Donizetti Louro
Professor and Researcher, Rector's Assessor at Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. Innovation & Technology: People, Process & Collaborative Systems.'. Director of the the Agency of Innovation and Technology Transfer - PUCSP.
Consultant to the International Agency for Innovation and Collaborative Intelligence, NYC, USA. Coordinator of the Laboratory for Computational Simulation and Instructional Technology, Triangle Research Park of Sorocaba, SP. Executive Secretary of HETL - International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association. President of the Institute of Mathematical and Art of São Paulo - IMA Brazil.
Acted jointly in the area of strategy and projects for state government, union of the schools owners in Brazil, Latin America and Caribean. Acted, also, as a CEO at multinational british company planning and developing new markets, incubators projects, triangle research parks, instructional technology and technology transfer in more than 90 countries.
Phone: +551175573114
Address: PUC-SP, Rua Marques de Paranaguá, 111, Bairro da Consolação, Cidade de São Paulo, Estado de São Paulo, CEP. 01303-050
Consultant to the International Agency for Innovation and Collaborative Intelligence, NYC, USA. Coordinator of the Laboratory for Computational Simulation and Instructional Technology, Triangle Research Park of Sorocaba, SP. Executive Secretary of HETL - International Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association. President of the Institute of Mathematical and Art of São Paulo - IMA Brazil.
Acted jointly in the area of strategy and projects for state government, union of the schools owners in Brazil, Latin America and Caribean. Acted, also, as a CEO at multinational british company planning and developing new markets, incubators projects, triangle research parks, instructional technology and technology transfer in more than 90 countries.
Phone: +551175573114
Address: PUC-SP, Rua Marques de Paranaguá, 111, Bairro da Consolação, Cidade de São Paulo, Estado de São Paulo, CEP. 01303-050
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