Jibachha Sah
I am Dr.Jibachha Sah, M.V.Sc an independent veterinary author, researcher, and lecture of veterinary medicine. I am a veterinary physician doing veterinary practice in my own veterinary hospital entitled" Jibachha Veterinary hospital research and training center P.Ltd. I am also the author of 40 veterinary books including English and Nepali laguage.I am also a motivator and uploaded more than 60 videos on Youtube to motivate people veterinary.
Supervisors: Lecturer , NPI Vet Pharmacology and Director,Jibachha Veterinary Hospital
Phone: 00977-9811180208
Address: Bharatpur-4,Chitwan,Nepal.Jibachha veterinary hospital research & training center Pvt Ltd
Supervisors: Lecturer , NPI Vet Pharmacology and Director,Jibachha Veterinary Hospital
Phone: 00977-9811180208
Address: Bharatpur-4,Chitwan,Nepal.Jibachha veterinary hospital research & training center Pvt Ltd
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Videos by Jibachha Sah
Papers by Jibachha Sah
This book is designed for SEE, Grade XI, and Diploma Level New Syllabus 2021 CTEVT Students of Veterinary Science. The content of this book is based on the CTEVT syllabus on Basic Livestock Health Management.
The first section includes all the theory topics: Common bacterial, viral, fungal, and protozoal diseases of livestock, horses, pig, dog and poultry; Ecto and endo-parasitic diseases of livestock and poultry Metabolic and deficiency diseases of livestock and poultry and basic concepts of zoonotic diseases.
The second part of this book is based on practical sessions, which include; Examine of milk and CMT; Perform sterilization and preparation of glassware for culture; Prepare media; Examine milk culture and Gram’s staining; Perform vaccinations on livestock and poultry; Identify common cattle and buffalo internal parasites; Identify common internal parasites of sheep and goat; Identify common internal parasites of poultry; Identify external parasites in livestock; Identify external parasites of poultry; Collect blood and examine the protozoa; Examine urine for ketone bodies; Perform skin scrapping; Perform a postmortem on sheep or goat and Perform postmortem of poultry.
In the series of our 45 books on the veterinary clinical field, this book is purely a syllabus-based book that is written with authentic textbooks and references. This book is designed especially for veterinary students of technical education in an easy, concise, understandable manner and with a quick reference.
The authors’ extensive experience in publishing veterinary books for students and coordinating animal health was heavily weighted in the preparation of this course book; a serious student will thus find the book user-friendly and easy to read and understand. We strongly believe that “Jibachha’s Textbook of Basic Livestock Health
Management-II” adequately meets the needs of veterinary students and teachers.
is designed for SEE and diploma level CTEVT students of veterinary
science. The content of this book is based on CTEVT syllabus on
Poultry Production & Management.
The first section includes all the theory topics: Introduction
and historical background of poultry farming in Nepal, Chicken
breeds, External and internal body parts of chicken, Housing system
of poultry, Poultry equipment's, Characteristics of commercial broiler
and layer breeds, Most common bacterial, viral, protozoan and
helminths disease of poultry and feed formulation method.
The second part of this book is based on Poultry Production
& Management practical session including practical knowledge on
common poultry breeds of chicken, Selection and culling of chicken,
Identification of common poultry tools and equipment, debeaking,
deworming and vaccination in poultry, post mortem examination, and
biosecurity and disinfection in poultry farms.
In the series of our 40 books on the veterinary clinical field
"Jibachha's Textbook of Poultry Production & Management is purely
a syllabus based book that is written with authentic textbook and
references. This book is designed especially for the veterinary students
of technical education to easy, concise, understable manner and quick
reference. In the time of preparation past examination papers were
highly considered, which will enable to grapes excellence score in
the examination.
The experience gathered by the authors in the course of their
a long number of years in publishing veterinary books for the students
and coordinating animal health, was strongly brought to bear on the
preparation of this course book; a serious student shall therefore find
the book user friendly and easy to read and understand. We strongly
believe that "Jibachha's Textbook of Poultry Production & Management
adequately meet the need of veterinary students and teachers.
This book is designed for SEE, Grade XI, and Diploma Level New Syllabus 2021 CTEVT Students of Veterinary Science. The content of this book is based on the CTEVT syllabus on Basic Livestock Health Management.
The first section includes all the theory topics: Common bacterial, viral, fungal, and protozoal diseases of livestock, horses, pig, dog and poultry; Ecto and endo-parasitic diseases of livestock and poultry Metabolic and deficiency diseases of livestock and poultry and basic concepts of zoonotic diseases.
The second part of this book is based on practical sessions, which include; Examine of milk and CMT; Perform sterilization and preparation of glassware for culture; Prepare media; Examine milk culture and Gram’s staining; Perform vaccinations on livestock and poultry; Identify common cattle and buffalo internal parasites; Identify common internal parasites of sheep and goat; Identify common internal parasites of poultry; Identify external parasites in livestock; Identify external parasites of poultry; Collect blood and examine the protozoa; Examine urine for ketone bodies; Perform skin scrapping; Perform a postmortem on sheep or goat and Perform postmortem of poultry.
