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Excellent game

I enjoyed it to a degree I definitely will say it's not very Polished and I think the controls are a bit wonky but I won't judge too harsh since it is a game jam game but I live the idea and concept and honestly wish you could flesh this out into a bigger game!

I will be playing this live tonight 11/1 around 5-530 PM EST.

Thanks for playing! I just watched your stream and fixed the bug with the second puzzle.

It was a fun game, I got  alil stuck on the morse code but got it AND I somehow still made it out the room after that 2nd puzzle =D great game keep up the work.


This was pretty fun! Not too difficult, funny dialogue, a nice atmosphere, and some story I didn't expect. Good work, I had a good time with it. Keep it up!


The puzzles were spot on for difficulty (though I'd argue the second one could be a bit more harder.) But besides that, story is on the good side of comedy horror. Nice job.

Here's my channel for other games I have played.


Great job!

Got stuck in the first room after the safe(?) opened and wouldn't let me take whatever was inside. Really not sure if I'm just stupid lol

Press E


Another banger from Punga!!
Full review:



Nice this was good game well done keep it up!