Papers by Danilo Marcondes Filho
Revista Crítica Histórica, 2015
Resumo: Proponho aqui uma discussão sobre os questionamentos à universalidade da natureza humana ... more Resumo: Proponho aqui uma discussão sobre os questionamentos à universalidade da natureza humana levantados pelo contato entre os europeus e o Novo Mundo, desde o final do século XV e início do XVI, ou seja, no contexto histórico do Renascimento. Esse questionamento se dá também no momento de discussão sobre os direitos dos povos conquistados. A crise no pensamento suscitada por essa discussão contribuiu decisivamente para o desenvolvimento do ceticismo moderno.
Kriterion-revista De Filosofia, Dec 1, 2012
Por que dizes que a nossa divisão não fora feita corretamente? Estrangeiro de Eleia: Porque é o m... more Por que dizes que a nossa divisão não fora feita corretamente? Estrangeiro de Eleia: Porque é o mesmo que tentar alguém dividir a humanidade em duas partes, como costuma a maioria, isto é, separando-a como se o gênero helênico constituísse uma unidade distinta das demais e dando-se a estas o nome comum de "bárbaros"; supondo que por causa dessa denominação coletiva formem também uma unidade, quando de fato são numerosíssimas, distintas entre si e de linguagens bem diferentes (ἀσύμφωνος). Platão, O sofista, 262c. * Professor do Departamento de Filosofia/PUC-Rio e UFF. Texto recebido em 13 de agosto de 2012 e aprovado em 16 de outubro de 2012.
Cadernos de psicanálise (Rio de Janeiro), Jun 1, 2019
Resumo Santo Agostinho desenvolve uma análise original e de grande influência sobre o tempo. Em A... more Resumo Santo Agostinho desenvolve uma análise original e de grande influência sobre o tempo. Em As Confissões formula famosa aporia sobre o tempo, segundo a qual embora saibamos o que é o tempo, não sabemos defini-lo quando interrogados. Em A Cidade de Deus, que será nosso principal foco de análise, formula uma concepção de tempo histórico em uma perspectiva dialética de grande influência na modernidade.
Revista de Ciências Humanas, 1994

Springer eBooks, 1996
In the so-called philosophical tradition from the beginning of Greek philosophy to the present ti... more In the so-called philosophical tradition from the beginning of Greek philosophy to the present time, we find different conceptions of philosophy; different ideas of what philosophy is, or should be. According to some, philosophy is very close to science; according to others, philosophy must be seen as having a practical objective; still others relate philosophy to mystical experience and religious belief. Perhaps the trouble with us today is that we sometimes ignore or blur this difference, calling “philosophy” what in the past was known by such terms as sophia, episteme,philosophia, prote philosophia, phronesis, dialectica, among others. I shall try to show here, that although to a certain extent in the Anglo-Saxon world, the conception that relates philosophy primarily to science and to epistemological problems has dominated for the past fifty years or so, Wittgenstein can be considered as defending a different conception, in which philosophy is closer to practical purposes and concerns, similar in many ways to classical scepticism.
Cadernos de Estudos Lingüísticos, 1986
Cadernos de Estudos Linguísticos, 1998

Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) was one of the most influential authors in the rise of modern tho... more Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) was one of the most influential authors in the rise of modern thought, especially in the French context, his influence reaching philosophers as important as Descartes and Pascal in the seventeenth century. He was also one of the main representatives of the revival of ancient skepticism in the modern age, with his own brand of skeptical thought contributing to the development of modern skepticism as distinct from the ancient one. Language was discussed in the Essais (1570-1580) from a skeptical perspective, mainly in relation to knowledge, moral and cultural relativism, and religious experience. Montaigne contributed to the development of a philosophical discussion of language, addressing fundamental questions such as: the diversity of languages and cultural relativism, the imperfection and inadequacy of ordinary language for philosophical reflection, and consequently, the need for a special language and a specific style such as that found in the Essais .
<jats:p>This paper discusses the importance of skeptical arguments for the philosophy of la... more <jats:p>This paper discusses the importance of skeptical arguments for the philosophy of language in early modern thought. It contrasts the rationalist conception of language and knowledge with that of philosophers who adopt some sort of skeptical position, maintaining that these philosophers end up by giving language a greater importance than rationalists. The criticism of the rationalists' appeal to natural light is examined, as well as skeptical arguments limiting knowledge such as the so-called 'maker's knowledge' argument. This argument is then seen as capital for favoring a positive interpretation of the importance of language for knowledge.</jats:p>
Language & Communication, Apr 1, 1998
Hermann eBooks, May 15, 2013
Gragoatá, 2005
We argue in favour of a pragmatic view within the framework of contemporary analytic philosophy o... more We argue in favour of a pragmatic view within the framework of contemporary analytic philosophy of language. We distinguish two views of pragmatics: the first has context as the key notion, and the second understand language as action. We take the second view as defining pragmatics in a more fundamental sense, examining two of its main representatives: Wittgenstein with his notion of the language game and Austin with his Speech Act Theory. We suggest that Speeeh Act Theory developed in certain ways can be adopted as the paradigm of a pragmatic view of language and of language analysis.

Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science, 2007
Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) was one of the most influential authors in the rise of modern tho... more Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592) was one of the most influential authors in the rise of modern thought, especially in the French context, his influence reaching philosophers as important as Descartes and Pascal in the seventeenth century. He was also one of the main representatives of the revival of ancient skepticism in the modern age, with his own brand of skeptical thought contributing to the development of modern skepticism as distinct from the ancient one. Language was discussed in the Essais (1570-1580) from a skeptical perspective, mainly in relation to knowledge, moral and cultural relativism, and religious experience. Montaigne contributed to the development of a philosophical discussion of language, addressing fundamental questions such as: the diversity of languages and cultural relativism, the imperfection and inadequacy of ordinary language for philosophical reflection, and consequently, the need for a special language and a specific style such as that found in the Essais .
Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, 2019
Papers by Danilo Marcondes Filho