Papers by Sandro Laudares
Geographies, Dec 3, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Research Square (Research Square), Mar 14, 2023
Geotechnologies were widely used during the pandemic period. The use of geotechnologies was not r... more Geotechnologies were widely used during the pandemic period. The use of geotechnologies was not restricted to monitoring, controlling, and combating the pandemic. Research published in Brazil and worldwide has revealed the usefulness of geotechnologies for education, tourism, and waste management. Naturally, geotechnologies have also been widely used in the geovisualization of COVID-19. This research aims to offer a solution capable of providing public managers with current and easy-tointerpret information for monitoring, controlling, and developing effective public policies to combat the pandemic. The research presents two interactive dashboards that are easy to use, updatable in real-time, and offer multiple space-time analyses of COVID-19. These dashboards contribute to developing effective public policies to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and other epidemiological phenomena and cover the technological gap for geovisualization technologies that simultaneously analyze space and time. The developed dashboards have features that allow analyzing the space-time evolution of COVID-19, taking into account patient information. This is relevant news for coping with the pandemic, as age and comorbidity correlate with the chances of hospitalization and death from COVID-19. Another point of originality is the possibility of analyzing the evolution of the pandemic around speci c spatial geometries. This functionality is highly relevant to ensure exibility in planning policies to combat the pandemic for critical locations, such as, for example, around hospitals, shopping malls, avenues, highways, neighborhoods, and more vulnerable communities.

Geotechnologies were widely used during the pandemic period. The use of geotechnologies was not r... more Geotechnologies were widely used during the pandemic period. The use of geotechnologies was not restricted to monitoring, controlling, and combating the pandemic. Research published in Brazil and worldwide has revealed the usefulness of geotechnologies for education, tourism, and waste management. Naturally, geotechnologies have also been widely used in the geovisualization of COVID-19. This research aims to offer a solution capable of providing public managers with current and easy-to-interpret information for monitoring, controlling, and developing effective public policies to combat the pandemic. The research presents two interactive dashboards that are easy to use, updatable in real-time, and offer multiple space-time analyses of COVID-19. These dashboards contribute to developing effective public policies to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and other epidemiological phenomena and cover the technological gap for geovisualization technologies that simultaneously analyze space and tim...
Boletim Alfenense de Geografia, 2022
Social Science Research Network, 2023

Social phenomena are multidimensional and dependent on geographic space. Numerous methods are cap... more Social phenomena are multidimensional and dependent on geographic space. Numerous methods are capable of representing multidimensional social phenomena through a composite indicator. Among these methods, principal component analysis (PCA) is the most used when considering the geographical perspective. However, the composite indicators built by the method are sensitive to outliers and dependent on the input data, implying informational loss and specific eigenvectors that make multispace-time comparisons impossible. This research proposes a new method to overcome these problems: the Robust Multispace PCA. The method incorporates the following innovations. The sub-indicators are weighted according to their conceptual importance in the multidimensional phenomenon. The non-compensatory aggregation of these sub-indicators guarantees the function of the weights as of relative importance. Aggregating indicators in dimensions balances the weight structure of dimensions in the composite indicator. A new scale transformation function that eliminates outliers and allows multispatial comparison reduces by 1.52 times the informational loss of the composite indicator of social exclusion in eight cities' urban areas. The Robust Multispace-PCA has a high potential for appropriation by researchers and policymakers, as it is easy to follow, offers more informative and accurate representations of multidimensional social phenomena, and favors the development of policies at multiple geographic scales.

Technology audit and production reserves
The object of this research is the relationship between Transaction Costs and economic performanc... more The object of this research is the relationship between Transaction Costs and economic performance. Weak or unreliable institutions open space for corruption, generating a negative externality, increasing the economy's Transaction Costs, inhibiting doing business, and reducing economic growth. Although there is a broad debate about the negative relationship between Transaction Costs and economic performance, little is known about this relationship's strength and significance. This gap occurs because most Transaction Costs estimates are performed at the microeconomic level. Besides, the few estimates of countries' Transaction Costs at the national level are from different periods, which make any analysis unfeasible. The objective of this research is twofold. First, to introduce a comparative index of the Transaction Costs of the countries. Second, to analyze the relationship between the Transaction Costs Index and economic performance. The robustness analysis reveals that...

