Papers by Ilaria Vigorelli
Gregory of Nyssa: <i>In Canticum Canticorum</i>, 2018
Clement’s Biblical Exegesis, 2017
In the Pedagogus, Clement explains the reason for the goodness of God by placing it in the dispos... more In the Pedagogus, Clement explains the reason for the goodness of God by placing it in the disposition (σχέσις) of the Father towards the Logos and the Logos towards the Father (Paed I, 8, 71, 3 and Paed I, 9, 88, 2). The expressions he uses (ἐκ τῆς πρὸς ἄλληλα σχέσeως ἀγάπης and ἡ τῆς ἀγάπης ἐκeίνης σχέσις) invite a more precise investigation of the subject. Indeed, the coupling of σχέσις and ἀγάπη is unusual. An investigation of the occurrences of σχέσις in Clement’s work reveals semantic continuity with respect to the philosophical usage and practices of his contemporary Alexander of Aphrodisias, yet also a noteworthy discontinuity. This paper presents an analysis of those occurrences in Clement’s work, emphasizing how the adhesion of his thought to biblical texts facilitates radically new speculation about the being of God.
The Journal of Theological Studies, 2020
Studia Patristica. Vol. CI - Gregory of Nyssa's Mystical Eschatology, 2021
BRILL eBooks, Jun 1, 2021
Journal of Early Christian Studies, 2021
Franco Angeli, 2020
Nelle RSA occorre per una vera umanizzazione passare dal PAI al PAP (Progetto di Accompagnamento ... more Nelle RSA occorre per una vera umanizzazione passare dal PAI al PAP (Progetto di Accompagnamento Personalizzato
Early Christian Mystagogy and the Body
Nelle RSA occorre per una vera umanizzazione passare dal PAI al PAP (Progetto di Accompagnamento ... more Nelle RSA occorre per una vera umanizzazione passare dal PAI al PAP (Progetto di Accompagnamento Personalizzato
Dottorato di ricerca in Teoria e storia della storiografia filosofica, XX ciclo, A.a. 2007-2008Un... more Dottorato di ricerca in Teoria e storia della storiografia filosofica, XX ciclo, A.a. 2007-2008Università della Calabri

Call for Papers
THE ST... more Call for Papers
in collaboration with
organizes a workshop on 13-15 September 2022 in which the philosophical, theological and political background of the First Council of Nicea is to be examined by the participants.
The main goals of the workshop are the following:
a) to explore new aspects of research in Christology
b) to facilitate the progress of research to be presented at the workshop and several international academic meetings by 2025
c) to form an ecumenical research group, since we would like to have as many participating scholars from different Christian denominations as possible
d) to attract young researchers, Licentiate and PhD students to the project
e) to advance the academic results of our research and our personal connections serve God's plan of salvation to promote world peace and to stop the persecution of Christians
The following colleagues have already confirmed their participation:
- Marco Rizzi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Milan, Secretary of the International Association of Patristic Studies)
- Giulio Maspero (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce – Rome)
- Ilaria Vigorelli (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce – Rome)
- Željko Paša (Pontificio Istituto Orientale – Rome)
- Rocco Ronzani (Istituto Patristico Augustinianum – Rome)
- Vito Limone (Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele - Milan)
- Veronika Černušková (Sts Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology Olomouc)
- László Odrobina (St Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological Institute - Nyíregyháza)
- Tibor Görföl (St Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological Institute - Nyíregyháza)
- Krisztián Vincze (St Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological Institute - Nyíregyháza)
- András Dobos (St Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological Institute - Nyíregyháza)
- Miklós Gyurkovics (St Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological Institute - Nyíregyháza)
The languages of the workshop will be English and Italian. The proceedings will be published in the Eastern Theological Journal.
Communication proposals, together with an abstract (300 words) and a brief curriculum vitae, should be submitted by 30 July, 2022 to the following address: [email protected]
Each participant will be provided with meals (lunch and dinner) during the conference days.
For anyone interested, the organizers will be pleased to arrange individual transport from the airport in Debrecen or Budapest on 12 September. Different solutions for accommodation are available if requested.
