Books--Order only through publisher by Chrys Ingraham
This is a groundbreaking study of our culture's obsession with weddings. By examining popular fil... more This is a groundbreaking study of our culture's obsession with weddings. By examining popular films, commercials, magazines, advertising, television sitcoms and even children's toys, this book shows the pervasive influence of weddings in our culture and the important role they play in maintaining the romance of heterosexuality, the myth of white supremacy and the insatiable appetite of consumer capitalism. It examines how the economics and marketing of weddings have replaced the religious and moral view of marriage.
This second edition includes many new and updated features including: full coverage of the wedding industrial complex; gay marriage and its relationship to white weddings and heterosexuality and demographics shifts as to who is marrying whom and why, nationally and internationally.
This collection of original essays will unravel the current heterosexual scene in two parts: one ... more This collection of original essays will unravel the current heterosexual scene in two parts: one on rights and privileges, the other on popular culture. Topics covered include weddings, proms, citizenship, marriage penalties, cartoons, mermaids and myth.
During the 1980s, capitalism triumphantly secured its global reach, anti-communist ideologies ham... more During the 1980s, capitalism triumphantly secured its global reach, anti-communist ideologies hammered home socialism's inherent failure, the New Left increasingly moved into the professional middle class--and many of feminism's earlier priorities were marginalized. "Identity politics", often formulated in terms of social reconstructionism or multiculturalism, has increasingly suppressed materialist feminism's systematic perspective, replacing it with discourse analysis or cultural politics. Materialist Feminism: A Reader argues against the retreat to multiculturalism for keeping invisible the material links among the explosion of meaning-making practices in highly industrialized social sectors, the exploitation of women's labor, and the appropriation of women's bodies that continues to undergird the scramble for profits and state power in multinational capitalism.
Papers by Chrys Ingraham
Canadian Journal of Communication, 1999
These days it seems hard to find an unabashed use of the word "feminism&quot... more These days it seems hard to find an unabashed use of the word "feminism" in communications and cultural studies. More often than not feminist studies seems to have been replaced by gender studies, a descriptive rather than overtly political and historical term. While gender studies ...
The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, 2016
The New Sexuality Studies a Reader 2e Edited By Seidman Meeks and Fisher, 2011
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 1996

A battery of instruments dealing with job stress and satisfaction and social role traits was admi... more A battery of instruments dealing with job stress and satisfaction and social role traits was administered to 78 female special educators. Sociat role orientation (instntmental, expressive, balanced, undifferentiated), as tneasured by a modified version of the Bem Sex Role Inventor)', was determined for each teacher. The relationship between social role orictitation and job and satisfaction was examined. Shifts in teachers' .social role composition from off the job to on the job were examined regarding four indices of and satisfaction. A balanced social role orientation on the job was associated with higher levels of job satisfaction and lower levels of job stre.s.s. Higher levels of instrumentality on the job and off the job and higher levels of expressivity on the job and off the job were associated with higher levels of personal accomplishment and lower levels of depersonalization.
Book Chapters by Chrys Ingraham
Handbook of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 2002

All aspects of our social world-natural or otherwise-are given meaning. Culture installs meaning ... more All aspects of our social world-natural or otherwise-are given meaning. Culture installs meaning in our lives from the very first moment we enter the social world. Our sexual orientation or sexual identity-or even the notion that there is such a thing-is defined by the symbolic order of that world through the use of verbal as well as non-verbal language and images. Heterosexuality as a social category is much more than the fact of one's sexual or affectional attractions. What we think of when we talk about heterosexuality or refer to ourselves as heterosexual is a product of a society's meaning-making processes. In reality, heterosexuality operates as a highly organized social institution that varies across nations, social groups, culture, history, region, religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, lifespan, social class, and ability. In America and elsewhere, the wedding ritual represents a major site for the installation and maintenance of the institution of heterosexuality.

Handbook of Gender and Women's Studies, 2006
Thinking straight-heteronormativity, the belief system underlying institutionalized heterosexuali... more Thinking straight-heteronormativity, the belief system underlying institutionalized heterosexuality constitutes the dominant paradigm in Western society and secures a division of labor and distribution of wealth and power that requires gender, race, class, and sexual hierarchies as well as ideological struggles for meaning and value. In this chapter, I argue that the preoccupation with gender in feminist scholarship obscures the significance of heterosexuality as a primary institution complete with organizing rituals and disciplining practices that regulate acting bent. While gender is a central feature of heteronormativity, it is institutionalized heterosexuality that is served by dominant or conventional constructions of gender, not the other way around. Shifting the focus from gender to heteronormativity, theorizing what it means to think bent, holds enormous potential for feminist theory and research.

