Papers by João Paulo Nicolini Gabriel

Carta Internacional
The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, abbreviated to Quad, comprises Australia, the United States,... more The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, abbreviated to Quad, comprises Australia, the United States, Japan, and India. Although many think tanks and media outlets have written about recommendations to further this initiative, this essay believes the Quad is only evidence of a rising patchwork of small strategical dialogues within the Indo-Pacific region. The aims here are twofold: (a) to demonstrate the definitions and relevance of the Quad amid the soaring rivalry in the Indo-Pacific; and (b) to grasp this initiative as a “minilateral”grouping, which is settled in a more informal structure than multilateral institutions. In assessing these hypotheses, this research employs a qualitative content analysis of official statements and documents about the Quad meeting and national policies toward the Indo-Pacific. A systematic bibliographical review was applied to refine theoretical frameworks and to triangulate sources. In conclusion, this paper infers the Quad is not as ambitious and stro...

Conjuntura Austral
Este artigo pretende analisar se a iniciativa Indiana-Japonesa do Corredor de Crescimento Ásia-Áf... more Este artigo pretende analisar se a iniciativa Indiana-Japonesa do Corredor de Crescimento Ásia-África (AAGC) pode ser considerada uma estratégia para conter a suposta capacidade da China de isolar diplomaticamente seus rivais regionais, enquanto tenta consolidar o Indo-Pacífico como uma área de influência. A hipótese é que, em um momento de incerteza sobre o compromisso dos Estados Unidos com seus parceiros tradicionais asiáticos e aliados, a Índia e o Japão são encorajados a desenvolver novos mecanismos para equilibrar a China. Segundo a escola realista de Relações Internacionais, a Índia e o Japão buscarão virtualmente maneiras de equilibrar-se contra a China a fim de defender seus interesses. Este artigo desenvolve o argumento usando os conceitos de "equilíbrio da ameaça" e "balanceamento suave" para descrever as estratégias desenvolvidas por esses países dentro do Indo-Pacífico.

Carta Internacional, 2020
The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, abbreviated to Quad, comprises Australia, the United States,... more The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, abbreviated to Quad, comprises Australia, the United States, Japan, and India. Although many think tanks and media outlets have written about recommendations to further this initiative, this essay believes the Quad is only evidence of a rising patchwork of small strategical dialogues within the Indo-Pacific region. The aims here are twofold: (a) to demonstrate the definitions and relevance of the Quad amid the soaring rivalry in the Indo-Pacific; and (b) to grasp this initiative as a "minilateral" grouping, which is settled in a more informal structure than multilateral institutions. In assessing these hypotheses, this research employs a qualitative content analysis of official statements and documents about the Quad meeting and national policies toward the Indo-Pacific. A systematic bibliographical review was applied to refine theoretical frameworks and to triangulate sources. In conclusion, this paper infers the Quad is not as ambitious and strong as previous literature claimed. These four members developed divergent interests in the Indo-Pacific; thereby, an alliance against China seems unlikely.
This article examines the existing literature on the work of ethnic interest groups within the fo... more This article examines the existing literature on the work of ethnic interest groups within the formulation of US foreign policy. This research was divided into two parts: a) problematization of the question of national interest and the performance of groups with shared loyalties between the United States and other countries that still have family ties; and b) systematization of the main characteristics, indicated by the bibliography, on the political engagement of diasporic communities. In this way, we try to add to the existing debate on the subject within the Brazilian academy, which is still scarce and focused on the work of Jewish groups and, to a lesser extent, the Cuban-Americans.

Mural Internacional, 2019
This essay aims to focus on the initial perspectives about Brazil’s foreign policy and strategic ... more This essay aims to focus on the initial perspectives about Brazil’s foreign policy and strategic thinking on how to cope with the rise of China’s economic and political might since the inauguration of Jair Bolsonaro’s administration. Bolsonaro demonstrates interest in approach to the United States’ grievances against China. This paper advocates this strategy faces some hurdles: geographical and economic issues constrain countries such as Australia, India and Japan to assume assertive instances against China, although they present uneasiness with the Chinese regional ambitions and Washington’s demands of a more active role in the Indo-Pacific. These countries compose with the United States the so-called Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, an initiative that seeks to facilitate their policy coordination towards the Indo-Pacific. However, Canberra, Tokyo and New Delhi uphold a pragmatic strategy in order to maintain their special ties with the United States and to avoid skirmishes with Beijing.

