Papers by Rana E I J A Z Ahmad
This research paper is all about the end of the state as modern state system lacks sovereignty, i... more This research paper is all about the end of the state as modern state system lacks sovereignty, independent government, well-defined territory and participant population. It explains that communication revolution, international financial institutions (IFIs), advertisements, aggressive marketing and above all multinational corporations (MNCs) have made an end of the traditional form of the state that used to be based on four basic elements, Sovereignty, Government, Territory, and Population.

Journal of Political Studies, 2015
This paper is a content analysis of four major dailies and two political talk shows on the two le... more This paper is a content analysis of four major dailies and two political talk shows on the two leading TV news channels of Pakistan during the 2013 Elections. The study examines whether women in politics were portrayed marginally or as active agents in the political process. The paper examines if women were framed by stereotypes and whether they were taken seriously or simply as sensational tokens. Whether during the election campaign they were encouraged to come into politics and for voting? Findings show that the coverage given to women was minimal, and they were not represented as politicians with vision and contributors in political decision making. However, female politicians did not suffer from the cultural stereotype treatment in the news items. In the comparative analysis between Urdu and English dailies, English dailies coverage on women political participation was greater and more positive than Urdu dailies.

Journal of Political Studies, 2014
IntroductionEdmund Burke claimed press as 'fourth estate' because of its considerable imp... more IntroductionEdmund Burke claimed press as 'fourth estate' because of its considerable importance. Raison d'etre of media is not just to update the masses about the latest occurrences; it has to work as a watchdog for national interest and formulate a vigilant public opinion. In the 21st century Pakistan has witnessed a tremendous growth and development in media sphere. The mushroom growth of television channels and FM radios is influencing attitudes and behaviors of general public. This significant increase drew attention towards media regulation, defining objectives and role of media for the development of Pakistan. Wilbur Schramm (1964) maintains that mass media should perform at least three functions in developing countries; media should serve as 'watchdogs', 'policymakers', and 'teachers' for change and modernization. As 'watchdogs' media should keep an eye on the activities of public institutions and report any anomalies and irregular...
Journal of Political Studies, 2018
Afghanistan has been a battlefield for big powers for last four decades. In 1979, Russia invaded ... more Afghanistan has been a battlefield for big powers for last four decades. In 1979, Russia invaded in Afghanistan and the U.

Journal of Political Studies, 2014
IntroductionPolitical institutions are a prerequisite for the growth and development of any count... more IntroductionPolitical institutions are a prerequisite for the growth and development of any country. In Pakistan, political institutions are hardly ever developed on professional basis. The primary reason for this is dynastic politics in Pakistan. In which family, party and individual interests are preferred instead of national interests. Therefore, growth restricts itself to few families. Development at large seems little. Here we describe the major political institutions in Pakistan. As far as the definition of the political institution is concerned as, we mentioned earlier there is no pragmatic political institution in Pakistan. However, the edifices of the political institutions without their pragmatism do exist in this country named as parliament, executive and judiciary. These three major political institutions are the backbone of any state. Military and civil bureaucracies assist the major institutions. Media in Pakistan is a bridge between people and the political institutio...

The international politics is to a great extent defined and shaped by conflicts or war events in ... more The international politics is to a great extent defined and shaped by conflicts or war events in different parts of the world. These include escalations of violence, human causalities and hurdles in peace negotiations. It is imperative to analyze the conflict event itself as well as how the conflict event is defined/ framed by someone with sufficient power and legitimacy to make such an event an issue to be seen as a crisis. The term ‘spin’ generally refers to the “highly professional selling of the political message that involves maximum management and manipulation of the media” (Grattan 1998, p. 34). Media plays a significant role in developing perceptions about conflicts and peace negotiations and those perceptions affect the entire process and the outcome. Therefore, there is a need to make an in-depth analysis of media reporting conflict and peace negotiations. This study aims to explore international media’s coverage and role towards Pakistan-Taliban peace deals after 9/11 i.e...

South Asian Studies, 2018
This paper is going to explain about the power politics among the political and apolitical instit... more This paper is going to explain about the power politics among the political and apolitical institutions in Pakistan. Politics is an activity for seeking power in a legitimate way. Persuasion is a force that obliges the state actors to achieve objectives through power. Power is a capability to shift the probability in to ones own favour especially when circumstances are going against any actor. Political institutions are a backbone of any country and they keep the country on a right track. However, if the institutions became dysfunctional owing to their bad construction or composition, it undermines the state on a large scale. Pakistan’s political institutions like parliament have been under pressure due to the persuasive role of apolitical institutions that are judiciary, military and bureaucracy. It is the case of legitimacy and authority, our political institutions do not enjoy. The dynastic politics among leading interest (political) groups, nepotism, and corruption are such soci...

