Papers by Simone Garbi Santana Molinari

O tema imigração remete ao processo de rompimento que caracteriza o migrante, marcado por seu loc... more O tema imigração remete ao processo de rompimento que caracteriza o migrante, marcado por seu local de origem. Não somente sua recepção no país escolhido parece depender dessa marca como também a forma que encontra para manter alguma unidade identitária, esta, constantemente dependente das relações sociais deixadas no outro espaço. Ao atribuir sentido e buscar as razões que o fizeram se estabelecer em solo estranho ao seu de origem, comumente, o migrante as encontra no país emissor. O interesse da pesquisa é compreender a inserção dos imigrantes na escola, pensando-a como local de recepção dos filhos dos imigrantes e onde se lhes apresenta a cultura e o modo de vida da sociedade receptora; a emergência desse grupo no espaço escolar é um dos diferentes aspectos da recente imigração, algo que precisa ser estudado e debatido. Os conceitos de Sayad (2010), Elias , Martine (2005) e outros colaboram para explicar o fenômeno da migração e da educação.
Grupo de trabalho: Práticas e estágios nas licenciaturas Agência financiadora: Não contou com fin... more Grupo de trabalho: Práticas e estágios nas licenciaturas Agência financiadora: Não contou com financiamento
Books by Simone Garbi Santana Molinari
Thesis Chapters by Simone Garbi Santana Molinari

This study, taken into effect in 2014 and 2015, conducted the investigation of the schooling and ... more This study, taken into effect in 2014 and 2015, conducted the investigation of the schooling and literacy processes of Bolivian immigrant children enrolled in schools in the city of Guarulhos, which is situated in the great region of São Paulo, focusing on the pedagogic work accomplished with non Portuguese-speaking children. First of all, it was necessary the inventory and analysis of the federal and state educational legislation concerning immigration. Secondly, the empirical research was implemented in two public municipal schools, in two distinct regions, Pimentas and Bonsucesso, locations with great concentration of Bolivian immigrant students enrolled in the public schools. Three different instruments of data collection were used: interviews and observation of school activities and verification of school handbooks and students' notebooks. Two school administrators and six literacy teachers were interviewed in each school. With the first interviewees, the school context was characterized; the interviews with the teachers were divided into three categories: what they say, what they do, and how they do it to ensure the immigrant children's literacy in their classrooms. With the observations, it was possible to build "scenes" of the school daily routine that were transcribed and analyzed. The verification of the school handbooks helped to verify the children's family city of origin and nationality. The verification of the students' notebooks allowed us to verify their development in the activities proposed by the teachers. The data analysis was accomplished by means of Pierre Bourdieu's and Gimeno Sacristán's contributions. The outcomes allowed us to understand the gap between the public educational politics and the schools concerning the schooling and literacy processes of non Portuguese-speaking immigrants.
Papers by Simone Garbi Santana Molinari
Books by Simone Garbi Santana Molinari
Thesis Chapters by Simone Garbi Santana Molinari