"Paula Bradstreet Richter organized this wide-ranging exhibition of art inspired by marriage--fro... more "Paula Bradstreet Richter organized this wide-ranging exhibition of art inspired by marriage--from the first frissons of attraction through remembrances of decades--long unions that stood the test of time. Ms. Richter gathered works by Pablo Picasso, Marc Chagall, Claes Oldenburg, Winslow Homer and many others, known and anonymous, from 30 countries and cultures around the world." —Northeast Antiques
This lavishly illustrated book is the first to explore the wedding’s global terrain as a source of artistic inspiration, both historically and today
Weddings are among the most universal social ceremonies, and Wedded Bliss: The Marriage of Art and Ceremony explores the aesthetic expressions related to weddings—paintings, sculptures, photographs, decorative objects, textiles, and even cakes—from a selection of international cultures since the eighteenth century. Comparisons among the Euro-American “white wedding” tradition and vibrant marriage ceremonies in Asia, Africa, and the Pacific region are among the book’s many special features.
Five authors bring their perspectives as art historians, artists, cultural historians, and sociologists to essays that explore diverse aesthetic and cultural themes—the dynamics of identity; tradition and changing social values; ritual and ceremony as performing arts; spirituality and religion; and displays of status and prestige. These thoughtful discussions of weddings as the impetus for creativity provide fresh insights into a familiar subject and probe a complex, often highly charged, human experience.
Film: Wedding Advice by Chrys Ingraham
Books--Order only through publisher by Chrys Ingraham
This second edition includes many new and updated features including: full coverage of the wedding industrial complex; gay marriage and its relationship to white weddings and heterosexuality and demographics shifts as to who is marrying whom and why, nationally and internationally.
Papers by Chrys Ingraham
Book Chapters by Chrys Ingraham
This lavishly illustrated book is the first to explore the wedding’s global terrain as a source of artistic inspiration, both historically and today
Weddings are among the most universal social ceremonies, and Wedded Bliss: The Marriage of Art and Ceremony explores the aesthetic expressions related to weddings—paintings, sculptures, photographs, decorative objects, textiles, and even cakes—from a selection of international cultures since the eighteenth century. Comparisons among the Euro-American “white wedding” tradition and vibrant marriage ceremonies in Asia, Africa, and the Pacific region are among the book’s many special features.
Five authors bring their perspectives as art historians, artists, cultural historians, and sociologists to essays that explore diverse aesthetic and cultural themes—the dynamics of identity; tradition and changing social values; ritual and ceremony as performing arts; spirituality and religion; and displays of status and prestige. These thoughtful discussions of weddings as the impetus for creativity provide fresh insights into a familiar subject and probe a complex, often highly charged, human experience.
Film: Wedding Advice by Chrys Ingraham
This second edition includes many new and updated features including: full coverage of the wedding industrial complex; gay marriage and its relationship to white weddings and heterosexuality and demographics shifts as to who is marrying whom and why, nationally and internationally.
This lavishly illustrated book is the first to explore the wedding’s global terrain as a source of artistic inspiration, both historically and today
Weddings are among the most universal social ceremonies, and Wedded Bliss: The Marriage of Art and Ceremony explores the aesthetic expressions related to weddings—paintings, sculptures, photographs, decorative objects, textiles, and even cakes—from a selection of international cultures since the eighteenth century. Comparisons among the Euro-American “white wedding” tradition and vibrant marriage ceremonies in Asia, Africa, and the Pacific region are among the book’s many special features.
Five authors bring their perspectives as art historians, artists, cultural historians, and sociologists to essays that explore diverse aesthetic and cultural themes—the dynamics of identity; tradition and changing social values; ritual and ceremony as performing arts; spirituality and religion; and displays of status and prestige. These thoughtful discussions of weddings as the impetus for creativity provide fresh insights into a familiar subject and probe a complex, often highly charged, human experience.