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Rio de Janeiro city (Rio) with its surrounding areas is undergoing a fast and extensive ecological transformation as a result of the city's social and economical development. The urban landscape expands partly over land with Atlantic... more
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The city of Rio de Janeiro now covers what was formerly coastal Atlantic rainforest. Native biodiversity has been lost from most of the metropolitan area due to changes in land use, introduction of exotic species, and influence of foreign... more
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Rio de Janeiro city (Rio) with its surrounding areas is undergoing a fast and extensive ecological transformation as a result of the city's social and economical development. The urban landscape expands partly over land with Atlantic... more
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O desenvolvimento causa a fragmentação de ecossistemas naturais, elimina as redes hídricas, transforma a paisagem e anula seus processos e fluxos. Esse artigo defende que corredores verdes podem ser uma alternativa sustentável para... more
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      Urban HistoryUrban RegenerationSustainable Urban EnvironmentsResilience (Sustainability)
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    • Urban Ecology
As cidades são ecossistemas abertos vulneráveis a eventos climáticos. A expansão urbana voltada para o uso de automóveis leva à construção de infraestruturas cinzas (vias, estacionamentos e outras superfícies impermeáveis), que ocasionam... more
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      Urban EcologyEnvironmental Stewardship
The European Commission and the Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation and Communication started a dialogue on nature-based solutions (NBS) in 2015. In this report, European and Brazilian experts analyse the occurrence and... more
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      Sustainable UrbanizationLandscape Ecological PlanningBottom Up and Top Down ApproachNature-based Solutions to climate change
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How can twenty-fi rst century cities sustain life if urban ecosystems, waters, and local residents are not prioritized in urban planning and design? High-tech solutions, disconnected from local natural processes, fl ows, and climate, are... more
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      Urban EcologyUrban NatureNature-based solutions
É paisagista ecológica, especialista em Preservação Ambiental das Cidades e mestre em Urbanismo, pelo PROURB-FAU-UFRJ. Diretora da organização sem fins lucrativos Inverde-Sustentabilidade Urbana e Infraestrutura Verde e Conselheira da... more
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Although Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) is a relatively recent concept, it can provide effective means for cities worldwide to become more sustainable and to enhance urban resilience, thus improving the quality of life of their citizens.... more
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This paper presents hybrid and nature-based solutions (NBS) for wastewater treatment that may be applied to diverse urban and peri-urban contexts. They offer multiple environmental and economic benefits, with the enhancement of human... more
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      Sustainable UrbanismWater and wastewater treatmentSustainable Water Resources ManagementEcological Urbanism
The majority of humanity now lives in cities or towns, with this proportion expected to continue increasing for the foreseeable future. As novel ecosystems, urban areas offer an ideal opportunity to examine multi-scalar processes involved... more
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O Urbio é uma rede mundial de pesquisadores que nasceu em Erfurt, na Alemanha, em 2008, com o intuito de reunir pesquisadores e apresentar trabalhos em áreas que trazem a biodiversidade urbana para o centro da cena mundial. Antecedeu a... more
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Manuscrito completo em dezembro de 2020 Declaração de exoneração de responsabilidade: o conteúdo do presente documento não reflete a opinião oficial do Governo brasileiro nem da União Europeia. As informações e opiniões expressas neste... more
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    • Nature based Solutions NbS
As Soluções baseadas na Natureza (SbN) são um novo paradigma que já está vigorando em inúmeras cidades do mundo. São estratégias tecnológicas projetuais que se baseiam na introdução de biodiversidade para regenerar funções ecológicas nas... more
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    • Nature based Solutions NbS