Papers by Jurand Wojewoda

Geologia Sudetica, 2004
In the marginal part of the Kudowa Trough, on the border of Carboniferous granite and Permian (Sa... more In the marginal part of the Kudowa Trough, on the border of Carboniferous granite and Permian (Saxonian) sediments, features typical for the profile of chemical weathering occurring in a regolith type sequence are described. Previously this border was interpreted as a tectonic fault. According to the authors, location of the initial cataclastic zone, followed by weathering of granite, is incidental. The extent of soil, its structural features and mineralogy are indicative of weathering in moderate-to-warm and humid climate conditions. Stratigraphic position of soil and its regional palaeogeographical and palaeoclimatic context make it possible to assume Late Westphalian (B and C, about 313-311 Ma) as the oldest, most likely beginning date of the weathering process. This opinion does not exclude the possibility of reactivation of weathering processes in Kudowa granite in the Early Cretaceous or even in the Triassic. This paper aims to document sedimentologically and mineralogically the regolith, to discuss implications on its age and the resultant implications for the evolution of the analysed area, which was thusfar thought to constitute a relatively young tectonic zone.
Zastosowanie metody HGIS pozwoli³o, po blisko 25 latach od wykonania dokumentacji terenowej, zrek... more Zastosowanie metody HGIS pozwoli³o, po blisko 25 latach od wykonania dokumentacji terenowej, zrekonstruowaae formy akumulacji piaszczystej mierzei w Jeziorze Turawskim (fig. 1). Dziêki krótkotrwa³emu, ca³kowitemu spuszczeniu wody w zbiorniku retencyjnym (2 tygodnie!) w listopadzie 1984 roku, by³o mo¿liwe wykonanie badañ terenowych na pó³nocnym brzegu Jeziora 93 Abstrakty Fig. 1. Efekty prac kalibracyjnych i kartometrycznych (rekonstrukcja mierzei)
Jezioro Turawskie jest sztucznym zbiornikiem retencyjnym na Ma³ej Panwi o powierzchni 24 km 2 , w... more Jezioro Turawskie jest sztucznym zbiornikiem retencyjnym na Ma³ej Panwi o powierzchni 24 km 2 , wysokooeci zapory 13 m, g³êbokooeci do 13 m i maksymalnej pojemnooeci ok. 108 mln m 3 . Abstrakty 90
Zastosowanie metody HGIS pozwoli³o, po blisko 25 latach od wykonania dokumentacji terenowej, zrek... more Zastosowanie metody HGIS pozwoli³o, po blisko 25 latach od wykonania dokumentacji terenowej, zrekonstruowaae formy akumulacji piaszczystej mierzei w Jeziorze Turawskim (fig. 1). Dziêki krótkotrwa³emu, ca³kowitemu spuszczeniu wody w zbiorniku retencyjnym (2 tygodnie!) w listopadzie 1984 roku, by³o mo¿liwe wykonanie badañ terenowych na pó³nocnym brzegu Jeziora 93 Abstrakty Fig. 1. Efekty prac kalibracyjnych i kartometrycznych (rekonstrukcja mierzei)
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego, 2016
Przeglad Geologiczny, 2004

Acta Geodynamica Et Geomaterialia, 2007
For estimation of recent dynamics of morphology of the Sudetes, satellite radar images of 90-mete... more For estimation of recent dynamics of morphology of the Sudetes, satellite radar images of 90-meter resolution have been used. Basing on the Digital Elevation Model, trend surfaces and deviation maps of the morphology were made. The analyzed area ranges over 23000 sq. km and is bordered by the following coordinates: N51°05'32", N49°56'26", E15°02'42" and E17°37'57". The 8 th -order trend surface records four distinct regional morphological domains These are two elevations with their centres located at N50°46'24" -E15°29'24" and N50°07'24" -E17°13'07", as well as two depressions with centers located at N50°05'41" -E15°46'58" and at N50°29'39"-E17°28'30", respectively. The elevations and depressions extend both over the crystalline massifs and sedimentary basins and are highly lithologically differentiated. On the deviation map, the elevations display the highest positive values which suggests a local disequilibrium of morphogenic processes during the formation of recent topography. Today's landscape have been being shaped since the beginning of the Neogene. As the climatic and hydrological conditions have been rather uniform for the whole area, a tectonic uplift must be accounted for the reason of the indicated anomalies occurrence. There is only one unique profile across the elevations and depressions that reflects the smallest amplitude of relative height (black-white dashed-line). It is parallel to the dominant "Sudetic strike", i.e. 115°, and it follows the Intrasudetic Shear Zone (ISZ) that played an important role in the post-Variscan evolution of the Sudetes. Along and inside the ISZ small, mostly pull-apart basins occur (the Krkonoše Piedmont Basin (KPB), the Nachod Basin (NB), the Upper Nysa Kłodzka Trough (UNKT)) -the South Sudetic Basins Suite (SSBS) -which are filled with Permian, Triassic and Neogene-to-Recent sediments. The author postulates right lateral regional displacement along and beneath the ISZ as an important factor controlling long time evolution of topography in the analyzed area.
Acta Geodynamica Et Geomaterialia, 2004
Geological Quarterly, 2016
Papers by Jurand Wojewoda