power System Protection, 2004
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 2014
In the paper a new algorithm is described that is intended for estimation of fundamental componen... more In the paper a new algorithm is described that is intended for estimation of fundamental component parameters of the distorted secondary CT current due to magnetic core saturation. The algorithm presented was derived with use of the innovative methodology where the current samples measured are treated as components of three-dimensional space vector. Simulative investigations with use of ATP/EMTP package confirm high efficiency of the proposed algorithm. (Estimation of the fundamental component parameters of the secondary CT current distorted due to magnetic core saturation).
11th IET International Conference on Developments in Power Systems Protection (DPSP 2012), 2012
ABSTRACT This paper presents a new multi-criteria stabilization algorithm of transformer differen... more ABSTRACT This paper presents a new multi-criteria stabilization algorithm of transformer differential protection. Proposed scheme bases on new criteria signals and appropriate operation thresholds. New algorithm employs fuzzy reasoning technique for better discrimination of inrush conditions. The developed stabilization algorithm has been tested with ATP-EMTP generated signals, proving to be reliable and much more sensitive than standard stabilization algorithms with crisp settings.
In this paper enhanced differential current protection scheme dedicated for HV transmission lines... more In this paper enhanced differential current protection scheme dedicated for HV transmission lines is described. The adaptive fuzzy relay scheme is proposed that combines strengths of both current and phase comparison protection criteria. The relay stabilization characteristic is adapted online depending on the output of the fuzzy reasoning scheme supplied with information from the phase comparison unit. As a result improved performance of the scheme for cases of external faults with CT saturation is reached. The performance of presented fuzzy protection scheme has been tested with the signals generated with use of EMTP-ATP program and compared to the traditional solutions. (5 pages)
13th International Conference on Development in Power System Protection 2016 (DPSP), 2016
In the paper two classes of algorithms for ground fault detection in power networks are described... more In the paper two classes of algorithms for ground fault detection in power networks are described and their sensitivity is evaluated. The algorithms considered are based on admittance (conductance, susceptance) measurement as well as watt/var-metric approach with active/reactive current measurement. The impact of network compensation level on the admittance relay performance is also studied.
Papers by Waldemar Rebizant