Conferences by Mariusz Glabowski (Głąbowski)

In this paper bandwidth reservation algorithms for a virtual circuit switching node are proposed.... more In this paper bandwidth reservation algorithms for a virtual circuit switching node are proposed. The node is offered a mixture of different multi-rate traffic streams, including multicast streams. An analytical method of blocking probability calculation in the considered system is also proposed. It is assumed that each of outgoing directions of the node could be modelled by a limited-availability group composed of links of various capacities. Hence, the model enables calculations of blocking probabilities for calls of all traffic classes for any structure of the groups forming the outgoing directions. The problem of blocking probability evaluation in the switching node with bandwidth reservation and multicast connections is solved in the paper by the fixed point methodology. Analytical results of the blocking probabilities in a switching node with bandwidth reservation are compared with simulation results. This research indicates a high accuracy of the proposed model
The paper presents and describes the uplink blocking probability calculation method in cellular s... more The paper presents and describes the uplink blocking probability calculation method in cellular systems with WCDMA radio interface and finite source population. The method is based on the model of the full availability group with multi-rate traffic streams. The proposed method can be easily applied to 3G network capacity calculations during planning stages of its design.
In this paper a new analytical model of a switching node carrying a mixture of different traffic ... more In this paper a new analytical model of a switching node carrying a mixture of different traffic streams, including multicast streams, has been proposed. It is assumed that each of the outgoing directions of the node could be modelled by a limited-availability group composed of links of various capacities. Hence, the model enables calculations of blocking probabilities for calls of
Three reservation algorithms for the limited-availability system are proposed and compared in the... more Three reservation algorithms for the limited-availability system are proposed and compared in the paper. These algorithms can be used for call blocking equalisation in outgoing links of multiservice switching networks. Two approximate methods of equalised blocking probability calculation in the system with limited availability are proposed. Results of analytical calculations are compared with results of digital simulation of limited availability groups and switching networks with reservation. These researches have confirmed a great accuracy of the proposed calculation methods. The formulae derived by the authors can be useful for the analysis and design ofiSDN and B-ISDN systems.
In this paper, a new approximate method of point-to-group blocking probability calculation in swi... more In this paper, a new approximate method of point-to-group blocking probability calculation in switching networks carrying a mixture of different multi-rate unicast and multicast traffic streams is presented. Special attention is paid to the methods for determining the effective availability parameter in the case of multicast connections. The results of analytical calculations are compared with the data of digital simulations of switching networks with unicast and multicast connections.
In this paper reservation algorithms for multi-service switching networks are proposed. Two new a... more In this paper reservation algorithms for multi-service switching networks are proposed. Two new approximate methods of the point-to-point blocking probability calculation in the multi-service switching networks are also presented in the paper. These methods can be used for blocking calculation in the switching networks with and without reservation. Special attention is paid to the method for determining the effective availability, which directly affects the accuracy of the final results. The results of analytical calculations are compared with the data of digital simulation of switching networks without and with reservation.
Papers by Mariusz Glabowski (Głąbowski)
Modeling and Dimensioning of Mobile Networks, 2010

2018 11th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), 2018
In this contribution, the ratio of product of two Rayleigh random variables and Nakagami-m random... more In this contribution, the ratio of product of two Rayleigh random variables and Nakagami-m random variable, as well as the ratio of Rayleigh variable and product of two Nakagami-m random variables are considered. For both cases, level crossing rates are evaluated. Statistics of the ratio of product of two Rayleigh random variables and Nakagami-m random variable has application in performance analysis of wireless relay communication system operating over multipath Rayleigh fading channel in the presence of Nakagami-m co-channel interference. Statistics of the ratio of Rayleigh random variable and product of two Nakagami-m random variables is applied in analysis of wireless system working over short term Rayleigh fading channel in the presence of Nakagami-m* Nakagami-m co-channel interference.
Proceeding - 2007 IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Malaysia International Conference on Communications, ICT-MICC 2007, 2007
The paper proposes an analytical method of blocking probability calculation in UMTS networks with... more The paper proposes an analytical method of blocking probability calculation in UMTS networks with bandwidth reservation and connection handover mechanism. The papers proposes also reservation algorithms for a group of cells, exploiting the effects of connection handoff between cells. The proposed analytical model is based on the generalized model of a limited-availability group. The results of analytical calculations of blocking
Proceeding - 2007 IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Malaysia International Conference on Communications, ICT-MICC 2007, 2007
... Bex,En(i) = PEn(i, 0). (15) The total blocking probability BEn(i) for the class i call is a s... more ... Bex,En(i) = PEn(i, 0). (15) The total blocking probability BEn(i) for the class i call is a sum of external and internal blocking probabilities. Assum-ing the independence of internal and external blocking events, we obtain: BEn(i) = Bex,En(i) + Bin,En(i)[1 − Bex,En(i)]. (16) ...
Proceeding - 2007 IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Malaysia International Conference on Communications, ICT-MICC 2007, 2007
The article proposes an analytical method of determining average bandwidth offered to a user in U... more The article proposes an analytical method of determining average bandwidth offered to a user in UMTS applying HSDPA (High Speed Downlink Packet Access) and HSUPA (High Speed Uplink Packet Access) technologies. The application of HSDPA/HSUPA increases the transmission speed between the base station and the end-user's terminal in UMTS networks. This has, in turn, made it possible for cellular systems

Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 36th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology – ISAT 2015 – Part II, 2016
With the approaching vision of the Internet of Things smart devices tend to be exploited in a var... more With the approaching vision of the Internet of Things smart devices tend to be exploited in a variety of business processes and applications. In order to serve their demands, it is necessary to ensure self-configuration, self-adaptation and self-management capabilities. The Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is a good basis for the networking layer of the Internet of Things. However, its internal mechanisms often fail in ad hoc, mobile set-ups which are common among smart devices. To address these challenges in the field of stateless address auto-configuration, we have proposed an IPv6 Neighbor Discovery++ protocol. In this article we present the protocol overhead evaluation in the set-ups allowing to achieve duplication detection reliability close to 100 %. The results reveal that only a few messages per node are sufficient to verify address uniqueness in diversified network environments. Hence, the solution can serve the requirements of robust Internet of Things architectures.

Computer Networks, 2017
In the paper, a new analytical model of multi-service communication networks with traffic overflo... more In the paper, a new analytical model of multi-service communication networks with traffic overflow is elaborated. It is assumed that both: primary resources and alternative resources, forming networks with traffic overflow, are distributed, as, e.g. in mobile networks in which traffic from a group of 4G cells is overflowed to a group of 3G cells. The paper proposes also a new method for determining parameters of multi-service traffic that overflows from the distributed primary resources to the distributed alternative resources, as well as a method for occupancy distribution calculation and blocking probability calculation in the alternative resources servicing overflow traffic. The results of the analytical calculations are compared with the results of the simulation experiments of some selected structures of overflow systems with the distributed primary and alternative resources.

