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The problem of ethnicity has become an entangled phenomenon even for the most advanced, modernized and for the hi-tech societies. All the achievements of mankind could not make him forget his real identity. Different countries have... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesTerrorismPolitical Science
Kashmir has been smoldering for the last seven decades without having any kind of permanent solution or bilateral arrangement agreed upon between India and Pakistan. Change of governments on both sides never changed the stance of each or... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesWar StudiesPolitical Science
Democracy has always been targeted by the forces that are against this particular type of system yet it has emerged as an efficient and more delivering system around the world. In this research article, those forces have been identified... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesWar StudiesDefense and Strategic Studies
Third party interventions always prolong the interstate or civil wars with unending sufferings and devastations. The entire Middle East region is fraught with tensions, conflicts, civil wars and rivalries. From strategic interests to... more
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This paper is a comprehensive account of pre and post 9/11 issues ranging to war on terror causing serious ill to human rights on vast account. It also includes international reports, UN General Assembly report on US war on terror causing... more
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      War on TerrorElections and Voting BehaviorStar WarsUS- Iran nuclear deal
Terrorism has always been a distorting feature in smooth life of the states but to save many from pain some have to sacrifice. The smallest coffins are the heaviest ones and we felt this pain about a year ago. This heartrending issue... more
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    • Political Science
This paper is a comprehensive account of pre and post 9/11 issues ranging to war on terror causing serious ill to human rights on vast account. It also includes international reports, UN General Assembly report on US war on terror causing... more
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This paper is a comprehensive account of the private education system in Punjab ex positing diversity in the private education and regulation in meantime. It includes statistical data as per requirement for quantitative and qualitative... more
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    • Educational Research
it is a comparative research in view of international practices for the provison of free and compulsory education at primary and middle level to increase teh literacy rate and to ensure availibility of fundamental Human Rights.
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    • Educational Reforms
This document has carried out an intensive and exhaustive review of education sector in Punjab. Education is immensely importance as a driver for empowerment and progress of the masses. This research paper has examined the post 18th... more
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This research work deals comprehensively with the chronology of the border issues at the Durand line. It focuses on the legitimacy of the Border line along with strong strategic analysis of the ongoing security situation of the region. In... more
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This research work deals comprehensively with the chronology of the border issues at the Durand line. It focuses on the legitimacy of the Border line along with strong strategic analysis of the ongoing security situation of the region. In... more
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      International RelationsSoutheast Asian StudiesTerrorismPolitical Science
Border Management became a nightmare in and along war-stricken areas converging embers of distress to be settled down. The 1640 miles long bleak and barren Pak-Afghan border has been a point of illicit transnational trade, cross border... more
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      Afghanistan Society and PoliticsBorder Fencingarmy/military operations in Pakistan
ugust 14, 2021 marks the completion of Pak-Afghan border fencing. Both countries share common fate and future. Border Management became a nightmare in and along war-stricken areas converging embers of distress to be settled down. The 1640... more
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      TerrorismCrossborder Cooperation, Public PolicyDestabilization of Hierarchical Relationships and Borders
Currently, Border Management is crucial issue not only for Pakistan but for the entire world due to increased technological developments and security circumstances. Pakistan and Afghanistan being immediate states have interconnected... more
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      National Security and DefenceCross Border Management
Asymmetric warfare is a game of nerves and thoughts with least vigorous participation for large anticipated losses by creating partial or permanent paraplegia. Strategic analysis of asymmetric warfare since the World War I till the... more
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      Information WarfareStrategic ManagementGuerrilla WarfareAssymetric warfare
Evolution is organic thought converges at the point of sectoral development and improvisation. Political development and evolution are baseline for public diplomacy involving political entities and parties to reach politicized democratic... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical PartiesContentious Politics
Economic self-sufficiency relies upon the ‘Rechtsstaat’ principle, or the rule of law, which reinforces the important attributes of liberal democracy i.e., upward control and political equality based on empirical research. The... more
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    • IPRI
Anxiousness among the world governments is high in emerging after the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic for stabilizing their economies. Countries like Pakistan feel this pressure much higher due to the prevailing informal economy,... more
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COVID19 has yielded serious consequences globally, including severe damages to the economic, social, and health sectors around the world. The ensuing global crisis has created a strong realization among states that non-traditional... more
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      International SecurityPolitical Economy of International TradeCold War historyPublic Diplomacy and Strategic Communication