Papers by Magdalena Kozera-Kowalska

Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, Oct 12, 2018
This paper analyzes the situation of the Polish pork production sector in the context of all stag... more This paper analyzes the situation of the Polish pork production sector in the context of all stages of food distribution. As shown by available information, particular links of the pork supply chain changed significantly. This is true for both real (producer-processor-client) and instrumental aspects (including information transfer between sectors). The analysis also identified two worrying developments. The first one is related to the pig production structure (the decreasing number of farms does not result in a considerable increase in the production volume per farm). The other one is related to competitiveness: in Poland, the seemingly strong concentration of operators at slaughter and meat processing stages is still insufficient to face the competitive power of foreign businesses active in the increasingly liberalized agri-food market, both inside and outside the EU.

Preface 7 Chapter I Innovation in agribusiness: the European Green Deal and agriculture food supp... more Preface 7 Chapter I Innovation in agribusiness: the European Green Deal and agriculture food supply chains 9 Introduction 9 Importance of uncertainty and irreversibility for innovation in agribusiness Innovation in agribusiness and the EU Green Deal Proposals for innovative and regulatory action in agribusiness Discussion and conclusion References Chapter II Local action, global thinking and the Fair Trade movement Introduction Genesis of the Fair Trade concept from a perspective of sustainable development requirements Fair Trade certification: institutionalized action taken to promote fair trade Market for fair trade products Conclusions References Chapter III Description of the bivalve mollusk Anadara tuberculosa production chain Introduction Development of legislation concerning the production chain of the bivalve mollusc Anadara tuberculosa Characteristics of the mollusc harvesting stage Sustainable management improvements Sanitary controls Some problems in the production chain Marketing of A. tuberculosa Restaurants and cevicherias Conclusions and recommendations References 6 Chapter IV Possibilities and limitations in the carriage of agricultural machineries by maritime transport as a containerized cargo Introduction Research methodology The overview of legal regulations and technical standards concerning maritime transport and covering agricultural machineries General specification of container transport by sea Types of containers via types of sea containers Types of sea containers, that enable to carry agricultural machineries Results of the research Conclusions References

Sustainability, Mar 26, 2020
In the knowledge-based economy, knowledge is regarded as a strategic resource that helps entities... more In the knowledge-based economy, knowledge is regarded as a strategic resource that helps entities to become market leaders. This strategy has been successfully used for years by companies operating in various sectors of the economy. The exception, however, is agriculture, which has been seen for years as a sector with low knowledge intensity and is one that is skeptical about the possibility of using knowledge. This is important especially in that the use of it is, for many managers, still unconscious, and, therefore, this factor remains unused in practice. This paper describes the Intellectual Sources of Value Added (ISVA), an alternative method for analyzing the productivity of tangible and intangible inputs affecting the value-adding process in agricultural holdings. The reasons for developing the concept of that indicator were the imperfections found in the Value-Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC™), a widely adopted method authored by A. Pulić. However, the index of efficiency of intellectual capital (VAIC), recognized as suitable for research purposes, demonstrates certain methodological imperfections, including the simultaneous use of resource-and flow-based values. In addition to certain relevant reservations, the above has other consequences, including the declining trend followed by the efficiency of working capital calculated using this formula. In a situation where working capital is observed to grow, this would mean that funds are irrationally invested in assets with a decreasing capacity to add value. This results in drawing a false picture of economic realities of agricultural holdings which, by nature, demonstrate a high share of physical asset consumption in total production costs. As another consequence, the calculated value of the indicator becomes unacceptable in the long run. The use of the ISVA indicator allowed the author to obtain homogeneous results in terms of methodology and confirming the regularities observed in practice. In addition, the research confirmed not only the fact that agricultural enterprises have intellectual capital resources, but also the high efficiency of their use, exceeding the efficiency of use of traditional ones. It also indicates the desirability of continuing research using measures that will enable the monitoring of intellectual capital and their use in agricultural enterprises.
Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development, Mar 30, 2017
The purpose of the research study is to present the principles of pork production in Poland espec... more The purpose of the research study is to present the principles of pork production in Poland especially in the context of national food security and safety. The article presents a synthetic view of the Polish pig sector situation after the UE integration. The author highlights the problems of pig producers as the basic element of the food chain. The study was based on the data of national statistics, industry reports, and national and international literature review related to the issue of pig market problems in Poland. In this paper, the importance of exogenous and endogenous factors and their implications for the pig supply chain in Poland and the role of it in the high and constantly improving level of food safety in the country was also emphasized.