Conference fee: 40 Euros.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange accommodation for you according to your requirements.
Yours sincerely,
Miklós Gyurkovics Vice Rector and Editor-in-Chief of the Eastern Theological Journal
Vox Patrum
The development of Trinitarian thought that occurred in Gregory of Nyssa’s Contra Eunomium has le... more The development of Trinitarian thought that occurred in Gregory of Nyssa’s Contra Eunomium has led some to think that in his debate with Eunomius Gregory introduced a tritheist mode of thinking (G.C. Stead). In having recourse to the scšsij of the Father and of the Son in his polemic with Eunomius, he actually facilitates a recovery of the sense of ÐmooÚsioj in continuity with the doctrine of the two natures as introduced by Athanasius and Basil in the latter’s initial response to Eunomius. However, this simultaneously marks a difference in the notion of fÚsij, which is at the level of divinity and has repercussions even in created nature. This paper seeks to show the substance of this variation, something that on account of Eunomian heresy has been introduced by Gregory of Nyssa.
Theologica Xaveriana
Basilio di Cesarea e la sua attenzione alla relazione (σχέσις) nella contesa trinitaria con Eunom... more Basilio di Cesarea e la sua attenzione alla relazione (σχέσις) nella contesa trinitaria con Eunomio * * Il presente lavoro si inserisce in un più ampio programma di ricerca di ontologia trinitaria guidato da Giulio Maspero presso la Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, a Roma. Ringrazio sentitamente i revisori per le utili indicazioni e l'incoraggiamento che hanno voluto trasmettermi leggendo questo articolo.
La krisis si è configurata nel cristianesimo antico come il momento e il luogo della formulazione... more La krisis si è configurata nel cristianesimo antico come il momento e il luogo della formulazione di un giudizio sulle differenze: differenze di tipo filosofico e religioso che hanno portato a mutamenti etici e culturali, ma anche sociali, politici ed economici. Riconsiderare le fonti e i modi del cambiamento epocale che ha investito il mediterraneo pagano fino a trasformarlo nella civiltà cristiana, pur nella consapevolezza della lontananza temporale, pone la questione della re-interpretazione del momento presente: si può uscire dalla constatazione negativa della fine dell&#39;epoca moderna per cogliere il lato fecondo di un nuovo esercizio della capacità di giudicare? L&#39;occasione è qui proposta come riscoperta del logos ut relatio, che permetta di passare da un&#39;ontologia dialettica ad un&#39;ontologia relazionale.

Krisis e cambiamento in età tardoantica. Riflessi contemporanei, a cura di A.M. Mazzanti e I. Vigorelli, Roma, EDUSC (ROR. Studies Series 3), 2017
La krisis si è configurata nel cristianesimo antico come il momento e il luogo della formulazione... more La krisis si è configurata nel cristianesimo antico come il momento e il luogo della formulazione di un giudizio sulle differenze: differenze di tipo filosofico e religioso che hanno portato a mutamenti etici e culturali, ma anche sociali, politici ed economici. Riconsiderare le fonti e i modi del cambiamento epocale che ha investito il mediterraneo pagano fino a trasformarlo nella civiltà cristiana, pur nella consapevolezza della lontananza temporale, pone la questione della re-interpretazione del momento presente: si può uscire dalla constatazione negativa della fine dell'epoca moderna per cogliere il lato fecondo di un nuovo esercizio della capacità di giudicare? L'occasione è qui proposta come riscoperta del logos ut relatio, che permetta di passare da un'ontologia dialettica ad un'ontologia relazionale.
Studia Patristica. Vol. CXII - Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019
Papers by Ilaria Vigorelli
in collaboration with
organizes a workshop on 13-15 September 2022 in which the philosophical, theological and political background of the First Council of Nicea is to be examined by the participants.