Plato believes that no ideal state can be perceived without education. In this age of globalizati... more Plato believes that no ideal state can be perceived without education. In this age of globalization education is a real investment that rarely recognized in the Muslim world. Islamic Solidarity is call of the day. Islam is the only religion that believes in global unity and universal solidarity. There are 57 Muslim countries, all are member of Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), having no say in international community owing to lack of education that is considered an important indicator in the socio-economic, political, cultural, and scientific development in today’s world. Islam has unique ideology that provides a uniform system of survival for all communities without any subjectivity. Owing to media propaganda and some fanatics Islamic ideology has been under cloud since 9/11. We as Muslims have obligations to consolidate Muslim glory through Ijtihad, a dynamic aspect of Islamic Ideology and education. Role of education in the consolidation of Islamic solidarity is very much...

The purpose of this research is to understand forced migration which may lead to security implica... more The purpose of this research is to understand forced migration which may lead to security implications for the host country. This study utilized the theory of Forced migration with the nexus of securitization, which causes the mass movement of people across the world borders, in the South Asian region. In order to authenticate the theory in South Asian region, situation of Afghan Refugees in Pakistan has been analyzed to understand that to what extent and how do Afghan Refugees have been forced and cause security implications for Pakistan, especially in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province as well as what are other dimensions of these implications. Security concerns regarding refugees have been increased after the attack which has made researchers emphasize the impact of security concerns on the establishment of migration policy. The events of September 2011 did not initiate the insecurities, uncertainties, ambiguities, and complexities in regards to migration policy; rather they accelerated...
Demands, capabilities and decisions are paramount attributes for the development in a political s... more Demands, capabilities and decisions are paramount attributes for the development in a political system, since these attributes keep the political system dynamic. Without these attributes, no political system can exist, even in the deficiency of any one of these attributes; the political system will be in the state of abeyance. Therefore, in a political system demand, capabilities and decisions play an important role in running the machinery of the state smoothly. This paper is based on comparative method and archival sources

Since the invention of the printing press in 1450, people have acknowledged the potential influen... more Since the invention of the printing press in 1450, people have acknowledged the potential influence of mass media messages. Technology facilitated to "remote control" people and things turned the world into a "global village". The very concept of media globalization reenacts debates that often took place long ago in communication research. However, media globalization challenges the concept of "Normative Theories" of media. With the expansion and extension of media, the debates of impacts, effects and influences of globalization inevitably divide the world into centers and peripheries (Wallerstein, 1974). Though debates of NWICO and MacBride report suggested measures to overcome disparities but the impact of media globalization is very complex as replicated by "CNN Effect" theory. Developing countries are more vulnerable. Schramm (1963) suggested six "essential functions" of communication in developing countries. This paper addresses the challenges posed by media globalization in the backdrop of these assumed functions of media in developing countries.
Developing Country Studies, 2012
Pakistan has been in crises since its birth. Therefore, everyone knows the disparities Pakistan h... more Pakistan has been in crises since its birth. Therefore, everyone knows the disparities Pakistan has in its sociopolitical and economic domains. In this paper, an alternate structure of governance is given for the resolution of all horizontal and vertical cleavages existing in the country for last sixty-seven years. Therefore, it is call of the day that we must contemplate for an alternate structure of governance. In this paper we are devising a strategy that may sustain our identity that is in question in the contemporary world. This paper is based on empirical analysis.

International Affairs and Global Strategy, 2012
Hate is a feeling that categorically expresses the aversion of an individual towards something. T... more Hate is a feeling that categorically expresses the aversion of an individual towards something. The way feeling is expressed exposes the intensity of hate. It is an innate behaviour that determines the loathing effect of individuals in different circumstances; emerge out of our social milieu. May be you hate to be a lesbian but a lesbian loves to be the same. Thus, hate comes out of our innate behaviour that grooms up in the social milieu. We react to our external happenings and show our liking and disliking accordingly. Hence, hate is a feeling as well as an expression. The Western societies are different from Eastern societies and so on. This difference may create the feeling of hate when one individual of another community does not allow assimilating the other individual on the basis of caste, creed, race, colour, and status. The racial differences are the pertinent examples in this perspective. Hate can only be avoided rather eliminated by adopting moral values. Morality is the only cure of hate. This paper is based on purely observations that lead to inductive and deductive approaches with a comparative method. Secondary and primary sources are use d in the paper.

