Papers by Christine Gautier
Tutte le creature sono connesse tra loro (Laudato si' 42): il principio di integralità nella visione dell'humanum, 2017, ISBN 978-88-7229-657-8, págs. 97-110, 2017

“Human work and self-realization, a thomistic approach”, publié in M. A. Ferrari (a cura di), PROSPETTIVE SUL LAVORO. A 500 ANNI DALLA RIFORMA PROTESTANTE (Atti del Convegno “The Heart of Work” - Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Roma, 19-20 ottobre 2017), vol. I, Edusc, Roma 2018., 2018
Human work and self-realization, a thomistic approach.
The protestant ethic with its emphasis on ... more Human work and self-realization, a thomistic approach.
The protestant ethic with its emphasis on the virtue of industriousness is believed to have enhanced the development of capitalism, at least according to Weber’s views. In a catholic perspective, the reflection on work is more ancient than the Reform. It plunges indeed its roots in the Biblical vision of work as an essential activity in man’s life (Cf. Ps 104:23: “Man goes out to his work, and to his business, till the evening”). And as such, work has something to do with human self-realization intended in the personalist three-dimensions meaning (vocation, incarnation and community).
The essay aims at providing a thomistic framework for the comprehension of human work and self-realization through the exercise of virtues. Aquinas’s dynamic morality requires indeed for the realization of the person the acquisition of virtues as perfecting qualities of human acts. Since work is an activity of man and may be oriented to his end which is eternal beatitude, virtues must play an important role in qualifying human work and men at work, in their way of perfection. After a synthetic overview of some elements of a theology of work in Aquinas, we will explore the role of some chosen virtues (moral ones such as prudence, industriousness, creativity, the aptitude to collaborate; and theological ones) in perfecting man in his working activity and his work itself.
Présentation de la thèse de Sr Christine Gautier soutenue le 31/0/2014 à la PUST (Pontificia Univ... more Présentation de la thèse de Sr Christine Gautier soutenue le 31/0/2014 à la PUST (Pontificia Università San Tommaso d'Aquino), Rome.
A partir de la contribution de Thomas d'Aquin sur la Providence divine, réservant une large place au concours des causes secondes et à l’efficacité de l’action humaine, l'objet de la recherche vise déterminer comment l’activité humaine libre qu’est le travail se conjugue avec l’agir divin provident, éminent et infaillible ? En d’autres termes : le travail humain peut-il contribuer à la réalisation du dessein divin par une collaboration spécifique selon un mode original d’agir humain ?
Papers by Christine Gautier
The protestant ethic with its emphasis on the virtue of industriousness is believed to have enhanced the development of capitalism, at least according to Weber’s views. In a catholic perspective, the reflection on work is more ancient than the Reform. It plunges indeed its roots in the Biblical vision of work as an essential activity in man’s life (Cf. Ps 104:23: “Man goes out to his work, and to his business, till the evening”). And as such, work has something to do with human self-realization intended in the personalist three-dimensions meaning (vocation, incarnation and community).
The essay aims at providing a thomistic framework for the comprehension of human work and self-realization through the exercise of virtues. Aquinas’s dynamic morality requires indeed for the realization of the person the acquisition of virtues as perfecting qualities of human acts. Since work is an activity of man and may be oriented to his end which is eternal beatitude, virtues must play an important role in qualifying human work and men at work, in their way of perfection. After a synthetic overview of some elements of a theology of work in Aquinas, we will explore the role of some chosen virtues (moral ones such as prudence, industriousness, creativity, the aptitude to collaborate; and theological ones) in perfecting man in his working activity and his work itself.
A partir de la contribution de Thomas d'Aquin sur la Providence divine, réservant une large place au concours des causes secondes et à l’efficacité de l’action humaine, l'objet de la recherche vise déterminer comment l’activité humaine libre qu’est le travail se conjugue avec l’agir divin provident, éminent et infaillible ? En d’autres termes : le travail humain peut-il contribuer à la réalisation du dessein divin par une collaboration spécifique selon un mode original d’agir humain ?
The protestant ethic with its emphasis on the virtue of industriousness is believed to have enhanced the development of capitalism, at least according to Weber’s views. In a catholic perspective, the reflection on work is more ancient than the Reform. It plunges indeed its roots in the Biblical vision of work as an essential activity in man’s life (Cf. Ps 104:23: “Man goes out to his work, and to his business, till the evening”). And as such, work has something to do with human self-realization intended in the personalist three-dimensions meaning (vocation, incarnation and community).
The essay aims at providing a thomistic framework for the comprehension of human work and self-realization through the exercise of virtues. Aquinas’s dynamic morality requires indeed for the realization of the person the acquisition of virtues as perfecting qualities of human acts. Since work is an activity of man and may be oriented to his end which is eternal beatitude, virtues must play an important role in qualifying human work and men at work, in their way of perfection. After a synthetic overview of some elements of a theology of work in Aquinas, we will explore the role of some chosen virtues (moral ones such as prudence, industriousness, creativity, the aptitude to collaborate; and theological ones) in perfecting man in his working activity and his work itself.
A partir de la contribution de Thomas d'Aquin sur la Providence divine, réservant une large place au concours des causes secondes et à l’efficacité de l’action humaine, l'objet de la recherche vise déterminer comment l’activité humaine libre qu’est le travail se conjugue avec l’agir divin provident, éminent et infaillible ? En d’autres termes : le travail humain peut-il contribuer à la réalisation du dessein divin par une collaboration spécifique selon un mode original d’agir humain ?