European Research Studies Journal, Sep 1, 2021
Purpose: The aim of this study is to show the phenomenon of financial exclusion in rural areas as... more Purpose: The aim of this study is to show the phenomenon of financial exclusion in rural areas as a problem limiting socio-economic development. Design/Methodology/Approach: The opinions of the residents of Goldapski County regarding the tools and services of modern banking were examined, assessing the relationship between them and the demographic characteristics of the respondents. Findings: Financial exclusion was found to particularly affect older people i.e., over 60 years of age. This is especially true for people who were born in the years when e-banking and other modern banking services associated with IT development were not available. An additional factor is also the level of education of the respondents. Practical Implications: The development of rural areas depends both on their stock of human capital, including the age and level of education of the population, but also on the banking infrastructure that facilitates, among other things, job creation and thus limits the migration of young people from these areas. In the case of Goldapski county which is attractive for tourists and well equipped with this kind of infrastructure, the factors influencing the phenomenon of financial exclusion were the lack of knowledge and fear of the complexity of services, as well as the age of the respondents, often causing self-exclusion in this area. Originality/Value: The research results included in the article fill the cognitive gap concerning the phenomenon of financial exclusion in rural areas, even those which are attractive in terms of tourism. They emphasize the importance of age as a factor causing the formation of exclusion, including financial self-exclusion, especially among people who were born in the years before the dynamic development of banking using IT techniques.
The agriculture and rural areas perform a new function which requires the delivery of public good... more The agriculture and rural areas perform a new function which requires the delivery of public goods to the society. In turn, a comprehensive identification and analysis of agricultural externalities (external economies) involves a need for developing a dedicated valuation methodology. This paper presents the assumptions of the public goods theory and puts them in the context of agriculture. The study focuses on analyzing the valuation methods for external economies, and proposes a methodology for the valuation of some illustrative positive externalities of agricultural production and of natural environment resources regarded as public goods (the agritourist value of a farm and the value of a natural waterhole).

The article discusses the role of the Internet as an innovative form of interpersonal communicati... more The article discusses the role of the Internet as an innovative form of interpersonal communication. We assumed that Internet usage in rural areas may not only result in better access to knowledge and information, but also contribute to stronger social cohesion and prevent exclusion of the elderly. We analysed information about individual Internet users in Poland and the EU, including changes related to age, education and domicile. The data enabled us to identify expected change tendencies in rural areas. We highlighted the process of ageing of European farmers with its related social and economic consequences. Against this background, we show the dual role played by the Internet in strengthening social capital in rural areas. On the one hand, it is educational in that it educates and activates young farmers. On the other, it is social, i.e. it helps the elderly stay in touch and participate in social life. We also raised the problem of potential digital exclusion of the elderly.

Scientific Journal Warsaw University of Life Sciences-SGGW, Mar 1, 2018
Synopsis. Celem opracowania jest omówienie dzier awy, jako alternatywnej drogi wykorzystania pote... more Synopsis. Celem opracowania jest omówienie dzier awy, jako alternatywnej drogi wykorzystania potencja u maj tkowego sektora produkcji trzody chlewnej w Polsce. T em rozwa a by y zmiany zachodz ce w sektorze trzodowym w okresie od 2010r. Realizuj c cel wykorzystano dost pne publikacje GUS, w tym dane Powszechnego Spisu Rolnego 2010, które analizowano poddaj c je dyskusji z opracowaniami innych autorów, w tym zagranicznych. Postawiono tez , e zmniejszanie si stanu pog owia i liczby utrzymuj cych je gospodarstw wp ywa na "uwalnianie" potencja u produkcyjnego, który mo e zosta wykorzystany przez inne podmioty realizuj ce produkcj zgodn z wymaganiami rodowiskowymi, dobrostanem zwierz t oraz przy akceptacji lokalnych spo eczno ci. S owa kluczowe: produkcja trzody chlewnej, warunki materialne produkcji, dzier awa rolnicza,

This paper discusses the possible ways of measuring intellectual capital in agricultural enterpri... more This paper discusses the possible ways of measuring intellectual capital in agricultural enterprises. Of the many available methods, VAIC™ by A. Pulić was assumed to be the most useful one. It was implemented for the purposes of research and to enable an empirical verification based on financial data of 148 agricultural enterprises. The analysis of results and the discovered deviations from substantive findings resulted in proposing a new indicator of Intellectual Sources of Value Added (ISVA) which was empirically verified using the same sample of businesses. The results suggest that ISVA provides a much more realistic reflection of the processes of value added creation from intellectual capital in agricultural enterprises. It also demonstrates that new value is created in a context of complementarity between tangible and intangible inputs which together provide the agricultural enterprises with a key to growth of efficiency.

