Papers by Jackeline velazco

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Jul 1, 2012
Using data for a sample of households in six villages from the North and Central Peruvian Sierra,... more Using data for a sample of households in six villages from the North and Central Peruvian Sierra, we investigate the role played by access to assets, land in particular, in determining farm and non-farm income sources. The empirical relationship between assets and income sources is derived from a household model.Ordinary Least Square and Tobit models were used for the empirical analysis. Evidence suggests that the relationship between land and income diversification is influenced by village specific characteristics. In general, results have demonstrated the importance of assets such as natural, physical, human and social as key determinants of rural income in Peruvian Sierra. For the particular case of this study, in which families are located in a poor region with low level of economic development, it is pertinent to assume that the push factors have a decisive influence in defining the participation of these families in rural non-farm activities. That is to say, non-farm rural activities are fundamentally activities of "refuge" that allow the family to have access to a source of an immediate and relatively secure incomebeing less risky than agriculturealthough participating in activities of low productivity.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2019
Empleo y protección social, 2012
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar cuáles son las condiciones de empleo de los ocupados en ... more El objetivo de este artículo es analizar cuáles son las condiciones de empleo de los ocupados en la agricultura peruana en el siglo XXI. A pesar de la importancia relativa de la PEA agrícola en el total nacional, nuestro conocimiento sobre las características del empleo del sector es aún limitado. Este artículo intenta ser una contribución en esta línea de análisis
Historia Agraria de América Latina, 2020
En el siglo XVI, la conquista española de los territorios americanos propició su inserción a la d... more En el siglo XVI, la conquista española de los territorios americanos propició su inserción a la dinámica de los mercados internacionales y, como parte de este proceso de globalización, las economías y sociedades regionales y locales experimentaron cambios significativos. Estos se reflejan en la implementación de un nuevo marco institucional colonial que permite reasignaciones en el uso y acceso a la tierra, recursos naturales y mano de obra local, así como la hegemonía de nuevos sectores económicos que redefinen la vida cotidiana de las familias y grupos en el poder, tanto nativos como españoles, y de la población esclava africana.

Agricultural Development in the World Periphery, 2018
In the last third of the nineteenth century, a large majority of Latin America adopted export-led... more In the last third of the nineteenth century, a large majority of Latin America adopted export-led models of growth, mostly based on agricultural exports. In some countries, this strategy produced significant results in terms of economic development but in most of the countries, the strategy was not successful, either because of too slow growth in exports or because linkages with the rest of the economy were very weak and there was no significant growth-spreading effect. After WWII, Latin America turned to a new model of economic development: the import substitution industrialisation (ISI). The ISI policies penalised export-led agriculture. The 1980s and 1990s were characterised by an expansion of adjustment policies and structural reforms. The new strategy consisted of mobilising resources in competitive export sectors, including agriculture.
Journal of Latin American Studies, 2019
This article is the first of its kind to offer a quantitative estimation of the evolution of Lati... more This article is the first of its kind to offer a quantitative estimation of the evolution of Latin American agricultural production and productivity between 1950 and 2008. It also uncovers the extent to which the increases in production were due to increases in factors of production or to efficiency gains. Our findings reveal that efficiency gains made a rather modest contribution to the substantial increase in production, although their role became increasingly large over time and were highly significant between 1994 and 2008. Capital was the most important productive factor in explaining increases in output.
Journal of Economic Methodology, 2007
... any proportion of main products 9. If any household member has a bank account 10. ... Source:... more ... any proportion of main products 9. If any household member has a bank account 10. ... Source: RANQ-Bangladesh and RANQ-Peru (2004), WeD Research Group, University of Bath, UK. Notes: In the case of social, cultural, human and material resources, high levels of command ...

Towards the end of the nineteen eighties, the migration of labour force became a massive social p... more Towards the end of the nineteen eighties, the migration of labour force became a massive social phenomenon in Peru. Apparently, the operating conditions of the urban labour market, specially the drops of income and the high level of unemployment, have been the cause of the growing exodus of Peruvians to foreign countries. They leave the country seeking after a job that offer a high income. The available information allowed us to identify some special characteristics of the Peruvians in Milan. The Peruvian population in this city is mainly female and has a technical education or a professional education. However, in spite of the qualifications or previous work experience that these people might have, they take the job that offers them the best income possibilities. The search for a better income is the main reason for these Peruvians to leave their country. This situation is part of a family strategy to have or complete a family income.

