Papers by Luiz F Fariniuk

, Brazil, during a period of 2 years. Material and methods: A total of 647 patients were evaluate... more , Brazil, during a period of 2 years. Material and methods: A total of 647 patients were evaluated and treated between 2003 and 2005. Data obtained from each patient were tabulated and analyzed as to gender, age, etiology, time elapsed after the injury, diagnosis (type of trauma), and affected teeth. Results: The results revealed that male individuals aged 7 to 13 years presented the highest prevalence of injury, and falling was the main causal factor. In most cases, the time elapsed between the accident and the first care ranged from 4 to 24 h. A total of 1,747 teeth were affected, with higher incidence of concussion/subluxation and coronal fracture, followed by lateral luxation and avulsion. The permanent maxillary central incisors were the most commonly affected teeth. Conclusion: The frequency and causes of dentoalveolar trauma should be investigated for identification of risk groups, treatment demands and costs in order to allow for the establishment of effective preventive measures that can reduce the treatment duration and costs for both patients and oral health services.
The variation of the position of the apical foramen added to the radiopacity structures of the bo... more The variation of the position of the apical foramen added to the radiopacity structures of the bony area, it almost always hinders your identification through the exam of the x-rays, could alter the prognostic of the treatment. The aim of this work was to evaluate visual and radiograph ...

Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia - UPF, Aug 1, 2012
Introducao: as cirurgias orais com remocoes osseas e seccoes profundas nos tecidos moles, evident... more Introducao: as cirurgias orais com remocoes osseas e seccoes profundas nos tecidos moles, evidentemente, causam alteracoes significantes em tais estruturas, destacando-se as vasculares, inclusive dos vasos que irrigam diretamente a polpa dental. Dependendo da extensao do leito cirurgico, pode-se cessar a irrigacao do tecido pulpar. Tais alteracoes estao confirmadas na literatura, principalmente em cirurgias Le Fort I, suturas intermaxilares e osteotomias. Relato de caso: foi descrito e discutido um caso proveniente do ambulatorio do curso de residencia em cirurgia bucomaxilofacial no qual apos a retirada de tecido osseo do mento para enxerto na maxila dois elementos dentarios apresentaram alteracao de cor. Posteriormente, foi evidenciada a necrose asseptica dos referidos dentes, os quais receberam tratamento endodontico e clareamento interno. Consideracoes finais: nos procedimentos cirurgicos onde ocorre uma profunda intervencao em vasos sanguineos da face sao necessarios rigorosos planejamentos aliados a acompanhamento pos-cirurgico em razao das, entre outras possibilidades, alteracoes pulpares.
Rev Odonto Cienc, Dec 1, 2004

Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare in vitro theeffectiveness of removing guta-pe... more Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare in vitro theeffectiveness of removing guta-percha from root canals using differents rotatory instruments. Material and methods: Sixty human inferior premolars have been used, which were instrumented with GT hand files up to #30 taper .04 and obturated using Tagger’s hybrid technique.The retreatment has been based in the following instruments: ProFile(group I), ProTaper (group II), GT (group III), Manual-Control (group IV), K3 (group V), and Hero (group VI). Radiographies were taken in vestibular orientation, scanned at resolution 480DPI and analyzed by computer for the observation of the remnant parts of obturation materials after retreatment. The roots have been divided in 1/3 cervical,medium and apical, and scores were attributed as per the following scale: 0 (absence of remnant materials), 1 (up to 25%), 2 (up to 50%),and 3 (over 50%). The scores of obturation remnant materials for the differents tested instruments were statisti...

Objectives: Objectives, a high rate of failure due to replacement root resorption occurs when lat... more Objectives: Objectives, a high rate of failure due to replacement root resorption occurs when late replantation is performed after dental avulsion. Calcium hydroxide is the most popular intra-canal medication; even though it does not prevent root resorption for sure. Acetazolamide is a new drug suggested as intra-canal dressing in late replantation, because of its anti-resorptive characteristics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of acetazolamide and its association with calcium hydroxide in rats' subcutaneous tissue, in order to analyze its use as a possible root canal dressing in avulsed and late replanted teeth. Methods: Methods, we compared the biocompatibility of acetazolamide solution plus calcium hydroxide powder (ASCH); acetazolamide solution (AS); acetazolamide powder plus saline solution (APS). Calcium hydroxide plus saline was the control group (C). The drugs were inserted in rats’ subcutaneous tissue. After 7, 15 and 45 days, the animals were...