Annals of the Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists
The article outlines the changes to the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy for 2023-2027 with a part... more The article outlines the changes to the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy for 2023-2027 with a particular focus on a new type of direct payment, i.e. ecoschemes. The aim of the article is also to present the interest of farmers in this tool for obtaining funds in the initial period of its operation, i.e. in the first half of 2023. The level and spatial differentiation of interest of Polish farmers in this new type of direct payments was analyzed. It was indicated that the number of applications submitted is influenced by the production specialization of individual provinces. The results of the study further confirm that carbon farming is the most popular of the five types of ecoschemes, with practices such as mixing straw into the soil (61.2%), using winter intercrops/intercrops (35.0%) and mixing manure on arable land within 12 hours of application (23.8%). This state of affairs was influenced by the previous experience of farmers related to the improvement of soil structure.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
This article aims to identify the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the perception of the risk o... more This article aims to identify the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the perception of the risk of travel and travel behaviour by Poles. The study was conducted using the survey method and the CAWI technique and was carried out in January 2021. The final research sample consisted of 509 respondents. Tourism has always been exposed to various threats: natural disasters, terrorism, etc. In such cases, tourists choose a different, safe direction. However, in 2020, tourism found itself facing a crisis that brought it to a complete stop worldwide. The spread of the COVID-19 virus and safety concerns, as well as global travel restrictions, led to a change in travel during this time. The results show that the respondents resigned especially from going abroad for security reasons, choosing to rather stay in the country and other places that, from their point of view, were safer places to rest.

This research is aimed at determining the characteristics of the current level of entrepreneurial... more This research is aimed at determining the characteristics of the current level of entrepreneurial potential of the Three Seas Initiative (3SI) countries, the ability to overcome the consequences of extraordinary events, such as COVID-19 and prospects for the return to an accelerated development once the destabiliser of the economic system, the coronavirus pandemic, has ceased. Eurostat, World Bank and the World Economic Forum data for 2015-2019 were used for the purpose of the research. The research was divided into three stages, i.e. assessment of economic development on the basis of a synthetic ratio of economic anchor development, for which a relative benchmark method based on spatial median (so-called L1 median or Weber point) was used, identification of conditions for the development of entrepreneurial capacity and statistical analysis showing the correlation between economic anchor measures and selected factors of the 3SI countries economic development. Our study found that th...
Annals of the Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists, Dec 5, 2022

Preface 7 Chapter I Innovation in agribusiness: the European Green Deal and agriculture food supp... more Preface 7 Chapter I Innovation in agribusiness: the European Green Deal and agriculture food supply chains 9 Introduction 9 Importance of uncertainty and irreversibility for innovation in agribusiness Innovation in agribusiness and the EU Green Deal Proposals for innovative and regulatory action in agribusiness Discussion and conclusion References Chapter II Local action, global thinking and the Fair Trade movement Introduction Genesis of the Fair Trade concept from a perspective of sustainable development requirements Fair Trade certification: institutionalized action taken to promote fair trade Market for fair trade products Conclusions References Chapter III Description of the bivalve mollusk Anadara tuberculosa production chain Introduction Development of legislation concerning the production chain of the bivalve mollusc Anadara tuberculosa Characteristics of the mollusc harvesting stage Sustainable management improvements Sanitary controls Some problems in the production chain Marketing of A. tuberculosa Restaurants and cevicherias Conclusions and recommendations References 6 Chapter IV Possibilities and limitations in the carriage of agricultural machineries by maritime transport as a containerized cargo Introduction Research methodology The overview of legal regulations and technical standards concerning maritime transport and covering agricultural machineries General specification of container transport by sea Types of containers via types of sea containers Types of sea containers, that enable to carry agricultural machineries Results of the research Conclusions References
Papers by Magdalena Kozera-Kowalska