Revista Geografias
O presente trabalho aborda a geovisualização de lugares e paisagens virtuais representados nos ce... more O presente trabalho aborda a geovisualização de lugares e paisagens virtuais representados nos cenários de jogos digitais. A sobreposição entre espaço geográfico e realidade virtual criada nestes jogos é ampla e gera inúmeras possibilidades para geovisualização diferenciada de aspectos geográficos, ocorrendo no ciberespaço e integrando a cibercultura. Cenários de jogos digitais exercem as funções de lugar de determinadas vivências e de paisagem de determinadas emoções, participando do cotidiano de jogadores passíveis de estarem distribuídos globalmente e de nunca terem estado nos lugares e paisagens que foram virtualmente representados. Percebem-se cenários digitais que se distinguem entre reais e aqueles, parciais ou totalmente, ficcionais. Selecionou-se a franquia Street Fighter devido à popularidade mundial dos jogos e devido ao fato de os cenários possuírem perspectiva de visada única e definida. Estes foram inventariados em um banco de dados, classificados segundo tipologia e,...

Remote sensing tools are increasingly common in environmental studies. Since release of the first... more Remote sensing tools are increasingly common in environmental studies. Since release of the first Landsat satellite series, temporal analysis studies became important resource to understand land surface changing which could happen in natural ways or by anthropogenic. This study aims to understand how the evolution of the environmental impact occurred over 30 years in affected areas by the mineral extraction activity and the changes in the River morphology using Landsat 5 and 8 images. The use of its spectral bands aimed to create Normalized Difference Vegetation Index images in gold and diamond mining areas, located on the banks of the Jequitinhonha River, near the municipality of Diamantina, Minas Gerais. This study identified river styles and editions, pointing out changes in the evolutionary and dynamic picture in the drainage patterns and the sedimentological contribution. Results lead to the conclusion that land use and occupation are basically the main cause of these morpholog...
Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales, 2016

Caderno de Geografia
Este texto traz constatações importantes para estratégias de geoconservação, abordando o patrimôn... more Este texto traz constatações importantes para estratégias de geoconservação, abordando o patrimônio industrial com suporte conceitual de paisagem industrial e uso de recursos da geovisualização. O objeto de análise investigado são os postes/torres do teleférico da cimenteira Portland Itaú, desativados desde os anos 1980 e que ligavam a pedreira de calcário em São José da Lapa à fábrica localizada na Cidade Industrial no município de Contagem (Minas Gerais). Foi elaborada uma aplicação de geovisualização para o compartilhamento da localização dos resquícios do teleférico, bem como para exibir os novos usos que lhe foram atribuídos na atualidade. A metodologia ancorou-se principalmente na vetorização de cartas topográficas para a produção de mapas e por caminhadas virtuais pelo trajeto linear do teleférico via funcionalidade “street view” do aplicativo Google Earth para a identificação dos postes e desenvolvimento da aplicação online. Constatou-se que os postes encontram-se em diferen...
The Professional Geographer, May 2, 2022
Geografia: A Terra como Palco das Relações entre Sociedade e Meio, 2021
Observatorio de la Economía Latinoamericana, Dec 28, 2018
Revista Espaço e Geografia, Feb 12, 2019
Caderno de Geografia, 2021
O livro “História da Guerra do Peloponeso”, escrito pelo estratego grego Tucídides no século V a.... more O livro “História da Guerra do Peloponeso”, escrito pelo estratego grego Tucídides no século V a.C., relata boa parte da guerra fratricida entre Atenas e Esparta, que durou 27 anos. Contudo, ao leitor contemporâneo, algumas passagens desta obra não podem ser compreendidas sem ajuda de mapas e datas. Para minimizar esse problema, e aproximar o leitor contemporâneo das ideias do escritor, esta pesquisa se propõe a elaborar um guia digital do livro da “História da Guerra do Peloponeso” de Tucídides. Para alcançar esse objetivo foram produzidos mapas conceituais e mapas interativos que foram reunidos e disponibilizados na Internet. A partir desse guia digital pretende-se atrair a atenção do leitor contemporâneo para uma obra escrita há mais de 2.400 anos, contribuindo para que consigam apreciar, entender e tirar lições dos ocorridos na guerra.

The needs of the digital society, such as connectivity and accessibility, are altered according t... more The needs of the digital society, such as connectivity and accessibility, are altered according to the time and space. These space-time demand dynamics turn the telecommunications infrastructure investment planning into a major challenge. Thus, predicting the needs of a digital society in the near future is a complex task, as the market performance is fraught innovations with uncertainties. So, how does one converge the supply and demand needs, cited in an environment that is constantly innovating, such as the future cities? Understanding the supply and demand of internet market behavior should include both expectations and the development of a long-term solution. This paper presents an experimental research where a methodology is developed. For this, it seeks to understand the phenomena that constitutes to the internet demand behavior and to evaluate the space-time effects on its dynamics. The proposed method indicates that temporal effects in the internet impacts demand differentl...
Papers by Sandro Laudares