Papers by Agnieszka Rumież
International Journal of Arts & Sciences, 2014
ABSTRACT Architecture is burdened with plenty of objective non-interpretative aspects such as fun... more ABSTRACT Architecture is burdened with plenty of objective non-interpretative aspects such as functionality, statics, context and, most of all, strong cultural idioms (the will and preferences of an investor, to name the most obvious). That is why very rarely improvisation is considered as a cogent strategy for it. Nevertheless, in the times of a very strong computational aid, it seems to be just right not only to regard it as possible and still not fully explored, but very accurate.
Architecture is burdened with plenty of objective non-interpretative aspects such as functionalit... more Architecture is burdened with plenty of objective non-interpretative aspects such as functionality, statics, context and, most of all, strong cultural idioms (the will and preferences of an investor, to name the most obvious). That is why very rarely improvisation is considered as a cogent strategy for it. Nevertheless, in the times of a very strong computational aid, it seems to be just right not only to regard it as possible and still not fully explored, but very accurate.

XXI-century discussion on parametric design revealed a great, quite neglected, but potentially fr... more XXI-century discussion on parametric design revealed a great, quite neglected, but potentially fruitful relationship between architecture and mathematics. What seems to be very contemporary, existed nearly in every epoch, but an approach differed from one another. The development of probability theory was one of the most extraordinary achievements of XX-century mathematics which made possible to describe real world qualities more precisely than deterministic models. As an example can serve a quantum mechanics or fractals. Iannis Xenakis (1922-2001) was a composer, architect and mathematician that vividly explored the ideas of stochastic models in the process of creativity. He is most recognised for his musical achievements, but it is impossible not to see his input in architectural design in few but very powerful projects that he was engaged in. As an example may serve a Philips Pavilion for Expo Exhibition in 1958 (with Le Corbusier) or elevations of the Dominican order priory Sain...
Architecture and Urban Planning, 2013

Protection of cultural heritage, 2019
W artykule, na podstawie analizy sytuacji miasta Poznania, wykazano, że status pomnika historii n... more W artykule, na podstawie analizy sytuacji miasta Poznania, wykazano, że status pomnika historii nie musi prowadzić do zahamowania rozwoju miasta w obszarze historycznym, ale pozwala także na jego wielokierunkowy i dynamiczny rozwój. Miasto w naturalny sposób podlega żywotnym przekształceniom i zabiegi ochronne nie stają w kontrze do tego zjawiska. Poznań, szczególnie w obszarze, które było areną wydarzeń historycznych od najdawniejszych jego dziejów, miał szansę wykształcenia specyficznego ducha miejsca, którego zachowanie stało się celem służb konserwatorskich już od lat 70-tych XX wieku. Rozwijane od tamtego momentu instrumenty planistyczne umożliwiają rzeczywistą ochronę dziedzictwa, jednak nie stają na drodze modernizacji przestrzeni publicznej. W artykule omówione zostały istniejące narzędzia konserwatorskie, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem roli miejscowych planów zagospodarowania przestrzennego, i podkreślona została rola zarządzania i finansowania na poziomie zarówno samorządo...

With those words, a character called ‘1900’ is explaining to his friend the reason why he couldn’... more With those words, a character called ‘1900’ is explaining to his friend the reason why he couldn’t leave the Virginia liner (his place of identity) and start his new life in the New York City. This picturesque image of the subtle approach to a space-place relationship, shows how important for people’s identity is a spatial aspect of their environment – how they need it to be complex and stimulating, but still conceivable and safe. Additionally, those spaces that people dwell rarely are tabula rasa. They contain past meanings, sometimes totally erased, often transformed or redefined. City is a palimpsest with diverse strata that still affect its growth, even when being hidden or seemingly unreadable. Yet, it is not a particular meaning that forms a heritage of a space. It is its capacity to contain variety of meanings valid for its dwellers and thus to be perceived as a place, and preferably – a good place.

Le Corbusier, 50 years later. Conference proceedings., 2015
The aim of presented paper is to grasp a sense in which Le Corbusier influenced his professional ... more The aim of presented paper is to grasp a sense in which Le Corbusier influenced his professional partners within ATBAT at 35 rue de Sèvres in Paris. On the example of Iannis Xenakis (Greek) and Jerzy Sołtan (Pole), which curriculum and experience will be superposed, authors wish to analyse a means in which the formation of Le Corbusier's Collaborators induced a profoundly individualistic paths of both apprentices. Moreover it enabled both artists to develop autonomous views on creative activities, which still stayed in mutual compliance. That allows to speculate upon the forcefulness of approach towards passing skills that Le Corbusier applied in his Studio. With a parallel example of two pavilions for the World's Fare Expo'58 in Brussels, it is presented how compatible, despite of being completely different in form, those two projects are. Resumen: El objetivo del articulo es comprender cómo Le Corbusier influenciado sus socios profesionales en ATBAT a los 35 rue de Sèvres en Paris. Con un ejemplo de Iannis Xenakis (griego) y Jerzy Sołtan (polaco), autores desean analizar un medio en el que la formacion de Colaboradores de Le Corbusier indujo a profunda indualistas sendas de los dos aprendices. Con un ejemplo paralelo de dos pabellones para Expo'58 Fare del Mundo en Bruselas, se presenta el grado de compatibilidad, a pesar de ser completamente diferente en la forma, son los dos proyectos.
Papers by Agnieszka Rumież