Papers by Kiky Martha A

Jurnal Biolokus, Feb 5, 2024
Married Madurese women routinely consume jamu sari rapet to please their husbands. There is no in... more Married Madurese women routinely consume jamu sari rapet to please their husbands. There is no information on the toxicity test of jamu sari rapet. The kidney is one of the organs that is targeted by toxic substances that enter the body. One of the parameters controlled is albumin and creatinine. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect on albumin and creatinine levels in white rats (Rattus norvegicus) given jamu sari rapet. This type of research is true experimental with a quantitative approach. This study was conducted for 28 days (subchronic). Data were analyzed using the Kruskal Wallis test. There were 4 groups, namely dose group 1 (1,56 g/gBB), dose group 2 (1,60 g/gBB), dose group 3 (1,66 g/gBB) and the control group. The results of this study showed no significant difference between albumin and creatinine levels compared to the control group. The conclusion shows that jamu sari rapet given to female rats (Rattus norvegicus) for 28 days has no significant effect on albumin and creatinine levels.

Livestock and Animal Research
Objective: High number of antibiotic resistance cases in livestock will impact on increasing case... more Objective: High number of antibiotic resistance cases in livestock will impact on increasing cases of microbe’s infection. On the other hand, the use of synthetic antibiotics is currently limited. A possible alternative can be used is the utilization of foods that possess medicinal effects (nutraceuticals). The use of animal feed sourced from Diptera larvae has been increasing widely, due to its high protein content. In addition, it is comprised of nutraceuticals as antimicrobial peptides like lucifensin. This study aimed at determining the potential of lucifensin as a nutraceutical product for livestock based on bioinformatics study.Methods: This study is descriptive research. The lucifensin protein data was obtained from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The protein relationship analysis was performed using Blast-NCBI and lipinski Rules of 5 (Ro5) analysis to determine its potential as an oral drug (bioavailability). The molecular docking was used Swiss Docking online with lucifensin a...

Indonesian Journal of Cancer Chemoprevention, 2017
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world, approximately 14 million new cases and... more Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world, approximately 14 million new cases and 8.2 million deaths each year. Doxorubicin is a well-known chemotherapy drug which frequently used in treating various types of cancer. However, Â doxorubicin posesses several side effects including cardiotoxic, hepatotoxic, nephrotoxic, and immunosuppression. One of the natural product that can be used as an adjuvant of doxorubicin to reduce the toxic effects is garlic chives (Allium tuberosum). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Allium tuberosum based on hematological profile, levels of CD4+, CD8+, and MDA serum of male Wistar rats which induced by doxorubicin. The hematological profile was analyzes by blood smear, levels of CD4+ and CD8+ were conducted by flowcytometry and levels of MDA serum were determined by spectrofotometry. The results showed that the etanolic extract of Allium tuberosum (EAT) increased neutrophil and lymphocyte, percentage of CD4+ cells (p&l...

KnE Life Sciences, 2021
In 2013, 198 million cases of malaria were reported globally and 584,000 of them died. As much as... more In 2013, 198 million cases of malaria were reported globally and 584,000 of them died. As much as 78% of cases occurred in children under five years of age. Indonesia is a has the second highest malaria incidence rate after India in the Asian region. Severe malaria can be characterized by the presence of severe anaemia, hyperparasitemia or cerebral malaria. Severe anaemia due to malaria or severe malaria anaemia (SMA) often occurs in children who suffer from falciparum malaria. SMA occurs due to a decrease in COX-2-PGE2, caused by phagocytosis of PfHz (Plasmodium falciparumderived Hemozoin) by monocytes, macrophages and neutrophils. PfHz is a crystalline compound formed from the aggregation of heme hosts. Fe2+ is one of the constituents of heme, luteolin can bind Fe2+ so that the bond between luteolin and Fe2+ in heme prevents the formation of PfHz, so that severe anaemia can be prevented. Like other naturally occurring active compounds, luteolin has low bioavailability in the body ...

NIM 132010101080 FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS JEMBER JEMBER 2015 STRATEGI HOLISTIK : LANGKAH P... more NIM 132010101080 FAKULTAS KEDOKTERAN UNIVERSITAS JEMBER JEMBER 2015 STRATEGI HOLISTIK : LANGKAH PROSPEKTIF MENCAPAI ELIMINASI FILARIASIS 2020 DI INDONESIA [1] [1] Kiky Martha Ariesaka; Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Jember Lymphatic Filariasis (LF) merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh parasit filaria dan menyerang lebih dari 120 juta orang di 73 negara tropis dan subtropis (Eisai, 2014). Infeksi ini berdampak besar pada sosioekonomi negaranegara terkait sehingga dideklarasikan target eliminasi filariasis tahun 2020 pada London Declaration (Mhashilkar et al., 2015). LF diawali dengan adanya transmisi filaria kepada host (manusia) melalui perantara vektor (nyamuk). Ketika nyamuk yang mengandung filaria menggigit manusia, larva filaria memasuki tubuh manusia dan segera bermigrasi ke pembuluh limfatik untuk berkembang menjadi dewasa. Filaria dewasa akan bereproduksi dan menghasilkan ribuan mikrofilaria pada tubuh manusia. Keadaan ini akan bermanifestasi sebagai limfedema atau elephantiasis. Limfedema merupakan terjadinya pembengkakan pada kaki, genitalia, lengan dan dada. Jika limfedema mengalami komplikasi infeksi bakteri maka akan mengarah ke elephantiasis. Antihelmintes dan obat lain yang bermanfaat untuk LF antara lain diethylcarbamazine (DEC), albendazole, dan ivermectin (Eisai, 2014). Dalam rangka mewujudkan eliminasi filariasis 2020, diperlukan adanya strategi holistik untuk mencapai target tersebut. Menurut Elias (2009), peningkatan akses medis dapat diwujudkan dengan strategi "three D's" yaitu Discovery, Development, dan Delivery sebagaimana skema di bawah ini. Gambar 1. Skema strategi Three D's (Elias, 2009) Sedangkan menurut Frost dan Reich (2008), peningkatan akses medis dapat diwujudkan dengan meninjau keterjangkauan produk (affordability), ketersediaan produk (availability), dan kesesuaian penggunaan dengan pasien (adoption) sebagaimana digambarkan pada skema beikut. Gambar 2. Skema strategi 4A (Frost dan Reich, 2008) Penggabungan kedua strategi tersebut dapat menciptakan strategi baru yang prospektif dan holistik dalam mencapai target eliminasi filaria 2020. Penggabungan kedua strategi tersebut tertuang dalam skema berikut Gambar 3. Strategi holistik eliminasi filariasis 2020 Beradasarkan skema tersebut, penulis menawarkan empat langkah yang harus dikembangkan dalam mewujudkan eliminasi filariasis 2020. Empat langkah tersebut akan dibahas satu per satu berikut ini.
Conference Presentations by Kiky Martha A
Craniosynostosis merupakan fusi prematur dan patologis, baik parsial atau lengkap dari satu atau ... more Craniosynostosis merupakan fusi prematur dan patologis, baik parsial atau lengkap dari satu atau lebih sutura kranial. Craniosynostosis tidak hanya terbatas pada deformitas cranium, namun juga menyebabkan berbagai masalah neurologis pada anak yang sedang tumbuh. Hipertensi intrakranial, malformasi hidrosefalus dan Chiari adalah masalah yang sering timbul berkaitan dengan craniosynostosis. Deformitas cranium dan masalah neurologis ini menyebabkan disfungsi neurologis dan kognitif
Papers by Kiky Martha A
Conference Presentations by Kiky Martha A