In the series of our 45 books on the veterinary clinical field, this book is purely a syllabus-based book that is written with authentic textbooks and references. This book is designed especially for veterinary students of technical education in an easy, concise, understandable manner and with a quick reference.
The authors’ extensive experience in publishing veterinary books for students and coordinating animal health was heavily weighted in the preparation of this course book; a serious student will thus find the book user-friendly and easy to read and understand. We strongly believe that “Jibachha’s Textbook of Basic Livestock Health
Management-II” adequately meets the needs of veterinary students and teachers.
is designed for SEE and diploma level CTEVT students of veterinary
science. The content of this book is based on CTEVT syllabus on
Poultry Production & Management.
The first section includes all the theory topics: Introduction
and historical background of poultry farming in Nepal, Chicken
breeds, External and internal body parts of chicken, Housing system
of poultry, Poultry equipment's, Characteristics of commercial broiler
and layer breeds, Most common bacterial, viral, protozoan and
helminths disease of poultry and feed formulation method.
The second part of this book is based on Poultry Production
& Management practical session including practical knowledge on
common poultry breeds of chicken, Selection and culling of chicken,
Identification of common poultry tools and equipment, debeaking,
deworming and vaccination in poultry, post mortem examination, and
biosecurity and disinfection in poultry farms.
In the series of our 40 books on the veterinary clinical field
"Jibachha's Textbook of Poultry Production & Management is purely
a syllabus based book that is written with authentic textbook and
references. This book is designed especially for the veterinary students
of technical education to easy, concise, understable manner and quick
reference. In the time of preparation past examination papers were
highly considered, which will enable to grapes excellence score in
the examination.
The experience gathered by the authors in the course of their
a long number of years in publishing veterinary books for the students
and coordinating animal health, was strongly brought to bear on the
preparation of this course book; a serious student shall therefore find
the book user friendly and easy to read and understand. We strongly
believe that "Jibachha's Textbook of Poultry Production & Management
adequately meet the need of veterinary students and teachers.
This book is designed for SEE, Grade XI, and diploma level CTEVT students of veterinary science. The content of this book is based on the CTEVT syllabus on Jibachha Textbook of Basics of Animal Product Technology - II. The first section includes all the theory topics: Introduction;Meat and its properties; Meat Processing and its quality evaluation; Meat Preservation methods; Post slaughtering process of meat; Fish processing, quality evaluation and processing; Sheep production; Physical and chemical properties of fiber; Grading and types of fiber; Testing and characteristics of qualitative fibers and Post shearing operations.
The second part of this book is based on practical sessions, which include Identify commonly used meat and wool processing equipment; Prepare the layout of the slaughter house and identify the slaughtering procedures for animals; Perform a post- shearing evaluation and eating quality of the meat; Prepare comminuted and emulsified meat products, e.g., ham, bacon, sausage, meat loaf, dry meat; Identify the process of meat inspection and quality evaluation; Process and inspect the quality of fish for human food; Identify the quality of fibers and judge the wool; Study the development of follicles, related glands, and the secretion of fiber production; Perform tests for the identification of wool; Identify wool-made products, their market, and trends in Nepal; Judge biosecurity in meat, fish, and wool processing units and visit the meat, fish, and wool processing plant near the institute.
In the series of our 45 books on the veterinary clinical field, this book is purely a syllabus-based book that is written with authentic textbooks and references. This book is designed especially for the veterinary students of technical education in an easy, concise, understandable manner and with a quick reference. During the time of preparation, past examination papers were highly considered, which will enable us to achieve excellent scores in the examination.
The authors’ extensive experience in publishing veterinary books for students and coordinating animal health was heavily weighted in the preparation of this course book; a serious student will thus find the book user-friendly and easy to read and understand. We strongly believe that “Jibachha Textbook of Basics of Animal Product Technology-II” adequately meets the needs of veterinary students and teachers.
Dr. Prabhakar Kumar Shah
B.V.Sc. & A.H. (P.U.), M.V.Sc. (Medicine, AFU)
Dr. Jibachha Sah
B.V.Sc. & A.H., M.V.Sc. (T.U.)
Dr. Jyoti Kumari Sah
B.V.Sc. & A.H. (T.U.), M.Sc. (Scholar)
This book is designed for SEE, Grade XI, and Diploma Level New Syllabus 2021 CTEVT Students of Veterinary Science. The content of this book is based on the CTEVT syllabus on animal reproduction systems. The first section includes all the theory topics: comparative anatomy of reproductive tracts of domestic animals; reproductive hormones and their functions; physiology of reproduction; pregnancy diagnosis; artificial insemination; semen collection; embryo transfer; reproductive disorders; reproductive diseases; obstetrical problems; and obstetrical techniques.