Brazilian engagement to Asia and the Belt and Road Initiative in 2017: less politics, more trade and investments, 2018
The paper aims to understand Brazilian position in relation to Asia and Belt and Road Initiative ... more The paper aims to understand Brazilian position in relation to Asia and Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), based on a review of the bibliography and journalistic articles on Brazil-Asia subject and an observance of official data of the Brazilian economy. Since Dilma Rousseff until Michel Temer’s government, Brazil has facing a troubled political and economic scenario, which negatively impacts on its diplomacy. Although Brazil reaffirmed its commitment with global strategic partnership with China in terms of trade flows, the lack of Brazilian participation on issues of global political nature directly impacts on the way in which Brasilia moved its attention to the BRI and to the Asian affairs. The ambitious proportions and objectives of the BRI summed to the rise of a nationalist economic policy of the United States indicate a deepening of several movements that have been changing the international balance of power, which can offer opportunities for Brazil, by means of a cohesive long-term policy for Asia and in a multifaceted way beyond trade.

RESUMO A Índia vê no BRICS possibilidades de ampliar sua inserção externa em busca de maior prese... more RESUMO A Índia vê no BRICS possibilidades de ampliar sua inserção externa em busca de maior presença em organizações internacionais, em que se julga sub-representada, como os demais BRICS, mas busca também um contraponto " crítico " à ordem internacional para facilitar internamente seus objetivos de ampliar a aproximação com os países da OCDE e consolidar as mudanças de política econômica doméstica propostas pelo governo de Narendra Modi, empossado em 2014. O Novo Banco de Desenvolvimento (NBD) e o Arranjo Contingente de Reservas (ACR) têm grande relevância para a Índia, no sentido de viabilizar investimentos e proteção cambial. Está presente também o interesse em desenvolver um posicionamento equilibrado nas relações com a China. Esses elementos aparecem em trabalhos de intelectuais e de think tanks, reunidos aleatoriamente para um exercício analítico exploratório. Palavras-chave: BRICS. NBD. ACR. Índia. Política externa. Narendra Modi. Política econômica.
Newspaper articles by João Paulo Nicolini Gabriel
Artigos discutem os elos do presidente dos EUA com outras nações e com o povo americano.
v.1 n.1 by João Paulo Nicolini Gabriel
This paper aims to analyse whether the Indian-Japanese initiative Asia-Africa Growth Corridor (AA... more This paper aims to analyse whether the Indian-Japanese initiative Asia-Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC) can be considered a strategy to curb China's supposed capacity of diplomatically isolating its regional rivals while attempting to consolidate the Indo-Pacific as an area of influence. The hypothesis is that, in a moment of uncertainty over United States’ commitment with their Asian traditional partners and allies, India and Japan are encouraged to develop new mechanisms to balance against China. According to the Realist school of International Relations, India and Japan will virtually seek manners to balance against China in order to defend their interests. This paper develops the argument using the concepts of ‘balancing of threat’ and ‘soft balancing’ to describe the strategies developed by these countries within the Indo-Pacific.
Thesis Chapters by João Paulo Nicolini Gabriel

O lobby indo-americano no Congresso Americano e o Acordo Nuclear Civil de 2008, 2019
This dissertation aims to analyze the actions of ethnic interest groups within the United Statesf... more This dissertation aims to analyze the actions of ethnic interest groups within the United Statesforeign policy formulation. In order to do so, it was listed as a case study the performance ofthe Indian diaspora during the Congressional negotiation process in the United States of theCivil Nuclear Agreement of 2008. Through a bibliographical review and interviews, thisobjective study is to understand diasporas as political actors interested in the lack of specificagendas through an analysis of a community still little studied in Brazil. This research wasdivided into three main axes: (i) systematizing the characteristics of the performance of ethnicinterest groups in US foreign policy; (ii) analysis of the socio-economic profile of the Indo-American community; and (iii) observation of the conduct of the Indian Diaspora within theUS Congress during the nuclear agreement negotiations. In conclusion, the limitations ofthese interest groups and the circumstances that would make their successes were presented.
v.12 n.57 by João Paulo Nicolini Gabriel

João Paulo Nicolini Gabriel, André Luiz Cançado Motta, 2021
This article aims to explain the lack of robust antinuclear movements in India during a period th... more This article aims to explain the lack of robust antinuclear movements in India during a period that ranges from the 1950s to the 1970s. Such movements arose throughout the world. During the 1960s, people rallied for this agenda in the United States, France, the United Kingdom, and even in New Zealand. India, conversely, tested a nuclear device in 1974, at the known Pokhran-I test (or “Smiling Buddha”), but did not face such grassroots uprisings. In this sense, this research design applied a deductive congruence analysis built on a bibliographical review. A case study on the Indian context tested previously elaborated the main hypotheses. It was inferred that this phenomenon was caused by four elements: (a) few possibilities to public participation; (b) scant available information on nuclear policy; (c) lack of a political schism between national elites and civil society on this topic; and at last (d) geopolitical dynamics.
Papers by João Paulo Nicolini Gabriel
Newspaper articles by João Paulo Nicolini Gabriel
v.1 n.1 by João Paulo Nicolini Gabriel
Thesis Chapters by João Paulo Nicolini Gabriel
v.12 n.57 by João Paulo Nicolini Gabriel