Papers by Bheatrix Bienemann

PLoS ONE, 2020
Psilocybin, a substance mainly found in mushrooms of the genus psilocybe, has been historically u... more Psilocybin, a substance mainly found in mushrooms of the genus psilocybe, has been historically used for ritualistic, recreational and, more recently, medicinal purposes. The scientific literature suggests low toxicity, low risk of addiction, overdose, or other causes of injury commonly caused by substances of abuse, with growing interest in the use of this substance for conditions such as treatment-resistant depression. However, the presence of negative outcomes linked to psilocybin use is not clear yet. The objective of this study is to investigate the negative effects of psilocybin consumption, according to the users' own perception through self-reports extracted from an online platform. 346 reports were analyzed with the assistance of the IRAMUTEQ textual analysis software, adopting the procedures of Descending Hierarchical Classification, Correspondence Factor Analysis and Specificities Analysis. The text segments were grouped in 4 main clusters, describing thinking distortions , emergencies, perceptual alterations and the administration of the substance. Bad trips were more frequent in female users, being associated with thinking distortions. The use of multiple doses of psilocybin in the same session or its combination with other substances was linked to the occurrence of long-term negative outcomes, while the use of mushrooms in single high doses was linked to medical emergencies. These results can be useful for a better understanding of the effects of psilocybin use, guiding harm-reduction initiatives.

Background: Bullying is a complex social phenomenon, which is common in peer relationships and is... more Background: Bullying is a complex social phenomenon, which is common in peer relationships and is influenced by different individual and contextual characteristics. Despite broad knowledge on the importance of the family for children's development, many studies about bullying neglect the family's active role. In that sense, investigating caregivers' conception about bullying can be an important strategy to promote effective interventions. The objective in this study was to analyze the caregivers' conception on the phenomenon of bullying, specifically regarding its occurrence, motivations, and risks for the children's development, and verify if this conception is consistent with the findings of the international literature. The study participants were 401 caregivers (77.1% were mothers) of children in elementary education at Brazilian schools. An online questionnaire was used with closed questions and an open question on what the caregivers considered bullying. The data were analyzed based on descriptive statistics and quantitative textual analysis. Results: Caregivers have good knowledge on signs and forms of coping with bullying. On the other hand, they tend not to recognize their children as potential aggressors and do not mention the family's role as a risk factor for the occurrence of this type of problem. Conclusions: The results allowed us to understand what Brazilian caregivers think about bullying and how they act or would act towards situations of bullying and reveals a relevant gap on this comprehension.
Thesis Chapters by Bheatrix Bienemann

Apesar dos inúmeros benefícios proporcionados pela prática científica ao mundo nos últimos anos, ... more Apesar dos inúmeros benefícios proporcionados pela prática científica ao mundo nos últimos anos, os profissionais e estudantes da Psicologia ainda se mostram resistentes ao uso do método científico na área. As origens de tais objeções e as variáveis que as influenciam ainda são incertas, fazendo-se necessário estudos que busquem investiga-las. A ideia principal apresentada neste estudo é a de que as concepções de ciência e método científico entre os profissionais e estudantes brasileiros de Psicologia são insuficientes. Para se testar as hipóteses derivadas dessa ideia, buscou-se avaliar essas concepções por meio de duas perguntas abertas sobre o tema e um questionário sociodemográfico. A amostra de respondentes ficou composta por 791 pessoas, estudantes (n = 407) e profissionais (n = 384) de todo Brasil, com idades entre 17 a 67 anos (M = 29,07; DP = 9,02), sendo 68,5% do sexo feminino. As respostas foram analisadas por meio da Classificação Hierárquica Descendente e Análise Fatorial de Correspondências, com o auxílio da interface IRaMuTeQ. Os resultados revelaram que os participantes possuem concepções muito diversas em relação à ciência e ao método científico, predominando a noção de que a ciência é um método de aquisição de conhecimento, porém sem entrar em muitos detalhes sobre como se dá o funcionamento desse método. Ressalta-se a importância de um aprendizado aprofundado sobre metodologia científica nos cursos de Psicologia. Abstract Bienemann Favero, Bheatrix; Borsa, Juliane Callegaro (Advisor). Psychology professionals and student's conceptions about science and scientific method. Rio de Janeiro, 2018. 70 p. Dissertação de Mestrado -Departamento de Psicologia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro. Despite the numerous benefits of scientific practice to the world in recent years, the professionals and students of the Psychology are still resistant to the use of the scientific method in this area. The origins of such objections and the variables that influence them are uncertain, requiring studies to investigate them. The main idea presented in this study is that the conceptions of science and scientific method among Brazilian professionals and students of Psychology are insufficient. In order to test the hypotheses derived from this idea, the aim of this study was to evaluate the psychology professionals and student's conceptions about science and scientific method through two open questions and a sociodemographic questionnaire. The sample of respondents was composed of 791 people, students (n = 407) and professionals (n = 384) from Brazil, aged between 17 and 67 years (M = 29.07, SD = 9.02), 68, 5% women. The analysis of the texts occurred through the Descending Hierarchical Classification and Correspondence Factor Analysis with the aid of the IRaMuTeQ, an interface of textual analysis. The analysis revealed that the participants have very different conceptions about science and scientific method, dominating the notion that science is a method of acquiring knowledge, but without more details about how this method works. It is important to emphasize the importance of learning about scientific methodology in Psychology courses.
Papers by Bheatrix Bienemann
Thesis Chapters by Bheatrix Bienemann