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O presente artigo tem o objetivo de trabalhar a relação entre identidades individuais e coletivas e produção do espaço. Analisa-se, em um primeiro momento, as formas pelas quais diversas manifestações identitárias produzem determinados... more
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      EssentialismSocial Production of SpaceIdentity
O artigo estabelece contornos a uma análise político-criminológica da produção do espaço urbano a partir dos conceitos de paisagem, configuração territorial e espaço (Santos) e da teoria de produção do espaço (Harvey; Lefebvre).... more
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      PoliticsSocial Production of SpaceCity
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      RiscosCrime Ambiental
The use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) as remote-sensing platforms has tremendous potential for obtaining detailed, sitespecific descriptions of crop features, which would be very useful for precision agriculture. In sugarcane... more
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      Agricultural EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceRemote SensingPhotogrammetry
Comentários a uma sentença: o Caso Lula é talvez o mais importante documento jurídico publicado no Brasil em décadas. A presente coletânea de artigos nasceu de um movimento espontâneo e bastante significativo de juristas brasileiros e... more
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      JusticiaLulaSistema judicialJuicio
Capítulo de livro, no qual se aborda decisão proferida na denominada "operação lava-jato", por meio da qual se decretou a prisão temporária de um investigado, em que pese a ausência de pedido do Ministério  Público
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    • Processo Penal
Os significados tradicionais e globais dos termos patrocinados pelo Estado por meio do Direito Criminal (crime, justiça e punição) conformam a base de uma criminologia ortodoxa que coloca o sujeito de investigação sempre na condição de... more
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      Critical CriminologyCultural CriminologyCriminologiaDireito Penal
The present article aims to rewrite the modern ideal of criminality fear or social transgression, in the sense of revealing both its hidden dynamics and the other modern ideals hidden in this social fear and tedious rationality of... more
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The present study seeks to analyze the growing role / use of the image in relation to the contemporary conditions of society in late modernity, and particularly the visual representations (meanings) extracted from the image of crime and... more
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    • Criminology, Cross-cultural studies
Orthodox criminology works inside the terminology produced and sponsored by the State through the legal form of the criminal law (crime, procedural justice and punishment). This presents an ontology of crime and criminals which places an... more
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    • Criminology, Cross-cultural studies
Durante os últimos dois séculos, os Estados-nação foram capazes de reunir diversos mecanismos técnico-científicos de luz e sombra a fim de reproduzir o antigo (e ainda contemporâneo) modelo humanístico e iluminista de proteção da ordem... more
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    • Criminology, Cross-cultural studies
The problem of controlling the institutional narratives of the judges (protagonism), within and outside the courts, have aroused numerous controversies in the contemporary world, either by theoretical and methodological misunderstandings... more
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    • Criminology, Cross-cultural studies
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    • Direito Processual Penal
No presente trabalho abordamos o problema da realização da cidadania no Brasil, com destaque para o papel do Judiciário1, e o modo como podem se relacionar as modificações propostas pela Emenda Constitucional n°45/04, com a necessidade de... more
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    • Sociology of Law
The crisis of the legal system in Brazil has been most often analysed as an extension or a consequence of another problem, that is, the corruption of state agents, in the sense of the detour of public resources which would give reason to... more
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    • Sociology of Law
This is a research project that intends to promote the study of the connections between Psychoanalysis and Law, mainly in what refers to the decision-making process used by the judge in the penal process, an act loaded with symbolism... more
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    • Direito Processual Penal
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    • Criminal Law
The study about the characteristics of Law and Penal Process and the need for protection of fundamental rights, through public policies, is more than current on demand. With the growing publicity of the fears caused by the crime wave that... more
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    • Criminology, Cross-cultural studies
This is a scientific investigation in which we propose the analysis of the drug prohibition discourse, as a narrative of the denial of the "other", that is, of the different, of the very pluralism that surrounds the protection, as well as... more
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    • Criminology, Cross-cultural studies