IEEE Access, 2021
This article discusses a discretized model of resources to which a mixture of multi-service traff... more This article discusses a discretized model of resources to which a mixture of multi-service traffic streams is offered. In the model the connections of individual traffic classes that require a large number of allocation units are always executed using adjacent allocation units. The necessity of occupying the adjacent allocation units is typical, for example, for elastic optical networks, in which these units are called frequency slots. The article proposes a new occupancy distribution specifically designed for these systems. The new occupancy distribution is based on an approximation of the service process by a reversible Markov process. Particular attention is given to the method for calculating the so-called conditional transition probability of the transitions between neighboring states in the Markov process. The analytical results of the modeling are compared with the results of simulations of corresponding network systems.
Image Processing and Communications, 2019
This article presents an engineering proposal of methods to model typical traffic sources to be f... more This article presents an engineering proposal of methods to model typical traffic sources to be found in industrial networks. To develop these methods, the ON/OFF model was used. On the basis of this particular model, a number of methods are proposed that can be used to model typical types of traffic that occur in industrial networks, such as Time-Triggered (TT) traffic, Audio-Video Bridging (AVB) traffic and Best Effort (BE) traffic. The article presents four traffic models and a method for their application in modeling a number of exemplary types of traffic used in industrial networks.
IEICE Transactions on Communications, 2016
Mobile Information Systems, 2017
Conferences by Mariusz Glabowski (Głąbowski)
Papers by Mariusz Glabowski (Głąbowski)
The shortest path problem is undoubtedly one of the aspects of great significance to navigation and telecommunications. It is used, amongst others, for determining the shortest route between two geographical locations, for routing in packet networks, and to balance and optimize network utilization. Thus, this article introduces ShortestPathACO, an Ant Colony Optimization based algorithm designed to find the shortest path in a graph. The algorithm consists of several subproblems that are presented successively. Each subproblem is discussed from many points of view to enable researchers to find the most suitable solutions to the problems they investigate.
In this book, the authors address the architecture of the 2/3G network and the Long Term Evolution (LTE) network. The book proposes analytical models that make the analysis and dimensioning of the most important interfaces, i.e. WCDMA or Iub, possible. Furthermore, the authors include descriptions of fundamental technological issues in 2/3 G networks, basic traffic engineering models and frequent examples of the application of analytical models in the analysis and dimensioning of the interface of cellular networks. The specific knowledge included in the content will enable the reader to understand and then to prepare appropriate programming softwares that will allow them to evaluate quality parameters of cellular networks, i.e. blocking probabilities or call losses. Additionally, the book presents models for the analysis and dimensioning of the Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) radio interface and the Iub interface, both carrying a mixture of Release 99 traffic (R99) and High-Speed Packet Access (HSPA) traffic streams. Finally, the analytical models presented in the book can be also used in the process of modeling and optimization of LTE networks.
Key Features:
Describes the architecture and the modes of operation of the cellular 2/3/4G systems and the LTE network
Covers the traffic theory and engineering within the context of mobile networks
Presents original analytical methods that enable their users to dimension selected interfaces of cellular networks
Discusses models for the analysis and dimensioning of the Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) radio interface and the Iub interface, both carrying a mixture of Release 99 traffic (R99) and High-Speed Packet Access (HSPA) traffic streams
Includes problems as well as an accompanying website containing solutions, software tools and interactive flash animations (
This book will be an invaluable guide for professional engineers (radio planning engineers, optimization engineers, transmission engineers, core network engineers, Service Management engineers) working in the areas of mobile wireless networks technology, not only in optimization process, but also in profitability assessment of newly implemented services (i.e. in NPV - Net Present Value analysis), and researchers and scientists. Advanced students in the fields of mobile communications networks and systems will also find this book insightful."
Praca składa się ze wstępu i ośmiu rozdziałów. Rozdział 1 dotyczy podstaw teorii ruchu, tj. modeli strumieni zgłoszeń i procesów obsługi w systemach telekomunikacyjnych oraz wiązkach. (...) W rozdziale 2 przedstawiono najważniejsze rozkłady zajętości wiązek w systemach z ruchem jednousługowym. Zaprezentowano w nim najważniejsze modele jednowymiarowe (modele Erlanga, Engseta, Bernoullego i Poissona) oraz modele dwu- i wielowymiarowe (wielowymiarowy model Erlanga, dwuwymiarowy model Erlanga i model Erlanga-Engseta). (…) Rozdział 3 poświecono modelowaniu systemów z przelewem ruchu. Przedstawiono w nim metody wyznaczania optymalnej liczby łączy w wiązkach bezpośrednich oraz metody wymiarowania wiązek alternatywnych, tj. metodę ekwiwalentnych zamian i metodę Fredericksa-Haywarda. (…) W rozdziale 4 przedstawiono dwa najbardziej znane analityczne modele pól komutacyjnych. Umożliwiają one obliczenie prawdopodobieństwa blokady i innych ważnych charakterystyk pola komutacyjnego dla różnych typów selekcji. (...) Rozdział 5 jest poświęcony koncepcji modelu efektywnej dostępności. Omówiono w nim i poddano analizie porównawczej najważniejsze metody obliczeń pól komutacyjnych opracowane na podstawie tej koncepcji, tj. metody CIRB, CLIGS-A, CLIGS-B, PPL, PPLM, MRP, MB i inne. (...) W rozdziale 6 przedstawiono zagadnienia modelowania wiązek w systemach z ruchem zintegrowanym. (...) W rozdziale 7 omówiono sposoby wymiarowania wiązek sieci szerokopasmowych. Zamieszczono w nim opis podstawowych modeli źródeł ruchu(...). Omówiono tez wybrane metody wyznaczania pasma ekwiwalentnego (...). Rozdział 8 dotyczy modeli węzłów transmisyjnych w sieciach pakietowych. Przedstawiono w nim podstawowe systemy kolejkowe stosowane do modelowania i wymiarowania buforów węzłów sieci pakietowych. (...)"