Paulo Donoso
Profesor Adjunto del Instituto de Historia de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.Licenciado en Historia con mención en Ciencia Política, PUCV, Chile (2007).Magíster en Estudios Clásicos, con mención en cultura grecorromana, UMCE, Chile (2011). Doctor en Historia, Orientalística e Historia del Arte, Università di Pisa, Italia (2015). Mi labor docente son las cátedras Historia de Grecia e Historia de Roma. Mis líneas de investigación abarcan la obra de Tucídides, su legado político y su recepción.
Address: Paseo Valle 396, Viña del Mar, Chile
Address: Paseo Valle 396, Viña del Mar, Chile
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Papers by Paulo Donoso
La stásis como fenómeno político surge en la Grecia Arcaica a consecuencia de la ausencia de leyes escritas, la preeminencia de las tiranías y las injusticias asociadas a la excesiva acumulación de riquezas por parte de los nobles. La épica didáctica, las elegías y los yambos dan cuenta de la agitación social en las distintas póleis. La stásis se narra, a veces explícitamente, a veces de manera indirecta, en poemas y fragmentos que transmiten el permanente estado de discordia de los primeros siglos de historia de las póleis griegas.
Abstract: Considering bimillennium of Ovid's death, on 17 AD, I propose to analyse the exile of the poet as a historical phenomenon from a literary and cultural point of view. Starting from different forms of exile applied in the Roman world, implications of his exile such as measure coercion during Pax Romana by Augustus emperor are revised.
after the Persian Wars, fighting the Athenian League against
the Persian Empire in Egypt (460 b.C.) Through the sources of
Thucydides, Diodorus Siculus, Ctesias and Isocrates, it is possible
to know this event, but it is mandatory to stop and reflect
to analyse international consequences of this while hostilities
between Athens and Sparta were breaking out. The Athenian
expedition to Egypt reveals an internal policy that sought to
expand the economical empire and establish a Mediterranean
policy to ensure partnerships with non-Hellenic states. This
policy failed with the expedition to Egypt (460 B.C.) and then
during the first Athenian campaign into Sicily (426 B.C.)
La stásis como fenómeno político surge en la Grecia Arcaica a consecuencia de la ausencia de leyes escritas, la preeminencia de las tiranías y las injusticias asociadas a la excesiva acumulación de riquezas por parte de los nobles. La épica didáctica, las elegías y los yambos dan cuenta de la agitación social en las distintas póleis. La stásis se narra, a veces explícitamente, a veces de manera indirecta, en poemas y fragmentos que transmiten el permanente estado de discordia de los primeros siglos de historia de las póleis griegas.
Abstract: Considering bimillennium of Ovid's death, on 17 AD, I propose to analyse the exile of the poet as a historical phenomenon from a literary and cultural point of view. Starting from different forms of exile applied in the Roman world, implications of his exile such as measure coercion during Pax Romana by Augustus emperor are revised.
after the Persian Wars, fighting the Athenian League against
the Persian Empire in Egypt (460 b.C.) Through the sources of
Thucydides, Diodorus Siculus, Ctesias and Isocrates, it is possible
to know this event, but it is mandatory to stop and reflect
to analyse international consequences of this while hostilities
between Athens and Sparta were breaking out. The Athenian
expedition to Egypt reveals an internal policy that sought to
expand the economical empire and establish a Mediterranean
policy to ensure partnerships with non-Hellenic states. This
policy failed with the expedition to Egypt (460 B.C.) and then
during the first Athenian campaign into Sicily (426 B.C.)
Keywords: Black Sea, boundary, 5th Century B.C.