The second part of this book is based on practical sessions, which include identifying the organs of the reproductive tract of the female and male animal; detect heat in different domestic animals; diagnosis of pregnancy in large animals; diagnosis of pregnancy in small animals; identify the various parts of the AI gun and the AI technique; collection and preservation of semen; recognize different reproductive diseases and obstetrical problems; study different metabolic diseases and their treatments; study different obstetrical techniques: fetotomy, epidural anesthesia, mutation, and force extraction.
This book is purely a syllabus-based book that is written with authentic textbooks and references. This book is designed especially for the veterinary students of technical education in an easy, concise, understandable manner and with a quick reference. During the time of preparation, past examination papers were highly considered, which will enable us to achieve excellent scores in the examination.
The authors’ extensive experience in publishing veterinary books for students and coordinating animal health was heavily weighted in the preparation of this course book; a serious student will thus find the book user-friendly and easy to read and understand. We strongly believe that “Jibachha’s Textbook of Elementary Animal Reproduction” adequately meets the needs of veterinary students and teachers.
This book is designed for SEE, Grade XI, and diploma-level CTEVT students of veterinary science. The content of this book is based on the CTEVT syllabus on Fundamentals of Animal Waste Management. The first section includes all the theory topics: animal waste concept, generation, utilization, and management; animal waste: opportunities and challenges; animal waste management plans; solid waste disposal methods; importance of livestock waste management. Types of livestock waste, collection of livestock waste and the methods, traditional methods of livestock waste management along with their methods, advantages, and disadvantages, and advanced methods of livestock waste management.
The second part of this book is based on practical sessions, which include Identify the various types of farm waste and refuse, Identify the ways of disposing of farm sewage and farm refuse. Estimate farm waste from organized as well as small-scale livestock farms. Identify the methods of disposal for carcasses and dead animals. Collect and dispose of liquid farm waste. Collect and dispose of solid farm waste. Collect and transport farm waste. Prepare compost of farm wastes (manure, dead animals, etc.), Observe the process and advantages of the biogas plant. Prepare bio-fertilizer from farm waste, Observe rendering, a method to recycle farm waste resources, Perform farm disinfection and biosecurity. Manage farm wastes for effective fly and rodent control and identify the health implications of farm wastes.
In the series of our 45 books on the veterinary clinical field, this book is purely a syllabus- based book that is written with authentic textbooks and references. This book is designed especially for veterinary students of technical education in an easy, concise, understandable manner and with a quick reference. During the time of preparation, past examination papers were highly considered, which will enable us to achieve excellent scores in the examination.
The authors’ extensive experience in publishing veterinary books for students and coordinating animal health was heavily weighted in the preparation of this course book; a serious student will thus find the book user-friendly and easy to read and understand. We strongly believe that “Jibachha Textbook of Fundamentals of Animal Waste Management” adequately meets the needs of veterinary students and teachers.
Production" is edited by Dr. Jibachha Sah (M.V.Sc), Dr. Prabhakar Kumar
shah (M.V.Sc. Vet. Med), and Dr. Jyoti Kumari Sah (B.V.Sc & A.H.) with
sales of their previous 40 books, several of them best seller approaches
more than 22,000 copies.
"Jibachha's Textbook of Animal Nutrition and Fodder
Production" is designed for SEE, Grade XI, and diploma level CTEVT
students of veterinary science. The content of this book is based on the
CTEVT syllabus on Animal Nutrition and Fodder Production. The first
section includes all the theory topics: Introduction to animal nutrition,
composition of plant and animal cells, feed stuffs and their classification,
function and deficiency symptoms of nutrients, mineral and vitamins,
animal feed and their formulation method, cultivation practices of forage
and fodder, and economy of livestock feeding.
The second part of this book is based on "Jibachha's Textbook
of Animal Nutrition and Fodder Production" practical session which
includes practical knowledge on identification of feed ingredients, feed
formulation technique of livestock and poultry, cultivation practices of
annual and perennial fodder and forage, yield determination technique of
green grasses and forage.
In the series of our 40 books on the veterinary clinical field
"Jibachha's Textbook of Animal Nutrition and Fodder Production"
is purely a syllabus based book which is written with authentic textbooks
and references. This book is designed especially for the veterinary students
of technical education to easy, concise, understandable manner and quick
reference. In the time of preparation past examination papers were highly
considered, which will enable to grapes excellent score in the examination.
The experience gathered by the authors in the course of their
long number of years in publishing veterinary books for the students and
coordinating animal health, was strongly brought to bear on the preparation
of this course book; a serious student shall therefore find the book user
friendly and easy to read and understand. We strongly believe that
"Jibachha's Textbook of Animal Nutrition and Fodder Production"
adequately meet the need of veterinary students and teachers.