Some Categorical Differences In Dental Traumatism Cases In Curitiba, Brazil ABSTRACT Objectives: ... more Some Categorical Differences In Dental Traumatism Cases In Curitiba, Brazil ABSTRACT Objectives: , The aim of this study was to evaluate the differences between male and female patients involved in dental trauma cases. Methods: , Records were obtained from 399 patients and 1,747 traumatized teeth from the Division of Dentoalveolar Trauma of PUCPR, Curitiba, Brazil. The data were revised and plotted, including gender, age, etiology, diagnosis, number of occurrences for each patient and the most significantly affected teeth. These data were analyzed and cross-tabulated. Results: , Among the 399 patients, dentoalveolar traumas occurred more frequently in males, accounting for 261 (65.41%) of the cases. Females accounted for 138 (34.59%) of the cases. Etiologic analyses of the injuries revealed that falls were the leading cause of trauma for both genders. A total of 73 (52.9%) females and 137 (52.49%) males had a single tooth that was traumatically involved. Conclusion: , The frequency ...

Journal of Endodontics, 2011
Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate any potential influence of a patient's Th2 im... more Introduction: The aim of this study was to evaluate any potential influence of a patient's Th2 immunologic profile on the occurrence of root resorption in avulsed and replanted teeth; tooth replantation cases in which different post-trauma management protocols were examined. Materials and Methods: In this study, the presence or absence of root resorption was evaluated in 88 avulsed and replanted teeth. In the International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT) group, the replantation technique and endodontic treatments were performed in accordance with the IADT guidelines. In the non-IADT group, the teeth were replanted using techniques and protocols that deviated from the IADT guidelines in some way. Follow-up of the replanted teeth included monthly clinical and radiographic examinations over the course of 1 year. Evaluation of patients' atopy was based on a medical examination, personal and family allergic history, and a skin prick test. Results: Of 47 teeth of atopic patients, 39 (82.98%) did not exhibit root resorption, whereas 8 (17.02%) did. Of the 41 teeth of nonatopic patients, 24 (58.54%) did not exhibit resorption, whereas 17 (41.46%) did. Conclusions: These results show the importance of a predominantly Th2 immunological profile, which was represented by atopic patients, in replantation after dental avulsion despite differences in post-trauma management.

The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care, 2010
Background: The aim of this in vivo study was to evaluate the correlation between the occurrence ... more Background: The aim of this in vivo study was to evaluate the correlation between the occurrence of root resorption in avulsed and replanted teeth, extra-alveolar time, and the possible influence of Th2 immunologic profile, represented by patient's atopy and its influence in the prognosis of the tooth. Methods: This study evaluated the presence or absence of root resorption in 57 avulsed and replanted teeth. The replantation technique and endodontic treatments were performed following the International Association of Dental Trauma guidelines. Follow-up of the replanted teeth included monthly clinical and radiographic examinations during 1 year. The patient's medical examination, including the personal and family allergic history, in conjunction with the skin prick test based the evaluation of patient's atopy. Results: Of the 37 teeth of atopic patients, 33 (89.2%) teeth did not present root resorption. Of these, 27 (72.9%) had an extra-alveolar time of Ͻ1 hour and 6 (16.2%) had an extra-alveolar time Ͼ1 hour. Four (10.8%) teeth presented root resorption and an extra-alveolar period of time Ͼ1 hour. Conclusion: These results showed the importance of the extra-alveolar time and the predominantly Th2 immunologic profile, represented by atopic patients, that suffered replantation after dental avulsion in a 1-year follow-up.

Journal of Periodontology, 2009
Replantation is the most indicated procedure for traumatic dental avulsion, but it invariably res... more Replantation is the most indicated procedure for traumatic dental avulsion, but it invariably results in a greater or lower degree of root resorption. The outcomes of these cases can be affected by some well-known factors. Because studies have shown the importance of the innate and acquired immune response in the mechanisms involved in the resorption of bone tissues, an endeavor was made to verify if such an influence applies to dental resorption. Fifty-seven avulsed, endodontically treated teeth were assessed in the Endodontics Clinic, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná. Follow-up of the replanted teeth included periodical clinical examinations and radiographs, in accordance with the control rules of the International Association of Dental Traumatology. The evaluation of atopy was based on the patient's personal and family history in conjunction with the skin-prick test for five allergen extracts. Of the 46 teeth with a favorable outcome, 33 (71.74%) were in atopic patients, and 13 (28.26%) were in non-atopic patients. Of the 11 teeth with an unfavorable outcome, four (36.36%) were in atopic patients, and seven (63.64%) were in non-atopic patients; a greater prevalence of unfavorable prognoses occurred in non-atopic patients. The outcome after 1 year for avulsed and replanted teeth is more favorable in atopic patients.