PsycEXTRA Dataset
It is the 21st century; every state desires to develop itself more rapidly. After the Second Worl... more It is the 21st century; every state desires to develop itself more rapidly. After the Second World War in 1945, industrial, individual, and communication revolutions transformed the world into a global village. The internet, cyber space, and e-mail have compressed the world into a smaller region. Every sane individual can easily have an access to all types of changes occurring in the world. Thanks to the communication revolution, nothing is hidden from the eyes of human beings. In this regard, every state in the world is looking for its specific role in the world. In this regard, every state in the is looking for its specific role in the world. The economy is not only the sole source of development in a state but these are the men behind all types of amelioration. The knowledge, skills and hardworking of the individuals sustain the economy of a state. Traditionally only the land labour and physical resources were considered important means of production. Undoubtedly, man and material resources are unavoidably necessary for the economic growth of a country. In this century, without manpower all other resources are futile. This paper is based on the thesis that human capital consists of manpower, skill, and knowledge, is sine qua non for economic growth. The economics of education is the perfect investment is the major theme of this paper. Plato (427-347 BC) was the first political thinker who considered the human beings a valuable asset. In his treatise, "The Republic" Plato gave the idea of his ideal state. In his ideal state, he emphasized upon the state's responsibility to train the people according to their skills and talent. His ideas were purely of political nature but not devoid of economic objectives. He introduced an education system that was unique. His education system led the political system towards specialization of functions and division of labour. The classical economists like Adam Smith and Alfred Marshall constructed the theories of human capital in the backdrop of Plato's idea of specialization of functions and division of labour. Adam Smith wrote, "Wealth of Nations" in 1776 and considered man expensive machine in the pretext of his education and skills. The concept of human capital has become a matter of grave concern in the studies of economics. The economic of education is a branch of economic theory and investigation, developed in 1960. The economists like Adam Smith, Alfred Marshall, and John Stuart Mill considered the education national investment in the 18 th and 19 th century. It shows that the history of economics of education is an age back issue. Later on, this issue was discussed in countries of Europe and America regarding the importance of education. Considering the importance of education, different countries in the world started investing more in education. In developed countries this investment was more as compare to the developing part of the world. Schultz and Becker emphasized upon the education investment. They made research upon the concept of human capital and analyzed that education is the best national investment that in future would be
European Journal of Sociology, 1961
Only a few years ago it was generally assumed that the future of the newly emergent states would ... more Only a few years ago it was generally assumed that the future of the newly emergent states would be determined largely by the activities of their Westernized intellectuals, their socialistically inclined bureaucrats, their nationalist ruling parties, and possibly their menacing communist parties. It occurred to few students of the underdeveloped regions that the military might become the critical group in shaping the course of nation-building. Now that the military has become the key decision-making element in at least eight of the Afro-Asian countries, we are confronted with the awkward fact that there has been almost no scholarly research on the role of the military in the political development of the new states.
This paper addresses the implications of outsourcing during the US-Afghan and the US Iraq conflic... more This paper addresses the implications of outsourcing during the US-Afghan and the US Iraq conflicts. According to Chomsky media filters every information at five levels. This research focuses on the filtration process at information sourcing level. The objective is to identify and highlight the role and implications of global information sources. Ideologis, policies and politics of developed countries unseeingly affect developing countries due to their increased dependence for information. Analysis of the coverage of conflicts by Pakistani dailies is approached through quantitative analysis, in-depth interviews and focus groups of the related journalists and sub-editors to highlight the outsourcing process. The findings suggest that the main sources of strategic and political news were outside Afghanistan, Iraq or Pakistan however humanitarian news were covered by Pakistani journalists. Pakistani news sources were facilitating the agenda set by the news agencies of developed countries. This tilt is evident in Pakistan's foreign policy as well.

is is an age of communication; collectivism gives rise to global village that calls for a global ... more is is an age of communication; collectivism gives rise to global village that calls for a global citizenry. It is easy to be a globalectronic (global and electronic) citizen who attains his nationality through internet, multimedia extension, mobile phones, cyber space, and electronic mail etc. It is well-nigh impossible to be a global citizen as every individual has its idiosyncrasy that always grow up with the social milieu lying around him. erefore, people living in the North are unable to cope with people living in the South in all aspects of life. Political unevenness between the North and the South is a major source of dichotomy between two poles. Globalization is a source that collects people in the form of a whole but ineff ectual in forging them to be a global citizen. All political battles over globalization can become to an end if selective morality diminishes. e South is unable to move in the world at will but the North can. Hence claims of laissez faire, peace, human rights, good governance, and sustainable human development are at stake as pluralism facing crises in morality. us it seems diffi cult to have an end product in the form of a global citizenship. It is only possible when morality prevails in attaining its end product through freedom of expression, freedom of speech and freedom of association.
Pakistan has been facing economic difficulties since 1947 to date. Although there was a good time... more Pakistan has been facing economic difficulties since 1947 to date. Although there was a good time in the 1960s yet after the East Pakistan crisis, we started lagging behind in the economic domain owing to short term decision making for the betterment of the economy. Today, when the PTI government was thinking to revamp the political system with a refreshed form of governance. It came to know that the Pakistan economy has been in troubled water because of money laundering and deep-rooted corruption.
Papers by Rana E I J A Z Ahmad