The aim of the document is to analyse the options of expansion that hat manufacture within peasan... more The aim of the document is to analyse the options of expansion that hat manufacture within peasant families of Bambamarca have. This is a part of one objective: the promotion of non-farming rural activities as a strategy to increase poor family’s income. A theoretical model, which allows identifying the growing possibilities of traditional transforming activities (Z goods), is developed. For the manufacture of hats case the problem was: how to transform hats from inferior goods to normal goods with a stable demand, not only in the national but also in the international market. With this aim, three things are suggested: the making easier the access to credit in order to allow people to buy raw material in the right time, improve the commercialisation system and the technique used in hat manufacture. In this moment, handcrafting is a subsistence activity that only allows the rapid capitalisation of the family. Therefore, interventions are required in order to make of handcrafting an a...
expansión del sector agroexportador puede relacionarse con las tendencias identificadas en Améric... more expansión del sector agroexportador puede relacionarse con las tendencias identificadas en América Latina y también con las formas de expansión del capitalismo en la agricultura señalada por de Janvry (1981), al considerar las vías mercantil y contract farming como las predominantes en la región. Este es un tema todavía pendiente de investigación en el contexto de la agricultura peruana. Reflexiones e hipótesis iniciales sobre este proceso se encuentran en Eguren (2002) y Valcárcel (2002).

Abstract: Using data for a sample of households in six villages from the North and Central Peruvi... more Abstract: Using data for a sample of households in six villages from the North and Central Peruvian Sierra, we investigate the role played by access to assets, land in particular, in determining farm and non-farm income sources. The empirical relationship between assets and income sources is derived from a household model.Ordinary Least Square and Tobit models were used for the empirical analysis. Evidence suggests that the relationship between land and income diversification is influenced by village specific characteristics. In general, results have demonstrated the importance of assets such as natural, physical, human and social as key determinants of rural income in Peruvian Sierra. For the particular case of this study, in which families are located in a poor region with low level of economic development, it is pertinent to assume that the push factors have a decisive influence in defining the participation of these families in rural non-farm activities. That is to say, non-farm...

for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright notice appears on all such... more for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright notice appears on all such copies. 2 “Non-Farm Rural Activities (NFRA) in a Peasant Economy: The Case of the North Peruvian Sierra” Is it feasible to increase income and generate employment in the context of a traditional labour intensive rural industry with strong linkages to an agriculturally backward economy? In order to address this issue, primary data from four villages of Peruvian North Sierra was used. The case of the hat making activity, employing exclusively family labour, purchasing the main input (straw, paja de palma) from Ecuador, and with consumers concentrated on villages and small towns, was investigated. The analysis was made at the market level. Considering the context of a self-employment activity, a theoretical framework was developed to explain the determinants of labour demand, input demand, hat output and labour return. Demand and supply constraints to the expansion of hat making activity w...

During the 1980s, the Peruvian society was deeply and negatively affected by two significant issu... more During the 1980s, the Peruvian society was deeply and negatively affected by two significant issues: In the first place, the economic crisis that ended in recession and hyperinflation and, secondly, the spread of political violence in most parts of Peru, in particular in Ayacucho, a Department located in the central Andean highlands. Taking this into account, the conditions for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of those areas affected by political violence were reviewed from the scope of an economic approach. Therefore, this document aims to analyze the role of the State in the rehabilitation process of the rural communities in Ayacucho, with special attention on the advantages and limitations of those programs intended for effective decentralization. The analysis was made at the micro and macro levels. For the micro level, we used the asset and vulnerability approach to record the problems faced by those families affected by political violence, and at the macro level, decentral...

During the 1980s, the Peruvian society was deeply and negatively affected by two significant issu... more During the 1980s, the Peruvian society was deeply and negatively affected by two significant issues: In the first place, the economic crisis that ended in recession and hyperinflation and, secondly, the spread of political violence in most parts of Peru, in particular in Ayacucho, a Department located in the central Andean highlands. Taking this into account, the conditions for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of those areas affected by political violence were reviewed from the scope of an economic approach. Therefore, this document aims to analyze the role of the State in the rehabilitation process of the rural communities in Ayacucho, with special attention on the advantages and limitations of those programs intended for effective decentralization. The analysis was made at the micro and macro levels. For the micro level, we used the asset and vulnerability approach to record the problems faced by those families affected by political violence, and at the macro level, decentral...

This chapter explores empirically the relationship between indicators of economic wellbeing (prin... more This chapter explores empirically the relationship between indicators of economic wellbeing (principally household income) and subjective wellbeing (SWB). Past research indicates that at low levels of income the relationship between economic and subjective indicators of wellbeing is positive and strong (e.g., Veenhoven, 1991; Diener et al., 1999; Hirata, 2001). However, economic indicators, such as income, usually explain only a low proportion of the interpersonal variation in SWB: a correlation coefficient of 0.45, in their study of slum dwellers in Calcutta, being the highest encountered in the literature by Biswas-Diener and Diener (2001). Such research has also mostly been restricted to using standard measurses of global happiness or satisfaction with life (Frey and Stutzer, 2002a; 2002b; Kingdon and Knight, 2006), and this chapter points beyond this toward analysis of the relationship between economic indicators and a eudaimonic view of wellbeing based on satisfaction with achi...
Papers by Jackeline velazco
Our findings suggest that efficiency gains made a rather modest contribution to the important increase in production; this increase was principally the result of the use of capital. This was the most important productive factor in explaining increases in output, together with more moderate increases in the use of land and labour.