The main goals of the workshop are the following:
a) to explore new aspects of research in Christology
b) to facilitate the progress of research to be presented at the workshop and several international academic meetings by 2025
c) to form an ecumenical research group, since we would like to have as many participating scholars from different Christian denominations as possible
d) to attract young researchers, Licentiate and PhD students to the project
e) to advance the academic results of our research and our personal connections serve God's plan of salvation to promote world peace and to stop the persecution of Christians
The following colleagues have already confirmed their participation:
- Marco Rizzi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Milan, Secretary of the International Association of Patristic Studies)
- Giulio Maspero (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce – Rome)
- Ilaria Vigorelli (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce – Rome)
- Željko Paša (Pontificio Istituto Orientale – Rome)
- Rocco Ronzani (Istituto Patristico Augustinianum – Rome)
- Vito Limone (Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele - Milan)
- Veronika Černušková (Sts Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology Olomouc)
- László Odrobina (St Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological Institute - Nyíregyháza)
- Tibor Görföl (St Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological Institute - Nyíregyháza)
- Krisztián Vincze (St Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological Institute - Nyíregyháza)
- András Dobos (St Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological Institute - Nyíregyháza)
- Miklós Gyurkovics (St Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological Institute - Nyíregyháza)
The languages of the workshop will be English and Italian. The proceedings will be published in the Eastern Theological Journal.
Communication proposals, together with an abstract (300 words) and a brief curriculum vitae, should be submitted by 30 July, 2022 to the following address: [email protected]
Each participant will be provided with meals (lunch and dinner) during the conference days.
For anyone interested, the organizers will be pleased to arrange individual transport from the airport in Debrecen or Budapest on 12 September. Different solutions for accommodation are available if requested.
Conference fee: 40 Euros.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange accommodation for you according to your requirements.
Yours sincerely,
Miklós Gyurkovics Vice Rector and Editor-in-Chief of the Eastern Theological Journal
in collaboration with
organizes a workshop on 13-15 September 2022 in which the philosophical, theological and political background of the First Council of Nicea is to be examined by the participants.
The main goals of the workshop are the following:
a) to explore new aspects of research in Christology
b) to facilitate the progress of research to be presented at the workshop and several international academic meetings by 2025
c) to form an ecumenical research group, since we would like to have as many participating scholars from different Christian denominations as possible
d) to attract young researchers, Licentiate and PhD students to the project
e) to advance the academic results of our research and our personal connections serve God's plan of salvation to promote world peace and to stop the persecution of Christians
The following colleagues have already confirmed their participation:
- Marco Rizzi (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Milan, Secretary of the International Association of Patristic Studies)
- Giulio Maspero (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce – Rome)
- Ilaria Vigorelli (Pontificia Università della Santa Croce – Rome)
- Željko Paša (Pontificio Istituto Orientale – Rome)
- Rocco Ronzani (Istituto Patristico Augustinianum – Rome)
- Vito Limone (Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele - Milan)
- Veronika Černušková (Sts Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology Olomouc)
- László Odrobina (St Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological Institute - Nyíregyháza)
- Tibor Görföl (St Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological Institute - Nyíregyháza)
- Krisztián Vincze (St Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological Institute - Nyíregyháza)
- András Dobos (St Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological Institute - Nyíregyháza)
- Miklós Gyurkovics (St Athanasius Greek Catholic Theological Institute - Nyíregyháza)
The languages of the workshop will be English and Italian. The proceedings will be published in the Eastern Theological Journal.
Communication proposals, together with an abstract (300 words) and a brief curriculum vitae, should be submitted by 30 July, 2022 to the following address: [email protected]
Each participant will be provided with meals (lunch and dinner) during the conference days.
For anyone interested, the organizers will be pleased to arrange individual transport from the airport in Debrecen or Budapest on 12 September. Different solutions for accommodation are available if requested.
Conference fee: 40 Euros.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to arrange accommodation for you according to your requirements.
Yours sincerely,
Miklós Gyurkovics Vice Rector and Editor-in-Chief of the Eastern Theological Journal
Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum of Rome, Italy
Ilaria Vigorelli
Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Italy
Miklós Gyurkovics
Saint Athanasius Greek-Catholic Theological Institute, Nyíregyháza,
Notker Baumann
Universität Erfurt, Germany
Kristian Girling
Boston College, School of Theology and Ministry, Chestnut Hill, MA,