Journal of Applied Oral Science, 2010
, Brazil, during a period of 2 years. Material and methods: A total of 647 patients were evaluate... more , Brazil, during a period of 2 years. Material and methods: A total of 647 patients were evaluated and treated between 2003 and 2005. Data obtained from each patient were tabulated and analyzed as to gender, age, etiology, time elapsed after the injury, diagnosis (type of trauma), and affected teeth. Results: The results revealed that male individuals aged 7 to 13 years presented the highest prevalence of injury, and falling was the main causal factor. In most cases, the time elapsed between the accident and the first care ranged from 4 to 24 h. A total of 1,747 teeth were affected, with higher incidence of concussion/subluxation and coronal fracture, followed by lateral luxation and avulsion. The permanent maxillary central incisors were the most commonly affected teeth. Conclusion: The frequency and causes of dentoalveolar trauma should be investigated for identification of risk groups, treatment demands and costs in order to allow for the establishment of effective preventive measures that can reduce the treatment duration and costs for both patients and oral health services.
The performance of ProTaper system during the endodontic retreatment
Dental Traumatology, 2007
Rev Sul Bras Odontol, May 31, 2006

ABSTRACT The aims of this study were make a description of the NRT Filesof type II (Mani Co, Japa... more ABSTRACT The aims of this study were make a description of the NRT Filesof type II (Mani Co, Japan) rotary endodontic instruments andanalyses the reached form by shaping of artificial canals in resin(0,15-0,35 diameters; .02 taper and 20 mm of length). Theoriginal form of artificials canals was registered by digital way.The canals were shaped by progressive and sequential utilizationof the instruments. Each resin block showed the accumulateduse of the instruments until the final shaping. These imageswere submitted to UTHSCSA Image Tool program analysis andthe initials and final areas of the artificials canals were calculated.The areas reached by progressive use of the instruments were compared with the original area and media and standarddeviation were calculated. The area of surgical canal reached byuse of 5 NRT Files rested 82,43% mayor that the original size.The shaped canal considers the shaping purposes for the artificial canal type employed in study, thin and curve.

Rgo, 2009
Objective: This study evaluated the incidence of a fourth canal in the mesiobuccal root of maxill... more Objective: This study evaluated the incidence of a fourth canal in the mesiobuccal root of maxillary first molars, investigating the importance of microscopic analysis of its trajectory in relation to the mesiobuccal canal. Methods: The analysis was performed of 65 randomly extracted maxillary first molars, with previous endodontic coronal opening, obtained from the Univille University tooth bank. The teeth were numbered and kept hydrated in distilled water. Compensatory wear was performed to widen the cavity in the mesiobuccal direction, foreseeing the presence of the mesiopalatal canal. A dental microscope was used to confirm presence of a groove (or "fin") and orifices in canals in the mesiobuccal root, and evaluate the presence of anastomosis between the root canals, following the modified method of Stropko 1 . Results: The incidence of the fourth canal (52.3%) was higher when microscopically observed, than clinically observed (29.3%). The results achieved by the modified method of Stropko demonstrated that most root canals (67.6%) presented union. Conclusion: There was higher incidence of the mesiopalatal canal (52.3%) observed in the microscopic analysis when compared with that observed in the clinical analysis (29.2%). The drying method allowed confirmation of union between canals in 67.6% of teeth. The combination of information achieved by radiographic examination of the trajectories of the mesiobuccal root and microscopic evaluation by the drying method allows the professional to gain better knowledge of the tooth under treatment, providing. Indexing terms: endodontics; root canal preparation; root canal therapy.

Revista Odonto Ciencia, Jun 1, 2006
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a infiltração coronária permitida por diferentes cimentos e... more O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a infiltração coronária permitida por diferentes cimentos endodônticos resinosos. Foram utilizados 44 pré-molares humanos extraídos. Após a eliminação das coroas dentárias, as raízes foram padronizadas em 15 mm. O preparo do canal foi realizado pela técnica escalonada regressiva, empregando-se como solução irrigadora o NaOCl 1% e ao final EDTA. Realizada a impermeabilização da superfície externa, com uma camada de cola Araudite ® e duas de esmalte para unhas, os canais radiculares foram obturados pela técnica do cone único de guta-percha, empregando-se diferentes cimentos resinosos, de acordo com os grupos experimentais: G1 -AH Plus ® ; G2 -experimental MBP; G3 -EndoREZ ® e G4 -AH 26 ® . Quatro dentes foram utilizados como controle (positivo e negativo). Em seguida, foram imersos em tinta nanquim por 15 dias a 37°C e 100% de umidade. Decorrido este período as raízes foram lavadas por 24 horas e submetidas ao processo de diafanização (descalcificação em ácido nítrico 5%, desidratação em bateria de álcool ascendente e transparência em salicilato de metila). A análise da infiltração coronária foi realizada por meio de escores numéricos, através de microscópio com aumento de 40×. O teste estatístico de Kruskal-Wallis mostrou que o cimento EndoREZ ® apresentou o pior resultado e diferença estatística significante com relação aos demais grupos, que não apresentaram diferença estatística significante entre si (p < 0,05). Pode-se concluir que o cimento EndoREZ ® apresentou os maiores níveis de infiltração coronária, e os cimentos AH Plus ® , MBP e AH 26 ® não apresentaram diferença significante entre si. UNITERMOS: infiltração coronária; AH Plus ® ; AH 26 ® ; EndoREZ ® .
Rev Bras Odontol, Apr 1, 2003
Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 345065 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [ref... more Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 345065 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. experimental, Documentos relacionados. Id: 345065. ...
Papers by Luiz F Fariniuk